The model's waddle

Chapter 25

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Sarah whipped her fat forearm over her sweaty forehead, somewhat exhausted from the day's work. Unfortunately, one of her co-workers had called in sick, so Sarah was forced to work the front counter by herself. Luckily, her shift was almost over.

After breaking things off with Owen, Sarah quickly got a part-time job at Veggie Grill in the city's biggest mall. What had initially been a temporary gig while she looked for something better turned into a more permanent position. Slowly but surely, Sarah started asking for more hours from her manager, realizing that she wasn't qualified for a more dignified career path. A year later, Sarah found herself still working at the Veggie Grill, making just enough to scrape by.

Despite it being a dead-end job, Veggie Grill was a convenient place for Sarah to be working in the short term. On paper, Veggie Grill offered Sarah a slew of healthy food options that helped fit her new diet. However, while Sarah's diet and fitness levels had slowly gotten much better over the year, she'd found a frustrating new issue hampering her weight loss goals. Sarah's metabolism was starting to slow down. After four years of being fat, Sarah found herself in her late 20s, fast approaching her 30s, and weight wasn't coming off her as quickly as she expected.

Even though Sarah felt like she was physically in much better shape than when she'd been with Owen, the number on the scale was highly discouraging. There were several months throughout the year where Sarah had busted her ass and eaten like an angel, yet she hadn't lost a pound. After a year of trying, Sarah had only lost an embarrassing 11 pounds. Sitting at a solid 393 pounds, Sarah still felt enormous, but at the very least, she was able to walk around and stand for long periods without getting completely winded. Though it was nice that Sarah had gotten to a point where she could support her own body weight, it was getting worrisome that the pounds were not coming off no matter what diet fad she tried.

This lack of weight loss didn't bode well for Sarah's modeling prospects. Though Sarah's ultimate goal was to slim back down to her pre-weight-swap weight, she again attempted to break into plus-size modeling. While working at Veggie Grill, Sarah had tried and tried again to get an agency to sign her. Yet, it was hard to find anyone interested in hiring a plus-size model of her size.

The only break Sarah had gotten was a one-day job she landed for a diet pill commercial. Since Sarah was the fattest girl to answer the casting call, she got the job on the spot. All that Sarah had to do for them was stand in her underwear and turn around 90 degrees at a time. After the commercial shoot was done, Sarah was paid and given a month's diet pills supply, then never heard back from the company again. Curiously, Sarah had tried the pills for a week but stopped completely after they made her dizzy and nauseous.

Sometime later, Sarah saw an ad on TV for Lipozene, immediately recognizing her body. Thankfully they had cut out her face, so it only showed her obese figure from the neck down. While Sarah rotated around, a voice over said, "Are you overweight? Has it gotten so out of control that you've considered drastic measures? Well, you're not alone. Many of us have simply given up the hope to lose weight." The ad then zoomed in on Sarah's belly. "Body fat builds over our midsection on top of the muscle underneath the skin, and over the years, it gets worse. Body fat increases from having kids, stress at work, lack of exercise, and a poor diet."

The ad's music became much more upbeat and transitioned to a slim model smiling on the beach, walking towards the camera. "Now, there's hope. With Lipozene, you can get the body you want and shed those nasty unwanted pounds. In no time at all, you can go from this.." The ad once again showed Sarah's body and then showed a side by side with the skinny model's body "To this." After that, the ad started muttering about some side effects and consulting with your doctor. Sarah was a little embarrassed about her portrayal in the commercial, but at least she had made 200 dollars. It was something to add to her modeling portfolio.

Since then, Sarah had continued to toil away at the Veggie grill and unsuccessfully lose weight. Given that her weight loss was going so poorly, Sarah attempted to save up money for a long trip to Italy. Four long years ago was the last time she had heard from Freia, and given that her life had been turned upside down since then, Sarah knew she at least had to try to reverse the spell at any cost, especially since it seemed like her fate was no longer in her own hands.

Sarah had just finished helping an elderly couple place an order and was relieved to see that the line had died down in front of her register. The lunch rush was near its end, which meant Sarah didn't have much more work to do before the end of her shift.

"Next!" Sarah shouted as she reset her register for the next order.

A beautiful Chestnut haired woman stepped forward. "Sarah?" The voice was recognizable in an instant.

Sarah couldn't hide her surprise. She hadn't seen Chelsea for two years since seeing her and Mike out on a date. Chelsea still looked as stunning as ever. "Ch..Chelsea? H..Hey. How's.. How's it going?! It's so good to.. to see you again!" Sarah was tripping over her words, shocked to see her ex-best friend and slightly embarrassed that Chelsea was running into her at work.

"Good to see you too..." Chelsea said, sounding surprised yet pleased herself. But unfortunately, the politeness was betrayed by Chelsea's eyes giving a quick scan of Sarah's body.

Sarah moved a bit more behind her register, ashamed of what Chelsea could see. Though Sarah couldn't help but worry about what her former friend was thinking about her body, she tried to make some conversation. "I saw you landed an expose for Victoria's Secret! That's so awesome! Congrats!" Indeed, Sarah had been stalking Chelsea's social media over the past two years and saw many of her posts were from Victoria's Secret lingerie shoots.

"Oh yea, thank you." Chelsea smirked, somewhat pretentiously throwing her hair over her shoulder. "Making the jump from swimwear to lingerie isn't as hard as everyone in the industry says, but the pay is pretty good.."

"Must be. Is that the new Gucci bag?" Sarah was jealously eyeing the impressive hand-made purse around Chelsea's shoulder, embroidered with the distinctive Gucci logo. Sarah remembered selling her last Gucci bag over two years ago to help pay rent.

"Good eye. It's brand new this season." Chelsea turned enough to show off her bag, clearly proud of herself. "But enough about me.. How.." Chelsea turned her attention back to Sarah and then did another up-down of Sarah's figure. " are you? It's been a little bit, hasn't it?"

"Yeah.. it's been what... two years?" Sarah said, trying to pretend like she didn't know precisely how long it had been.

"I think so.. guess we kind of just lost touch. Sorry about that." Chelsea's apology sounded genuine.

"It's fine.. It happens." Sarah conceded.

"So, you're working here now?" Chelsea asked, sounding concerned.

"Yea, it's just a temporary side job I've been doing.. until.." Sarah trailed off, not really knowing how to explain her situation in a flattering way.

Chelsea cut in, filling the dead air "Mhmm.. I heard a rumor you were doing plus modeling work now? I've heard that's hard to break into.. I wouldn't know, obviously."

The tiny backhanded jab was picked up by Sarah, who slouched a bit. "Oh no.. I mean, I've done a few things here and there, but I'm not really set on plus-size stuff right now." Sarah didn't want to admit to Freia that her best and only modeling gig had been as the before model for a diet pill commercial.

"Well, send my agency a message if you're looking for something temporary. I think I heard Kohles is doing a lingerie thing for their plus-size department and don't care how big the models are. Some sort of 'Beauty at Every size' BS." Sarah stopped herself, realizing what she'd said. "I mean, not that you can't be beautiful at your size."

"Thanks.." Sarah chose not to address Chelsea's last comment. It sounded as if Chelsea had been spending plenty of time with Sarah's ex-boyfriend, and some of his fat phobia was wiping off on her. "Maybe I'll give the old agency a call. Though I want to focus more on getting back into shape."

"Uh huh.." Chelsea nodded, sounding very unconvinced while glancing at Sarah's middle. "So.. are you still going to the gym.. you look.. I thought you told me you were losing weight last time we talked?"

"I was.. and I am." Sarah said weakly, unable to defend her outward appearance.

It was then that Sarah saw Chelsea stop short of rolling her eyes, yet Chelsea put her hand on her hip, looking judgemental. "Sarah, this isn't what losing weight looks like. If anything, you look bigger. I'm sorry, not trying to be a bitch, just being honest."

Sarah could feel her face going red. "I just hit a bit of a setback.. I was on the right track.."

"And then you relapsed? Sarah, I remember you got under 300 pounds.. this is.. well, I'm sorry, but I've never seen you this big before." Chelsea said, now sounding pretty disappointed.

Yea.. I mean.. I backslid for a bit.. but I'm on the right track again! Last month was hard, but I think I've finally got a handle on things.

"I hope this doesn't have anything to do with... I heard about.. umm.. what you.. ya know.. some of the things you like to do. I just hope you realize that your personal preferences shouldn't um.." Chelsea was beating around the bush, clearly awkwardly hinting at something that Sarah immediately picked up on.

Sarah's whole face was red, understanding that Chelsea knew about her fat fetish and was bashfully trying to hint at it. "Oh.. no.." Sarah said, cutting Chelsea off as quickly as she could. "It has nothing to do with that. Honestly." Sarah lied.

"Okay.." Chelsea said, sounding worried. Then she gave Sarah a sympathetic smile and started acting more supportive. "That's great, Sarah! I know you'll turn things around again." Chelsea stated, sounding every bit like the friend Sarah used to know.

"Thanks.." Sarah said, still blushing.

"Hey, by the way.. I don't know if you've heard.. but Mike and I are engaged now.. I know things didn't exactly end well between you too, but I figured enough time had passed.."

If the ring on her finger wasn't apparent, Sarah had already found out a few months ago about the news that Chelsea and her ex-boyfriend were getting married. Though initially finding that out had been painful, Sarah had gotten over it. "Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm over him."

Oh, phew. Kinda felt bad about dating Mike in the beginning, but hearing that you're okay with it.. Sarah, that man was just so persistent, it was hard to say no. You understand, right?

"Yeah.. I'm happy for you two." Sarah said flatly.

"Thanks!" Chelsea said, smiling. Then after an awkward pause, she looked at her phone and back up to Sarah. "Uh.. Sarah?"


" Can I get a Kale Caesar bowl without the dressing?"

"Oh right..." Sarah snapped into work mode, a little embarrassed to be taking a food order from her former friend. "uhh, anything else?"

"No, that sounds like plenty for lunch." The way Chelsea said this, it sounded almost as if she was giving Sarah a lecture.

"Okay, that'll be 9.50"

Chelsea handed Sarah a 20 dollar bill. "Keep the change."

Instead of being offended by Chelsea's pity, Sarah put the 20 into the register and then pocked 10 dollars for herself. "So.. would you want to maybe hang out.."

Chelsea was already on the move, barely listening to Sarah. "Where do I go to pick up my order?"

"Oh, down the counter at the end there." Sarah pointed.

"Thanks, Sarah! It was good to see you." Chelsea said, walking towards where Sarah pointed. She gave one last turn around before getting out of earshot. "And if you change your mind on the Kholes shoot, call my agency and mention my name."

Then she was gone. Sarah felt like the conversation could have gone a lot better. Two former friends at drastically different points in their life. Sarah felt like she was witnessing what her life could have been if she hadn't made the regrettable decision to perform a weight swap spell.

Chelsea's offer to help Sarah get a plus-size modeling gig was tempting but far too embarrassing for Sarah to consider taking. She'd been avoiding contact with her former agency and was curious how Chelsea had even heard that Sarah was perusing a few plus-size modeling gigs. Though Sarah had hoped the gossip about her would have died down by now, it was clear that her former modeling colleagues were still keeping tabs on her from time to time.

Sarah went home for the day shortly after and decided to skip the gym after feeling physically and mentally exhausted. As Sarah drove home, she passed a McDonald's and felt the same Pavlovian reaction she typically had when confronted by fast food. Sarah gripped the steering wheel tight and tried not to look at the temptation. Even after being good about her diet for the better part of the year, Sarah's time with Owen had turned her into a fast-food junkie. She didn't know if there would ever be a time in her life when she wasn't tempted to give in. Thankfully, Sarah managed to get past McDonald's and got home to eat a boring broccoli and rice dinner.

Turning in early, Sarah was in the middle of a peaceful night's rest until a phone call from a restricted number awoke her in the middle of the night.
28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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ConJohn 2 years
Wow, thanks! I don't think I'll keep people waiting on that too long.
ConJohn 2 years
I think we'll have answers to those questions fairly soon
Paigessecret 2 years
Great job! Made my account specifically to give you some kudos - loving this story!
ConJohn 2 years
That's quite the compliment! Happy you're enjoying the story
Growingsofter 2 years
Great job. Can't weight to see more.
ConJohn 2 years
ha, thank you! More to come later today!
ConJohn 2 years
The timing of your comment couldn't have been better
Curiousicey 2 years
Oh! I like the way this is going.. (;
Good as every one of your stories, very detailed, hot, dramatic, funny, mixing soft fetish stuff with hard ones.
ConJohn 2 years
Damn, thanks! Appreciate it.
Morgan13 2 years
This is soooo hot. More please!!!!
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you! Hope you enjoy the next part smiley
ConJohn 2 years
More is here
Karenjenk 2 years
i love this
and hope it heads in the directos of her being stuck
ConJohn 2 years
Appreciate that. That would be an interesting scenario for Sarah.
Shammyboy 2 years
I'm probably the minority but personally I hope she does come back skinny. Let her grapple with the discomfort of getting what she "wants."
ConJohn 2 years
Solid opinion! It seems that their isn't an alignment between what Sarah "wants" and what she's getting out of this experience. I'm sure she's already learned a lot about expectations vs reality.
Matwel 2 years
can't wait for the next part
ConJohn 2 years
Won't have to wait long
ConJohn 2 years
BC Chloe
ConJohn 2 years