The model's waddle

Chapter 10

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A week later, Sarah woke up an hour before noon, in a bed full of wrappers and food containers. Reaching down between her legs, Sarah pulled her vibrator away from her crotch and turned it off. The previous night she'd binged while masturbating, promptly passing out after cumming. Nevertheless, the new feeling of her massive bulk was a surprisingly welcome sensation to wake up with. The amount of her bed her blob of a body took up never wasn't hot to Sarah. Though she was definitely eager to swap back to her skinny body, Sarah knew she'd miss aspects of this fat and lazy lifestyle.

Freia forcing an extension on their vacations from their respective bodies for another week still wore heavy on Sarah. Until that moment in the club, Sarah felt in control of the situation she'd stared. Ten days after this experiment had all begun, Sarah was more than ready to end it. She knew Freia would probably try to weasel her way into another day or two, but Sarah was very much done appeasing her. Sarah didn't like that Freia knew about her secret fetish and hoped she wouldn't bring it up ever again. Having kept that part of herself in the closet her whole life, Sarah intended to keep it that way, even after this was over.

Since Sarah's boyfriend, Mike, was coming home soon, Sarah knew she'd have to take some time to get re-used to her skinny body before then. However, Sarah knew the re-adjustment period would probably be more challenging for Freia, who seemed to revel in being so light on her feet. Last Sarah heard, Freia had been out clubbing a few days ago with the guy she'd been seeing. Since she'd met him at the club, Sarah had learned his name was Ledario, visiting the city for the month from somewhere in Europe. It was lucky for Freia that the temptation of him being around was fleeting, seeing how their fling wouldn't last much longer. Sarah hadn't seen Freia since that night at the club a week ago, wanting to provide the space both girls needed to see this arrangement out.

For their part, Sarah and Freia had been keeping in touch via text for a bit, but then Freia had stopped responding to Sarah's texts three days before this final day. Even though Sarah hadn't heard from Freia, she wasn't too worried about her coming over at the agreed-upon time of 1 PM. Both girls knew this was only a temporary arrangement and that they'd need to return to their lives.

As Sarah struggled out of bed, she couldn't help but feel the slightest bit fatter than earlier in the week. It wasn't much, but there was more heft. It did make her slightly guilty that she'd be returning Freia's weight back to her with a few extra pounds, but Sarah had promised Freia she'd be committed to helping her lose the weight, whatever the costs. Indeed, Freia had helped Sarah achieve an experience she'd been craving, so it was only fair to repay her.

Going through her purse, Sarah found the book of spells and opened it to the page the spell was on, re-reading the spell to herself. "My burden is yours, and yours mine, for tomorrow, you will carry the weight I bear until it is undone."

Under the spell, Sarah re-read the instructions. "The body swap spell: When two persons read the words aloud together, their bodyweights will transfer, one to the other. To undo the spell, repeat the same words with the same two persons, and the respective bodyweights will transfer back, one to the other." Sarah bit her lip, confirming the fact that she'd be sending a few extra pounds back to Freia. However, instead of feeling guilty about it, Sarah felt like this was what Freia deserved for making this journey go on longer.

Having her last lunch as a fat girl, Sarah treated herself to some leftover McDonald's delivery she'd gotten the night before. Knowing she would miss indulging in fast food, Sarah ate with an extra bit of gusto, making sure to clear her apartment of any remaining temptation. With that mantra in her mind, Sarah searched her apartment for anything she knew she shouldn't eat when she got her model-sized body back. Tearing through all the leftovers and fattening food she had left, Sarah brought it all to her kitchen table and continued gorging, determined not to stop until it was all gone. Yet that decision wasn't up to Sarah. Like she had many times before this week, Sarah passed out mid-stuffing, full beyond her limits.

Sarah awoke to a buzzing from her phone. Shocked out of her slumber, Sarah quickly grabbed the phone and answered, completely losing track of time. "Freia!?"

"What? Sarah, it's Mike."

"Oh, hi Mike!" Sarah said, surprised yet still happy to hear her boyfriend's voice. "How was your game against DC United? Did you win?"

There was a long pause. "Sarah, the game was yesterday. We tied.."

Sarah could feel herself blushing, having lost track of time of her boyfriend's schedule. "Oh, that's right, sorry, Mike."

Mike let out a long sigh. "Hey, listen.." His tone was somber. "I've been doing something thinking.." Sarah's palms started to sweat as she listened, nervous. "I think maybe we should.." Sarah could feel her breath getting short, realizing what was happening. "..see other people" Her heart dropped at mike's words, speechless. "It's been fun.. But I don't think this is working.." There was nothing to say. "Sarah?"

After what seemed like an eternity, Sarah found her voice. "Mike.. I'm.. If this is about that fat suit thing.. it's over. I'm out of that thing, and it's behind me. When you come back, can we talk?" She wasn't willing to accept what Mike was telling her. Once things were back to normal, Sarah felt like she could talk it through, not feeling ready to have the relationship end.

Mike sounded frustrated. "Sarah.. It's more than that. Fuck.. I met someone else." He paused to let that sink in before reluctantly admitting the next part. "I cheated on you. Sorry.."

Sarah nearly dropped her phone, feeling her sadness turn very quickly into anger. "What?? You what?! You.. FUCK YOU! Are you serious!?"

"Sarah, after that night.. I don't know.. Look, I shouldn't have done it.. but I did, and I think it's just not right for us to be together." There was a pain in Mike's voice as if this wasn't what he wanted either, but it didn't exactly sound like he regretted his mistake.

Now furious, Sarah had had enough. Mike's voice didn't bring her the same comfort it had moments ago. On the contrary, it made her feel sick. "So that's it?! You get to decide that it's over?! Well, Fuck you, Mike! You're not breaking up with me.. I'm breaking up with you. Bye!" Sarah hung up her phone, tears welling in her eyes.

Over the years, Sarah had her share of short-term boyfriends, so she was used to moving on when it was time to move on. However, Mike was definitely one of the good ones. He'd been one of her favorites. It was just her luck that he was the first guy to ever break up with her. Though Sarah wasn't yet at an age where settling down felt appealing to her, she had at least hoped for more out of her relationship with Mike. Yet, seeing as he had cheated on her, all that Sarah wanted was for that fucker to die.

To help cope with the pain of possibly one of her most miserable breakups, Sarah leaned forward in the seat she had passed out in earlier and started shoving food that she hadn't finished into her face. As strange as it was, eating made Sarah feel better, helping her ease her away from the emotional pain. The warm blanket of comfort that food brought Sarah was fleeting but a welcome distraction. When the remaining food was gone, reality returned, and Sarah realized that she was single for the first time in seven months. Sarah felt she'd need another few days to recover from her breakup emotionally, but thoughts of going out and enjoying the single life again would be fun. Regardless, she'd need a rebound guy fast.
28 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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ConJohn 2 years
haha, thanks! I think some others have this one beat imo, but I appreciate it.
Jesseyeah 2 years
I think it's really interesting how so many are commenting how bad they feel for her... idk it's really a realistic experience and very insightful and humanizing portrayal of the feedee's struggle
ConJohn 2 years
Thank you, that means quite a lot. I'd imagine they are generally feeling empathetic to the main character's personal struggle, which is understandable.
ConJohn 2 years
Though I'm not a feedee, I know a few in real life, and it sounds like it's can be an experience that has inner conflicts that could pull someone in two different directions along changing goalposts
Whodatboi 2 years
Ngl, I'm impressed she hasn't commited suicide. I get this is fiction but I'd definitely try to manipulate Chelsea into getting drunk and doing the spell if I were her. These stories are so depressing
ConJohn 2 years
Yikes, I know (so far) this clearly isn't the most Sunshine and roses story for the main character, but that's pretty dark ๐Ÿ˜จ
Whodatboi 2 years
I get that it's and all and I gotta say that this is one of the most well written stories I've read here... it's just too well done to the point where I care alot more about the plot at this point lol
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! Clarification appreciated.
Vernon 2 years
If she wakes up immobile I'M GONNA BE PISSED (and lowkey intrigued ๐Ÿ‘€)
ConJohn 2 years
Nice. Little of column A and B
Overlord 2 years
Yes, it's obvious that Sarah will be even bigger than before and that Freia tricked her again. At this point i really only want to see her get revenge on Freia and also on Chelsea. both deserve it.
Mclovinnit 2 years
Something tells me Sarah wonโ€™t be waking up te way sheโ€™s expecting! And Iโ€™m all in for it!
ConJohn 2 years
Minifan 2 years
Part of me wants Sarah to wake up a little chubby after keeping the weight she's gained, but the other part really wants to see what Freia has done to her body ๐Ÿ˜…
LoveMuffin 2 years
Pregnant body and chubby
ConJohn 2 years
We're going to find out for sure in the next chapter either way
Thelegendary... 2 years
I see where this is going. ๐Ÿ˜„ I suspect the feeder boyfriend will be getting a call when she can't get out of bed in the morning.

Great story!
ConJohn 2 years
Good looking out. We'll see if your prediction comes to fruition
Growingsofter 2 years
Loving it. Cant weight for the next chapter
ConJohn 2 years
Thanks! I'm going to have the final few parts out this weekend and wrap the story up
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