The model's waddle

Chapter 7

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"What? Right now!?" Mike turned all his attention back to Sarah, an eyebrow raised higher than she thought humanly possible. "You're joking, right?"

"I was thinking maybe you wouldn't mind.. I don't know.. fooling around a bit? Even though I'm.. I'm looking a little different right now." Sarah hopefully asked. She'd never had to ask for sex before, and the whole process of doing so felt strange.

"Ew, no way! No offense, Sarah. I know it's just a temporary suit, but.. It's not exactly a turn-on. yeah, I don't think I can." Mike said decisively.

"Oh, c'mon, Mike. It could be kinky." Sarah pressed, letting her pussy talk for her.

"Kinky? I don't think banging a fat version of my girlfriend counts as kinky. It's just gross."

"What if I went down on you whenever you wanted for a month?" Sarah promised. It wasn't that she was opposed to giving blow jobs. However, Sarah usually preferred receiving over giving in most of her relationships.

"A whole month? Hmm... I don't know.." Mike sounded like he was actually considering Sarah's proposition.

"Two months! Please, Mike!" Sarah pleaded, sounding desperate. Begging for sex wasn't a thing Sarah had ever thought she'd have to do in her life.

"Jeeze, you really want this, don't you?" Mike said, cracking a smile, somewhat enjoying seeing this strangely vulnerable side of his girlfriend.

"Yes, I do. I don't know why but.. It's something new, and maybe it could be hot. But, like for me, I feel like I'm someone completely different. I really want to explore that just once." Sarah said honestly.

Mike took a second to consider his options, somewhat surprised by how oddly desperate his girlfriend was acting. "Okay.. but I get blow jobs whenever I want for three months."

"Deal!" Sarah said excitedly, lumbering to pull her g-string off but struggling. It had been much easier before when she wasn't all flustered. "Can you help?" Sarah asked Mike.

Rolling his eyes, Mike stepped forward and helped his girlfriend out of her G-string, pulling down her legs and helping her step out. Holding the extent of Sarah's discarded panties in front of himself, Mike looked disgusted. "Look at the size of these! It's just like that movie Shallow Hal, where that guy bangs that fat chick." Mike said, throwing the panties as far away from himself as possible. If only Mike knew how close to foreplay his words were for Sarah, he'd probably stop saying them.

Now that Sarah was naked from the waist down with her babydoll lingerie and stockings still on, neither seemed to know what to do next. "How do I.. umm. What do you want me to..?" Mike asked awkwardly.

"Here, let me.." Sarah laid back on her bed and started to spread her legs. Next, she lumberingly did what she could to move as much fat hanging belly out of the way of her crotch, so Mike could get the access he needed.

Mike pulled down his pants and boxers, trying to avert his eyes from the unwelcome space between his girlfriend's legs. He approached, took a meaty thigh in each hand, and took a stab.

Sarah could feel her boyfriend wasn't hard whatsoever while he tried and failed to get his flaccid cock inside. Instead, it lazily slapped against Sarah's thigh. "Do you need help?" Sarah asked, anticipating contact.

"I can't get hard at all.. It's like every time I look at your body... I feel like I'm about to fuck a bean bag chair. This is too weird." Mike said through gritted teeth while he continued to try.

Sarah realized this would be a problem. Though it was a little hot that Mike couldn't get turned on by Sarah's large body, she wanted his hard cock inside her. So it was time to get creative. "Go get my phone." Sarah told Mike.


"Just do it!" Sarah instructed.

Mike abandoned his position between his girlfriend's legs with a heavy sigh and grabbed Sarah's phone from her dresser, handing it to her. Sarah went through her phone while Mike skeptically waited.

"You know my friend, Chelsea, right? We did that Playboy swimwear shoot together." Sarah asked. Sarah's best friend Chelsea (like many of Sarah's friends) was a model too. Once or twice on a late night at the clubs, Sarah had caught Mike checking out her gorgeous friend.

"Yea.." Mike admitted, not knowing where this was going.

"She sent this to her ex-boyfriend." Sarah handed Mike her phone, a video playing.

"Woah.. what is this? That's Chelsea? Why do you have this?" Mike asked, watching as Chelsea danced in her underwear in the video seductively.

"We send each other everything. That doesn't matter, you need to get hard, and I'm okay with you looking at her only tonight, given the circumstances."

Mike's eyes didn't leave the screen as he watched Chelsea slowly take off her bra and then panties, dancing completely naked in the video and looking beyond sexy as she did it. While he watched, Mike took position between his girlfriend's meaty legs again.

Sarah could already feel the fruit of her improvisation working when Mike's hard cock brushed against the outside of her thigh. Mike held the phone with one hand and the other to guide himself into his porky girlfriend.

"UHHHHHAhhhhhhhhh.... mmmmmhhhmmmm" Sarah slowly moaned as every inch of her boyfriend slid into her. Once settled, Mike started to thrust in and out, leaving Sarah a complete puddle of arousal beneath him. With each thrust inward, Sarah's entire fat body jiggled and rocked, shaking like gelatin. It was a feeling entirely unexplored for Sarah, enhancing sex in the best way possible. There were so many new feelings to focus on that the stimulation was overwhelming. Sarah had had sex while on ecstasy a few times in her adult life, but this felt even better than that. An itch that sex had never scratched in her life was finally getting attention.

When the video ended, Mike put the phone down and tried to concentrate on what was in front of him. "Fuck, this feels so weird. It doesn't feel like you at all."

MMmm.. "I know, but keep going. It feels so good... mmmmm." Sarah moaned.

"Seriously? You're enjoying this? Ugg, hurry up and cum." Mike said, losing some stiffness now that his attention was back on his fat girlfriend.

"Can you.. talk dirty to me?" Sarah asked, knowing it would speed things up for her.

"You're my little cum whore. Take my cock and cum for me, you slut." Mike spouted out, gravitating towards the type of dirty talk he was used to saying to Sarah.

"Not like that... tease me. Tease me about how fat I look." Sarah asked, feeling herself blush after making the request.

"uhh.. okay..?" Mike sounded confused but complied. "You look so fat, Sarah." Mike stated bluntly.

"Tell me more!" Sarah squealed, thirsty for his words.

"You're so fucking fat and disgusting right now." Mike said, passionless yet sincere.

"Yes, *huff* more! *huff*. Humiliate me!" Sarah breathed out, feeling herself getting closer.

"I've never had sex with anyone half as big as you look, Sarah." Mike said through gritted teeth, clearly wanting to get this over with.

"Tell me *huff* I'm obese!" Though Sarah was on her back, she could feel her breath getting shallow and stamina waning. Yet Mike's fat-shaming was driving Sarah wild with lust, so close to her peak.

"You look so obese, Sarah. It's a fucking turn-off. I can't believe you're making me do this." Mike complained.

"Yes! *huff* I'm so *huff* fat! Here, Grab *huff* my belly." Sarah grabbed Mike's hand and held it against her lower belly, inviting him to squeeze it. "Tell me I'm *huff* a fat pig." Sarah moaned and whined. There wasn't any reason for her to hold back anymore, wholly chasing what she wanted and not caring about what Mike thought about what she was saying.

"I don't want.." Mike stubbornly protested but squeezed Sarah's belly fat all the same "God, that feels so soft and disgusting." Mike said, looking revolted while his cock grew more flaccid.

"UUUUhhhhh YES!" Sarah moaned as Mike squeezed. "Tell me *huff* I'm a *huff* greedy *huff* fat piggy!" Sarah wheezed.

"Why are you so out of breath? I'm doing all the work. "Mike complained, continuing to ignore Sarah's weird pig request."

"Oooh, Please.. Mike. Tell me *huff* I'm a pig. Tell *huff* me I'm a *huff* fuc*ing *huff* worthless *huff* pig!" Sarah didn't know why she wanted to be compared to a farm animal, but it felt like the most shamefully arousing comparison of all.

"Whatever. You really do look like a fuc*ing worthless pig, Sarah." Mike said, sounding irritated and just about fed up with the whole ordeal.

"Ooohh oHhhhh OOoohhoo..oiiinkkk" Sarah yelled, erupting in a body-shaking orgasm the second the word 'pig' was said by Mike.

"Did you just?" Mike was staring down at Sarah with complete disbelief on his face.

"Oh god... that felt really good." Sarah smiled, basking in the afterglow of the best orgasm she'd ever had. "Yes, babe, I came. Did you?" Sarah answered, not picking up on why her boyfriend was looking at her the way he was.

"Did you just... oink?.. while you were...?" Mike accused Sarah as if she had just committed a crime.

"Oh.. sorry. Kind of got caught up in the moment." Sarah sheepishly admitted, face reddening. She hadn't meant to, but it kind of slipped out. The more Sarah thought about it, the more embarrassed she felt.

"Yea.. that was fucking weird." Mike said, backing away from the position between Sarah's thighs and pulling back on his pants. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You've never done anything like that.."

"Sorry..." Sarah apologized, not knowing what to say. "Do you want me to.. finish you off?" Sarah suggested, trying to get into a sitting position, but failing.

"That's okay. I"m good. Gotta head out." Mike said, heading towards Sarah's bedroom door.

"Where are you going? I thought you were staying overnight?" Sarah pleaded, trying to get off the bed in a bumbling manner. Unused to her new weight, Sarah looked like a baby manatee flopping around, giving Mike more reason to want to leave. Though Sarah understood she'd probably freaked her boyfriend out with the strange sex, she had hoped he'd have stuck around longer. At least to sleepover. He always stayed the night after sex.

"Yea, something came up." Mike said, giving a token look at his phone. Sarah could tell he wasn't being honest but didn't feel like this was the best time to call him out. "Just text me when you're all done with this fat suit thing." Mike stated, giving a look at his girlfriend and shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Oh, yea.. sure. Should be done tomorrow." Sarah said, now on her feet and still naked below the belt except for her stockings. The lack of panties was hard to tell, though, since her belly covered her crotch. Sarah began to walk over to Mike to try to get a kiss goodbye.

"Good. That was... Well, I'm glad you at least had fun. But that fat suit is fucking with your head. I don't like it." Mike said, turning to walk away.

"Yea, sorry about that. I don't.. I don't know what came over me." Sarah apologized, touching Mike's shoulders to try and turn him back towards her. The touch was successful as he stopped and turned to look down at her. Closing her eyes, Sarah went in for a kiss.

Putting a firm hand on her shoulder, Mike stopped her. "Sarah, I can't.. not when you look like this.." Mike paused and explained. "The things you said.. and asked me to say.. that was.." Mike stopped himself, seemingly not wanting to think about what had just happened. "Tomorrow, let's forget about it and move past it, okay? I'll talk to you when you're back to normal self." And then Mike walked away.

Sarah stood there watching him leave very conflicted. She'd just had the best sex of her life, yet at what cost? She liked Mike and was only now realizing that she'd put him through fantasies that he clearly didn't share with her. She hoped after this experiment was over, they'd be able to talk about it and get back to the way things were before. Hopefully, Sarah hadn't gone too far.

Though the night hadn't gone completely the way Sarah had wanted it to, at least she'd gotten laid. The consolation to spending the rest of the night alone was pizza and ice cream Sarah ordered for dinner. Sarah ate sitting in front of her bedroom mirror, admiring her body, playing with it, and masturbating a few times. The sex she'd had with Mike was a memory she'd know she'd come back to many times in the future. When Sarah finished all her food, she was exhausted from the day's events and laid in bed to go to sleep. Even though there had been a lot of fun throughout the day, it was a taste of a slice of life that Sarah knew she couldn't fully handle. At least tomorrow, everything would go back to normal.
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Chubbytummyfan 2 years
Great story, I absolutely amazing. It would be kinda cool if Sarah could cross paths with one of those guys earlier in the story that noticed her leaving the mall.
ConJohn 2 years
That would probably help cheer Sarah up, wouldn't it?
Big Easy 2 years
Hopefully things will start looking up for Sarah. I hate to see her down like this.
ConJohn 2 years
What goes down must go up..? But yeah, understand the sentiments for Sarah. Hang tight.
ConJohn 2 years
That would be in an interesting development..
Growingsofter 2 years
Minifan 2 years
It would be interesting to see the agency react positively, but I'm not sure that's how they will feel 🤔
ConJohn 2 years
Haha, it would be interesting, wouldn't it. We'll find out soon enough how body positive they are
Growingsofter 2 years
More please
ConJohn 2 years
Mikeboi1994 2 years
Hmmm. I like this a lot. smiley You have a way of drawing the reader in by starting with the request. I can't wait to read more!
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you kindly. Every good story needs a hook.
Growingsofter 2 years
So good. You're a master.
ConJohn 2 years
Appreciate that! Thanks
Mclovinnit 2 years
I was hoping for this to happen 😌
ConJohn 2 years
Happy to deliver
Minifan 2 years
Oh dear, I can't imagine Freia will want to switch back when she returns and Sarah is even bigger 😅
ConJohn 2 years
Seeing how Sarah is more gluttonous when fat than Freia was, you may be onto something there.
ConJohn 2 years
Appreciate you sharing that point of view! I wanted to lean into some conflict/drama around Sarah's situation. There is still more story left to tell, so we'll see how it all plays out.
Mclovinnit 2 years
This is the best story I’ve read in a very long time! I’m very curious where this is going!