The model's waddle

Chapter 6

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Sarah made sure to give herself enough time to do her makeup as glamorously as possible before Mike came. Not Since her first boyfriend ten years ago had Sarah felt this nervous about a guy seeing her body. Though part of Sarah was excited at the prospect of having fat sex for the first time in her life.. she was used to having a body that she could effortlessly move around and use to seduce a willing partner. Knowing those limitations, as Sarah got into her new lingerie, she knew she'd have her work cut out for her. Sarah half-wanted to give Freia a call and ask if she had any sex tips for intimacy with a bigger body but held off.

What Sarah was even more nervous about was explaining her temporary condition to Mike. A part of her knew Mike would never believe she'd cast a magic spell to transform herself overnight, but she thought she had a decent fib planned for him. Hopefully, he'd buy it.

A knock on her front door and then footsteps into her apartment marked Mike's arrival. He was used to walking in whenever he wanted, so Sarah quickly readied herself and got into position in front of her bed.

Entering Sarah's bedroom, Mike called out. "Sarah, are you... Oh my god!" Mike put a hand over his eyes and turned. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize Sarah had company. I thought.."

"Hi, Mike..." Sarah said shyly.

"I.. Huh? Sorry, have we met? Do you know where Sarah is? I'm going to wait for her in the kitchen." Mike said, confused, continuing to avert his eyes, looking uncomfortable. He started to turn to leave his girlfriend's bedroom.

"Mike, it's me." Sarah said, starting to get wet at the fact her boyfriend didn't recognize her.

"What? I'm sorry.. I don't.." Mike still wasn't getting it.

"It's me.. Sarah. You don't recognize your own girlfriend?" Sarah giggled, trying to contain her excitement.

Mike took his hand away from his face and gave a long look at his girlfriend, unfamiliarity still written on his face. Then, after a few seconds, his eyes went wide. "Sarah!!? But.. how? What?! Holy fuck!!"

"Like what you see?" Sarah put a hand on her hip and attempted to strike a sexy pose. Though the intent was there, Sarah clumsily lost her balance, nearly falling over in the process. The attempt to be sexy was a bit sloppy, given Sarah had zero experience as a big girl.

"Heh, No." Mike laughed dismissively. "What the fuck happened!? You're... huge!! And Fat!" Mike blurted. A mixture of shock and irritation.

"Relax, babe.. it's temporary." Sarah said, waddling forward, trying to calm her boyfriend down. Being called huge and fat was doing wonders for Sarah's libido.

"Temporary..? I don't understand." Mike looked puzzled.

Sarah took a breath, realizing it was time to lie. "I'm doing an undercover expose with my modeling agency, and we're like, walking in the shoes of a fat person for a day. Something about the body positivity movement, or whatever. They gave me this fat suit to wear while we film some stuff today and tomorrow."

"Oh.. this is a fat suit?" Mike asked, the vexation somewhat dropping from his voice as he walked over to his girlfriend. Then, reaching out a hand, he reluctantly touched his girlfriend's ampler body.

"Yea, what do you think?" Sarah asked, intently studying Mike's reaction.

"This is crazy. The skin of this fat suit is warm, and it feels so real." Mike marveled while running his hands all over Sarah's new body. He cupped her breast, feeling its heft in his hands, poked her belly, squeezed a love handle, and turned Sarah around to feel her ass. Then unexpectedly, Mike gave her huge ass a spank. "Could you feel that?" He asked.

"Yeah. Kind of." Sarah said, suppressing a moan. "So, do you like it?" Sarah said, biting her lip while Mike played with her body some more. The fascination in Mike's eyes was making Sarah very hopeful. Maybe he secretly had a fat fetish, just like her, and this would be the moment they'd both express their true desires to each other. All he had to do right now was push her down onto her bed and take her. She was wet and ready for him already. If Mike exposed himself as a chubby chaser, Sarah wondered to herself if she'd give Freia this body back.

Mike took a step back, a disappointing look of resigned disgust on his face as he continued to inspect his girlfriend's body. "Na, not much to like. I mean, I'm glad it's just a suit, and the real sexy you is under there somewhere." Mike admitted.

"Oh.. well, do you want to spank me again?" Sarah said hopefully, turning her ass towards Mike.

"Uhh.. sure haha, why not." Mike gave Sarah's massive ass a fairly forceful slap, leaving a momentary red hand print. Sarah could only yelp in shock and pleasure.

"That's kind of fun, isn't it?" Sarah said hopefully, trying to get Mike on the same page as her.

"I mean.. it's alright. WAY too big for me. Besides, I'd rather slap your real perfect ass, not this dump truck ass. But, don't get me wrong, they did a good job with the fatsuit, and it almost looks real. It's just a good thing you're not fat because this look does not suit you at all. This look is kinda gross, right?"

".. yea.." Sarah said. A note of disappointment was unmistakable in her voice. This wasn't the reaction she'd wished for.

"What's with the massive lingerie? Haha, you look absolutely ridiculous in that stuff." Mike laughed, tugging on Sarah's G-string waistband.

"I.." Sarah was starting to get upset, feeling naive she'd expect her boyfriend to act any differently. "I wore it as a joke for you. Thought you'd think this was funny."

"I guess it kind of is, hahaha. Could you imagine if you got this big..." Mike shuddered in disgust.

"Yea... that'd be weird.." Sarah trailed off, feeling less excited than she'd hoped.

"Can you take the fat suit off? I don't see a zipper anywhere on it." Mike said, turning Sarah around and feeling around her upper back.

"The makeup team told me to keep it on to break it in. It's really high-tech. Some sort of magnetic release." Sarah lied.

"Woah, that's crazy. Damn, I still can't believe how real it looks. So disgusting. Not you obviously, but the fat suit you're wearing." Mike joked.

"I do look like a massive fatty, don't I?" Sarah said, knowingly fishing for her boyfriend to comment on her body. She needed to get something out of this.

"You do. If you ever let yourself go like this for real..." Mike stopped himself.

"What? You wouldn't stay with me if I got this fat!?" Sarah accused with her hands on her hips.

"Fuck no! Are you serious?" Mike scoffed, not backing down.

"Hmmm.. sounds like someone is only into me for my looks." Sarah pouted, crossing her arms.

Realizing he'd made a mistake, Mike back-peddled. "Jeeze, Sarah, you know what I mean.. You're much more to me than just your body.. but I wouldn't want to be with someone as big as.. well as big as the way you look in that fat suit. I like you because you take pride in your body. You work hard to look good, and I admire that."

"No, you're right. I was just... curious." Sarah conceded.

"How long do you have to be in this thing?" Mike asked, reluctantly returning to playing with what he assumed was a fat suit.

"A day, maybe?" Sarah lied, finding the will to repress a moan when her boyfriend squeezed her belly.

"Yikes. Well, I can't wait for you to go back to your normal modeling gigs. All this body positivity stuff is so lame. It glorifies obesity, which is just wrong." Mike said, ending the morbid curiosity of his girlfriend's body, taking a few steps away.

"Hey, Mike..?" Sarah asked, very worked up from the way Mike had been touching her. If there was a moment to experiment with her new body, this was the time.

"Yea, what's up?" Mike responded, now playing with his phone and not paying much attention to Sarah.

Taking a breath, Sarah just let it out. "Do you.. wanna have sex?"
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Mclovinnit 2 years
You keep on delivering my man! I already picked up the hint how Chelsea was talking about Sarah’s ex boyfriend. Poor Sarah.. maybe O can comfort her smiley
ConJohn 2 years
Nice! Happy those little hints earlier in the story paid off.
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Wow! 🔥🔥🔥 What a phenomenal job taking us along for Sarah's downfall to a pivotal moment of weakness. You delivered! I kinda hope Owen is a hot sweet guy outside of his fetish, so it's not all bad.
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! Yeah, that'll be touched on in the next chapter
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Another great chapter, it is pleasant to see Sarah at last able to make some progress. I'll be curious if she is able to stick with it. I can't help hoping Owen will make a reappearance.
ConJohn 2 years
All of those thoughts are answered in the latest chapter smiley
Growingsofter 2 years
Love rhis story. Hioe you feel inspired to write more.
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you! Inspiration comes in waves, but appreciate it
Kexickus 2 years
I hope it'll soon be continued!
ConJohn 2 years
That hope paid off
Chubbysub03 2 years
who is the model used in the thumbnail?
ConJohn 2 years
Left (not sure) Right (bigcutie Chloe)
Alexander111 2 years
I hope the "happy ending" will mean that she will no longer struggle with her fat fetish, maybe she will learn to enjoy the humiliation and happily gain weight.
Alexander111 2 years
Maybe "O" could take her to humiliate, fat fetish events.
Kexickus 2 years
Oh, that'd be awesome.
ConJohn 2 years
I like your thinking. We shall see!
Minifan 2 years
Take your time, you spoiled us all with daily updates 🤣 (but also, hurry up 🤪)
ConJohn 2 years
I know right lol! I couldn't keep up that pace. Though I had already written out most of the plot, I kept adding more story in the editing process. We're nearly there!
Hereiam 2 years
I'd love Sarah to track Freia down through marriage declarations, drag her ass to Milan only to find it a ruse concocted by Freia and her partner to lock her away and keep her as the fat(tening) one.�
ConJohn 2 years
That's a great idea! We'll have to wait and see smiley
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