The model's waddle

Chapter 8

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Waking up late the following day, Sarah saw a text from Freia.

"Please one more day!!?" The text pleaded.

Sarah sighed to herself and responded. "One more day? I don't know, Freia.. yesterday was fun, but it was challenging.." Sarah thought for a moment and quickly sent another text with her decision. "No, I don't know if I can do another day. When can you come over?"

Sarah's phone immediately buzzed with Sarah's response. "Please? I had the best night in a long time, and this guy I met is inviting me out for dinner tonight. Just one more night?"

Sarah pondered Freia's request. Though there were lots of fun aspects about living a day as a fat girl, Sarah knew it wasn't something she wanted to explore long term. It was nice that Freia was enjoying herself, but Sarah was worried about patching things up with her boyfriend. On the other hand, there were a few more kinky things Sarah could think about doing, and her next scheduled modeling shoot wasn't for another two weeks. So, she decided one more day wasn't the end of the world in the end. "Ugg, Fine. One more day. Have fun at dinner! I'll see you tomorrow."

"You're the best! YES! See you tomorrow!" Freia responded.

Realizing how hungry she was, Sarah got on her phone and ordered some food for delivery. She found herself selecting from a service that delivered groceries, unabashedly going overboard and ordering anything and everything that looked good. Calories were not a concern. Though she intended to get enough food for a day, it ended up being easily enough for a week.

While Sarah waited for her food, she continued to lay in her bed and decided to text her boyfriend. "Hey, Babe. Sorry about last night. I have to do this body positivity exposé another day, so maybe we shouldn't see each other until tomorrow... considering." Sarah would have loved another night of sex as good as the one her boyfriend had given her the previous night, yet she knew she'd already pushed her boyfriend too far. Maybe an extra day of space was a good thing.

Mike's response wasn't quick, but it came ten minutes later. "Hey. I can't see you tomorrow. We're going on the road for ten days, remember? I guess if you're still doing that fat suit stuff, I'll see you when I get back."

Sarah frowned. She had forgotten her boyfriend had a few away matches to play for his soccer club. She hated when he went on the road and kicked herself for passing up an opportunity to see him before he left. "Okay, Babe. Sorry! Good Luck!" That was all Sarah could think to text back. There wasn't a response.

A while later, a ravenous Sarah collected the groceries delivered outside her apartment door and didn't waste any time. Two frozen pizzas and four trays of Mac and Cheese later, Sarah was stuffed. However, she wasn't too stuffed to let her greed push her towards something she'd always fantasized about doing.

Sarah was quivering with excitement as she grabbed the cake she ordered and put it down on her kitchen floor. Already wet from how much she had stuffed herself, the ache between Sarah's legs amplified as she got to her knees and then got down to all fours. A moment of mental hesitation caused Sarah to get back up, grab her phone, set it up nearby, and hit record. If she was going to have this once-in-a-lifetime experience, she needed to capture some memories. Once again, Sarah got in position, winked at her phone, and then shoved her face into the cake.

The following ten minutes were bliss. There was a constant rhythm of shoving her face into the cake, chewing, going for more before she was finished chewing, and rinse repeat. Sarah couldn't help but wiggle her fat ass while she ate, her imagination going completely wild. The previous day at the food court, Sarah had felt like a pig, but that paled in comparison to what she was doing now. Sarah felt herself slipping away and letting pure gluttonous instinct take over. Never before in Sarah's life did she feel more like an animal. A pig.

Taking a glance over to her phone's screen, which was actively recording her, Sarah paused as she took in the sight of her massive body on all fours. The momentary pause in eating was consumed by vanity, where Sarah couldn't help but look away, wiggling her ass and loving how her body looked as piggish as she felt. Then, Sarah did something she hadn't anticipated. *snort* Sarah snorted, imitating the sound of the pig she appeared to be. The noise had slipped out in the moment, and while Sarah was shocked with herself, she couldn't deny it added to her arousal. *snort* *snort* *snort* Sarah snorted, smiling and wiggling her ass then burying her face back into the cake. The only thing that would make this better was someone fucking her from behind.

The rest of the day was a blur of gluttony, masturbation, and self-admiration. The sheer amount of food Sarah found herself eating shocked her beyond belief, eating more in a day than she'd usually eat in a week. The breaks that generally told her to stop when she got full were gone. Instead, a new horny impulse told her to speed up and keep going when her body had already had more than its fill. Sarah had to lay down a lot after her stuffings, often eating herself into a slumber. By the end of the day, Sarah hadn't left the house, barely walking 500 steps around her own apartment. Something about being so lazy in a body so big felt right to her. Everything was lethargic and slow, like she was moving through molasses. Then the night ended early when a food coma knocked Sarah out while she had been eating a box of doughnuts from the comfort of her bed.
28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Ubat 2 years
Well, I'm opposing most people in the comments. I would like her humiliated even more.
For me she meets Freia now and swaps back. But the excessive weight stays. She tries to lose it, but can't.
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you. These are the types of stories I enjoying writing. We'll see what happens at the end of the story smiley
Fatowl 2 years
Chelsea is there too. She has clubbed up and doing plus size modeling. Mike is feeding her. Goals? Owen moves onto a new sub to fatten. What does Sarah decide to do?
ConJohn 2 years
Interesting ideas!
Fatowl 2 years
Time to return to the story's roots. Sarah spots Freia at a buffet chowing down. She is plumped up to 250. She sees Sarah and is envious of her being a SSBBW. Does she want to trade?
Whodatboi 2 years
This is starting to make me a bit depressed ngl. I hope she at least gets a happy ending and everyone else gets what's coming to them one way or another.
ConJohn 2 years
Sorry to hear that. I think when the final chapter comes, maybe you'll enjoy it
Kexickus 2 years
This is unmeasurably awesome.
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Wow! 🔥🔥🔥 I'm happy for Sarah and Owen! Hopefully she can find a way to manage her non-fetish goals and her love life.
ConJohn 2 years
It'll be a challenge. At the moment, those goals appear to be at odds
Minifan 2 years
Poor Sarah getting everything she ever wanted 😅
ConJohn 2 years
Oh no... living out her fantasies.. what ever will she do..
ConJohn 2 years
Curiousicey 2 years
Holy guacamole! Your writing and describing skills have only improved. Im kinda hoping F is ruined too. 😉
ConJohn 2 years
haha, thanks! Yeah, we'll see if your hopes are answered by the end of the story
DamnGood27 2 years
Oh my god, the last chapter is the hottest I've ever read here! I can't wait to read the next chapters!
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! Next chapter should be good too
Justenjoy 2 years
The weight loss won’t continue much longer, will it?
ConJohn 2 years
Not a chance
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