The model's waddle

Chapter 4

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After Freia left, Sarah headed out for a bit of fun in the outside world. Taking a deep breath, Sarah walked outside her apartment and onto the street for the first time as a fat girl. It was nerve wracking to emerge into the city in a vastly different body. However, once the first few strangers passed Sarah by without a second look, the butterflies in her stomach slowly subsided. The confirmation that she appeared to be accepted as a mundane 340-pound woman going about her business felt oddly freeing.

While Sarah started to waddle down the first block towards the mall, she immediately noticed how slowly her body moved. It wasn't something Sarah could control either, finding her movements sluggish and more demanding than before. The effort Sarah needed to take a step forward demanded much more from the 24-year-old, who struggled to adjust to this new challenge. At least a dozen people walking in the same direction as Sarah were quick to pass her as she tried her hardest to lumber forward. Sarah didn't mean to be so slow, finding her lack of pace compared to everyone else powerfully humbling. If walking was this hard, she didn't even want to think about running in a body this big.

By the time Sarah got to the second block, a new issue was making itself present. Spacial awareness. Still not very used to how much space her new body took up, Sarah found herself bumping into things she didn't mean to do bump into. In addition, the wide gait Sarah needed to waddle forward often caused her hips to brush against anything she had to share part of the sidewalk with. At one point, Sarah had turned herself slightly to make room for someone rushing by, only to knock over a stack of newspapers with her ass, accidentally. After apologizing profusely to a disgruntled newsstand man, Sarah turned back to continue her journey, only to immediately bump into a businessman walking by, nearly knocking him over. Sarah was lucky to only get a "Watch where you're going!" from the older guy, who wasn't at all happy before continuing on his way. Since the width of Sarah's body took up a little over half the sidewalk, she was a fairly noticeable obstruction the rest of the pedestrians had to get around.

Once Sarah got to the third block, yet another new problem introduced itself. Sarah was getting tired. With her mouth permanently agape, Sarah could feel her breathing had changed, getting sharper and struggling more to take in air. Most of her backside was starting to get sweaty as tiny beads of perspiration slowly ran down her back. Before Sarah knew what was happening, she was audibly out of breath, heavily breathing and making a spectacle of herself as she tried to will her body forward.

Though Sarah had every intention of walking to the mall ten blocks from her apartment, she only made it three blocks before she had to sit down on a bench to catch her breath. Her feet and knees were killing her, struggling to support her immense weight. It was frankly shocking to Sarah how little her body could do and how long it took for her to recover. Though Sarah thought she was a motivated person, she'd never felt this defeated when it came to anything physical. While people walked by her on the bench, Sarah could only feel embarrassed that she was forced to sit there and live up to the stereotype her body presented. Finally, when Sarah thought she was rested, she made another attempt but barely made it half a block, completely winded and sweating everywhere the previously applied baby powder wasn't helping her.

For the last six and a half blocks, Sarah managed to get an uber, which helped get her the rest of the way to the mall. In retrospect, she knew she should've taken her car but had always preferred walking short distances. Unfortunately, Sarah didn't realize what a problem it would be at her more significant size. It was an eye-opening experience to try to do something so simple. Finding her new body gave her nothing but limitations. Sarah had always wondered why fat people were so lazy, yet only now did she understand why. Lugging around that much weight was no simple task, so sitting on her ass instead of trying to walk ten blocks sounded much more appealing to Sarah.
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Blondiee18 1 month
Another great read! Loved this 😊💕
ConJohn 1 month
Cheers! Ty, kindly smiley
Joshlaker1982 10 months
Holy fuck. This was amazing. This is the best story I’ve ever read on this website. Including these things that turn me on along with a story with actual characters I cared about was great! 10/10
ConJohn 10 months
Super kind of you to say. Glad you took the time to read and enjoy. Labor of love.
Champ 2 years
Love the story! Thanks for sharing! I look forward to future tales!
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you! More will come.
Hereiam 2 years
Thanks for an excellent story!
ConJohn 2 years
Appreciate it! Thanks for taking the time to read.
EsotericSwede 2 years
Thank you for another excellent story!
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you for reading smiley
Delta625 2 years
I'm so happy she grew to love her body and her desires, but I have to admit I was hoping for a darker ending for Freia as a redemption for poor Sarah

That said, I was utterly gripped by this story!
ConJohn 2 years
TY! I think true acceptance is a journey that ebbs and flows. Most of my other stories I'll keep darker than this one, but I don't think Sarah as a character deserved a dark ending.
Theswordsman 2 years
Im a little surprised Owen didn't try to read the book because if it was me I'd be curious good ending though
ConJohn 2 years
Yeah, I thought about playing around with the book more, maybe introducing another spell at the end. Could've been a lot of fun potential
Bcain 2 years
Great work and way to bring it home. A fun concept that was well written from start to finish. Bravo.
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you so much! Feels great that I actually finished it lol
Justenjoy 2 years
Gotta say, I got worried around the middle of the story with all the weight loss, but you definitely stuck the landing at the end!
ConJohn 2 years
haha, yea, I had fun playing around with the yo-yoing of weight loss/gain, but in the end, we all knew the weight was going to end at a peak.
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Such as sweet saucy ending to your story. I'm so happy for Sarah and Owen. Her having him ditch the book was a nice touch, showing how far their relationship has grown. A truly splendid conclusion!
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! Yeah, I thought closing that loop in the story would symbolically be a nice touch for the end.
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