The model's waddle

Chapter 9

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"I thought I'd find you over here!" Freia shouted over the thumping club music. "Don't you want to come back out to the dance floor?"

"Ugg... Give me like... 30 minutes.. I need to sit down for a bit." Sarah sighed, exasperated. The night was young, and she was already regretting agreeing to come out with Freia for this last hurrah. Instead of swapping back weights as they'd planned, Freia had somehow talked Sarah into coming out with her for one last night before they swapped back. Though Sarah had been reluctant, she hadn't been able to go out in the dress she'd purchased from Torrid two days since buying it.

Sarah had initially been excited to go out in her dress, but that excitement waned when she had walked up to the club with Freia. Seeing so many skinny and beautiful people made Sarah feel out of place in the body she was in. Moreover, it had made Sarah even more acutely aware just how clingy her pink bodycon dress was to her body, doing nothing to hide the outline of her belly, hips, and flabby waist. While Sarah had been standing in the line to get in, she felt like she wanted to turn around and go home, feeling the comfort of being away from judgment far more appealing.

It wasn't necessarily the men in and around the club that was the issue with Sarah's timidness. They barely even noticed her, seeing that they tended to be distracted with just about every other girl in the club, including Freia. Having borrowed one of Sarah's sluttiest dresses, Freia attracted attention the moment they walked up to the club, starkly contrasting against the obese friend she was traveling with. For her part, Freia seemed to relish in the attention, strutting with confidence and leading Sarah into the club as if she owned the place.

Snapping Sarah out of her thoughts, Freia's disappointed voice shouted over the music again. "But you were only out there for one song!!" Freia said, swaying tipsily. The two girls had spent the first part of their night at the bar before hitting the dancefloor. Sarah got to watch as two different guys bought Freia drinks, hitting on her in the process. While Sarah drank one mixed drink she bought herself, Freia's free drinks had well outpaced Sarah's level of intoxication.

It was a strange feeling to sit there and jealously watch as Freia got all the attention, while not a single guy gave Sarah a second look. She'd been in this same club two weeks ago, and her boyfriend had nearly gotten in a fight three times when three separate guys had tried to hit on her. But, in truth, the lack of male attention tonight didn't bother Sarah too much. She was used to getting it and would be getting it again soon. Instead, the looks from the other girls in the club unsettled Sarah. They certainly didn't make her feel welcome.

Not wanting to go back out on the dance floor, Sarah whined. "I'm not used to wearing heels at this weight, Freia! That song was too fast anyway!!" Heels were a common choice for Sarah anytime she went out to the clubs with her friends. However, Sarah found the choice hard on her feet, having barely been able to shuffle through the first song Freia had dragged her on the dance floor for.

"Fineeeee..." Freia said in a huff, slumping down in the cozy corner booth, hidden as far from the dance floor as possible. "Lazybones. You're no fun."

"Well, Excuse me, but I'm pretty sure I'd be a hell of a good time come tomorrow night. We'll see whos calling who lazy bones soon enough." Sarah said with confidence, leaning forward and picking up a cheesy nacho from a pile she was in the middle of inhaling.

"Whatever. I'm trying to live in the moment. When did you get nachos?" Freia, scooched closer, reaching for one.

Protective of her food, Sarah slapped Freia's hand before it could steal what was rightfully hers."Hands off! They're mine!"

"Geeze, relax. I only wanted one." Freia griped, leaning back and rubbing the back of her hand.

"Well, if you want a body like the one you're in now, no nachos." Sarah stuffed another few nachos into her face, talking with her mouth full. "We're going to have a lot to work on after this is over."

"Yeah.. I guess." Freia found irony in being lectured by someone in the middle of ingesting a calorie bomb. "Hey, how did things go with your boyfriend the other day? Did he freak?"

"Uhh.." Sarah thought about how much she wanted to reveal as she finished chewing. "At first, yeah.. I told him it was a fat suit."

Freia giggled. "hah, that's hilarious. Did he buy it?"

"Oh Yeah. Hook line and sinker." Sarah said, sounding proud of herself, digging into more nachos.

"What'd he say?" Freia asked curiously.

"He wasn't happy." Sarah stuffed a last mouthful of nachos into her face. "I Don't blame him, though." Sarah conceded, leaning back and placing her hands on her belly, having just finished her food.

"I still think it was silly of you to put him through that. But I guess now you know what it feels like to go through a dry spell. All of that extra fluff has been keeping guys out of my bedroom for a long time." Freia said, sounding a bit melancholy.

"Oh, we still had sex." Sarah blurted out, not skipping a beat.

"Shut up! You didn't!!?" Freia's eyes were in wide disbelief.

"We did!" Sarah smirked to herself, feeling a little proud.

It looked as if Freia was impressed, shock turning into a smile. "Wow.. that boyfriend of yours... he's a trooper. Hang onto him just in case."

"Oh I will.." Sarah said as her mind remembered that incredible night with Mike.

"Did he even like it? I'm sorry, but you put it into my head, and now I can't stop picturing..." Freia looked reluctantly curious to know the answer, a slight twinge of a grimace on her face.

"Not at all. He definitely prefers the old me." Sarah laughed.

"Yeah, I'm sure he does. But, I still can't believe you wanted to do it with your boyfriend looking like that.." Freia gestured to Sarah's body, obviously confused by the motivations of the girl inside in.

"It was kind of fun, actually." Sarah said without thinking.

"What? You can't be serious?" Freia sounded dumbfounded.

Realizing what she said, Sarah tried to backtrack. "I mean.. fun in a.. educational way."

For a moment, Freia studied Sarah as if she was trying to figure her out and then promptly rolled her eyes. "Sarah.. you're a real weirdo, you know that, right?"

"Oh, please!" Sarah said, brushing off the jab while mockingly sticking out her tongue at Freia. The girls shared a laugh, feeling the buzz of the alcohol. "When is that guy coming you were talking about.." Sarah asked, changing the subject.

"He should be.." Freia went to look at her phone when her face quickly turned to distress. "Fuck, my phone's dead.." Freia said, sounding slightly panicked while turning to Sarah. "Can I borrow your cell to call him?" Freia pleaded.

"Uh.. Sure." Sarah reached into her purse and handed her phone to Freia."Unlock passcode is 2233."

Taking the phone, Freia hustled away to somewhere where the music wasn't blaring, leaving Sarah alone. She was somewhat interested in meeting this guy Freia had been raving about when they'd gotten dressed together earlier. It was a pity for Freia that this little fling she was experiencing wouldn't last much longer. But, on the other hand, maybe this mystery guy wasn't as shallow as Mike. Besides, if he was willing to wait at least two years, Sarah knew she'd be able to get Freia down to a much more acceptable size.

After what seemed to be a longer wait than a standard phone call, Freia returned and handed Sarah back her phone. "Thanks for that."

As Sarah stuffed her phone in her purse, she looked back out at the dance floor, and she shrank into her seat, shying away from seeing someone she hadn't expected to see.

Sarah's change in attitude was very noticeable to Freia, who looked confused. "What are you doing?"

"I know that girl." Sarah spoke softly as if anyone else in the club could even hear her.

"Which one?" Freia asked, craning her neck.

"Chestnut hair, blue dress, dancing with that tall guy." Sarah nodded in the direction of a breathtakingly beautiful girl that was hard to miss.

"Oh wow.. she's pretty. That guy she's with is cute. She an Enemy of yours?" Freia teased.

Sarah continued to try to shrink out of sight. "No, she's my best friend. Chelsea. She's a model too. Fuck, I'm so dumb. I knew she was going out tonight.. didn't think she'd be coming here."

"Oh, would you relax? Do you honestly think she'd even recognize you?"

"I guess not..." Sarah de-stressed a bit but was still on edge. Even though Chelsea was her best friend, Sarah hadn't told her what she'd been up to these past three days. Frankly, she didn't want her to know, not wanting to be seen like this by the only girl at her modeling agency Sarah secretly envied.

Freia rolled her eyes. "With this lighting and how different you look, you could walk up to her, ask her for the time, and she still wouldn't know it's you. Take a chill pill."

Freia's logic was sound, but that didn't make Sarah completely relax. Instead, she watched as Chelsea danced with the mystery guy for two more songs, as they got progressively more close. Then Chelsea was lead by hand off the dance floor and presumably out of the club, much to the relief of Sarah.

There was a moment of silence between the girls before Freia broke it. "Hey.. so why did you really want to trade bodyweights with me?"

Sarah leaned back in her seat. "I told you. Just wanted the experience. I think I've learned a lot."

For some reason, Freia didn't look convinced by that. "C'mon, really? That's it? That can't be it. Did You just want to eat nachos without guilt? Scare your keeper of a boyfriend? Or was it something worse? Something illegal, like robbing a bank where no one would recognize you?"

Though Freia sounded half-serious, Sarah couldn't help but laugh. "haha, That's ridiculous! I'm serious! I just wanted a new perspective on life."

"I don't buy it." Freia folded her arms, studying Sarah. "Hmmm.. what if I guessed the reason?" A smirk appeared on Freia's face.

"Psh, I already told you the reason.. So what's the point in guessing? Sarah couldn't help but fidget a bit, not liking the smug look on Freia's face."

"Ohhh, Sarah, you look nervous." Freia teased, picking up on the fact that Sarah seemed to be hiding something.

"I am not!" Sarah exclaimed, defending herself, not liking where this was going.

"I bet you I can guess.." Freia scooched closer to Sarah, enjoying how vulnerable Sarah seemed.

"Fat chance." Sarah scooched away, folding her arms and trying to look defiant.

"Wana make things more interesting? If I guess the real reason, I get to keep your body weight for another week." Something was unsettling about the confidence in Freia's tone.

Sarah couldn't help but open her mouth in unruly shock."What?! Absolutely not!"

"Ha! So there is another reason!" Freia clapped her hands together, looking at Sarah like she'd already caught her.

Sarah tried to hold her ground. "No! I just.. don't wana waste my time making a stupid bet."

"So you've got nothing to lose in making that stupid bet then." Freia said casually, trying to goad Sarah into making a bet.

Off-put by Freia's reasoning, Sarah tried to shrug it off. "I.. well you can't guess the reason I already told you.. which is the truth."

"Fine by me. So we have a deal?" Freia said while examining her nails as if she didn't care.

For a long moment, Sarah thought, studying Freia, whose attitude had gotten much more relaxed. "Sure, whatever. What do I get out of this when you guess wrong?" Though Sarah was the picture of calm herself, she was terrified on the inside. No one knew her secret, and she wished she was sure Freia didn't either.

"Hmm.. I'll clean your apartment for a month?" Freia suggested, shrugging.

Though Sarah kept a tidy apartment, she wasn't exactly in love with housework. Especially laundry. It seemed like a good enough deal. "haha, sure. That'll be a good workout for you anyway. Go ahead and guess. You're going to be wrong." Sarah was feeling more confident now, psyching herself up to believe Freia was full of it. She didn't know anything.

Freia continued to inspect her nails and then looked up with the smuggest smile on her face. "You have a fat fetish."

Time stood still. "wa.. what? No.." Sarah was so shocked, and she'd forgotten her poker face.

Freia's smile widened, fully knowing she'd guessed right. "Ha, knew it! Look at your face! Guilty! Guilty!" Freia teased loudly.

Sarah shrunk in her seat, feeling helpless. Her biggest secret exposed for the first time in her life. "Shut up! I do not!" Sarah tried to shout back defensively. Yet her protests were weak and unconvincing.

Freia scooched forward until she was barely an inch from Sarah. "Yes, you do.. fatty!" To accent this, Freia reached out and grabbed a handful of Sarah's belly, squeezing.

Caught off guard by being called a fatty and having her belly grabbed, Sarah had trouble fighting against a surprising surge of pleasure. "MMm.. I.. Don't." Sarah moaned breathily.

Freia squeezed again and continued to expose Sarah for what she was. "You like being fat, don't you? You like how it feels?"

"I.. I.." Sarah was at a loss for words. She'd never been in this position before where someone held so much power over her. Finally, the secret she'd been keeping for her entire life was out of the bag, and Sarah didn't know what to do.

Freia leaned into Sarah and whispered in her ear. "You like getting on all fours and eating cake off the floor."

Sarah squirmed away, eyes wide, pulse rocketing. "What.. how do you? I didn't.."

Looking pleased, Freia scooched away, giving Sarah a bit of personal space. "Accidentally took a look at your pictures and videos after my phone call."

Sarah was genuinely mad that Freia had violated her privacy. "Hey! Don't go through my phone! You can't.. It's not what it looks like." Yet, as Sarah remembered the video she had taken of herself eating cake off the floor like a pig, she wondered how much Freia had seen. As Sarah thought about what she'd done in that video, she got more and more embarrassed.

"It looks like I get to keep your body for another week. That's what it looks like." Freia scooched out of the booth and stood up, looking delighted.

"But.. you cheated." Sarah could only stare at Freia, wishing she hadn't made this stupid bet. Now that she knew Freia knew her secret, she felt afraid of what Freia would do with it.

"A bets a bet." Sarah playfully taunted.

"But.. Freia. We were supposed to switch back yesterday.. I can't do this for another week." Sarah groaned. This wasn't how this was supposed to happen. Sarah was more than ready to get her slim body back, and another week of being fat seemed like a bridge too far.

Freia seemed to be genuinely enjoying herself, seizing on this victory. "I'm sorry, but you agreed to the bet. I don't make the rules. I'm sure you'll find a way to have some fun with the extra time, you perv." The little knowing wink that Freia added at the end made Sarah's stomach churn.

Sitting in silence, thinking, Sarah realized that she had lost and didn't want to argue. Freia knew her secret, and she didn't want to instigate Freia further. "Okay.. fine." Sarah reached into herself to find the will to put her proverbial foot down. "But no more after that! I'm serious. I'm getting tired of lugging your fat ass around! Plus, I need my body back before my boyfriend comes back, and I have a modeling shoot coming up too! One week, 1 PM my apartment. No more extensions!"

Freia held her hands up. "Okay, okay! You've got a deal. No more extensions. I'm going to go grab us some drinks to seal the deal." The slimmer girl headed off to the bar, leaving Sarah to sit and mentally deal with everything that had just happened.

The remainder of the night was a bit of a haze. After two tequila shots, Sarah's memory wasn't entirely reliable. The shots at least helped ease the reality that she'd have to be fat for seven more days, but the thought of it was still daunting. After the shots, Sarah remembered some guy with a French or Italian accent who met up with Freia and introduced himself. He seemed to be quite handsome and quite wrapped up in Freia. Though Sarah couldn't remember his name, Sarah soon found herself to be the third wheel to Freia and her male friend from that moment forward.

The night ended when Sarah mustered the last of her energy to dance one more song. Though Freia had been insistent that Sarah dance with her, Freia and her guy friend completely ignored her, locked into each other by the time they got to the dance floor. When the two started making out, Sarah excused herself and decided it was time to go home. While Freia inevitably went home with her guy, sharing a bed and locking lips with him, Sarah went home to share a bed with a box of cupcakes, locking her lips around cake and frosting. Even though their nights ended differently, both girls found a way to cum.
28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Minifan 2 years
Wow, I feel like I need a chapter from Freia's POV on how she got so immense
Kexickus 2 years
Yeah, that'd be awesome.
ConJohn 2 years
Yeah, I thought about having that chapter(s), but didn't want to expand the scope of the story much more, so I'm leaving it to the readers interpretation on that one
Littlejohnboy 2 years
I would also like to read Freiaโ€™s story, too from 118 to 600-700 pounds in four years. Wow! And did she get immense again? ๐Ÿ˜‹
Growingsofter 2 years
So ๐Ÿ”ฅ
ConJohn 2 years
Beatlemaster... 2 years
Wow, even with the foreshadowing this was better than I hoped. I hope Sarah is able to live with changes. Owen will do everything he can to make her as happy as possible. Rooting for this cute couple!
ConJohn 2 years
Think you'll be happy with the last chapter
Hereiam 2 years
Please say there's more chapters of Owen "helping" her. Just delicious stuff!
ConJohn 2 years
Yup! One more chapter smiley
TheGreatFatsby 2 years
This cliffhanger has me logging into FF more.oftwn than I'd like to admit to see the next chapter.
ConJohn 2 years
haha, dang. Happy to create so much buzz. New chapter is here
Hereiam 2 years
Same, been checking all weekend. ๐Ÿคฃ
Mikeboi1994 2 years
I knew it! Freia has returned! ๐Ÿ˜‚ I can't wait for the next chapter. I have a feeling that freia is going to stick around a while.
ConJohn 2 years
We'll see!
Kexickus 2 years
I'm so excited!
ConJohn 2 years
Inotai 2 years
Sarah immobile please
ConJohn 2 years
Check out if I delivered on that
Inotai 2 years
best story on FF
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