The queen mother (complete)

chapter 2

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Between her stuffed belly and her orgasm, it isn't long before Queen Ralia passes out into a deep, dreamless sleep. The next thing she knows, she has a sudden urge to use the bathroom.

After she uses it, Queen Ralia looks at herself in the mirror. Her stomach is much flatter than it had been. It was still a bit bloated, though. A small part of her feels strangely disappointed. She shakes her head. Things just started today. There is no way she'd see any true results yet.

She pads back to her feeding spot just as her maids came to wake her.

"Excellent," the head maid said, "you are already awake. I will send the food cart by. Your ... concubines ... will be here shortly." The woman reverently nods and takes her leave.

The queen snorts in laughter. She doesn't think she's heard the word "concubine" used about men before. Then again, she supposes that's what they are. She strides over to the dais and settles into a comfortable yet regal pose.

The cart comes into the room first. It's laden with more sweets, bread, meats, and fruits than she could ever possibly eat. She supposes that it's for the harem. Another cart comes in covered with a wide variety of beverages. Her servants definitely went out of their way to accommodate her harem. She smiles at that. It seems that her people are taking the present circumstances better than she'd dare hope.

It isn't long before her harem is ushered in. The last time she saw them, it was to welcome them into her halls. These were men of varying social standings and cultures. She'd picked them particularly for their good breeding and virility. A few weeks ago they stood in front of her wearing clothes from their native lands. Now they stood in front of her wearing the concubine uniform she designed herself.

Each man stood in from of her - skin oiled to a gleam. Ornate gold bands adorned their arms and ankles. Only a decorative loin covered their modesty. Albeit not by much.

Queen Ralia took the time to admire their forms on display. The first to enter was a bearded stocky Irishman by the name of Seamus. The ginger man's skin was smattered with freckles and a light dusting of body hair. A talk, lanky Scandinavian walked closely behind him. Thor, unlike Seamus, had absolutely no facial or body hair at all. His wiry frame towered over all the other men in the group.

The next man, Ricardo, trailed a little ways behind. The Spaniard looked at home on the dance floor. Queen Ralia couldn't wait to how that translated in bed. He had more chest hair than Seamus, but not much elsewhere. Right behind him, Saddiq strutted inside. He was softer and shorter than his other compatriots. The Turk's hair was perfectly styled, his body waxed smooth just for her.

After Saddiq came Absko of Kenya. His skin was darker than Queen Ralia's and covered with tattoos. His long, coiled hair is tamed with many braids. He was nearly as tall as Thor, but much more muscular. However, a thick layer of fat covered his chest and torso. Iy made him look a bit like a friendly bear - cuddly yet fierce. Finally, bringing up the rear was Min-jun. He looked completely different from the others. Whereas other others looked powerful, Min-jun's boyish looks and slender frame made him look ... pretty. The queen couldn't understand why he'd been selected until she looked down at the sizeable bulge under the loincloth.

The queen slipped her skirt off and removed her breast band in a perfunctory manner. There was no point in making a show out of things. They were there for her pleasure after all.

"You know why you stand before me today. Your sole purpose here is to stuff me with food and cum until I am fat and pregnant all the time. You will sleep with no one but myself. Any children we make belong to the throne and to the people. That said, I will allow you to be part of their lives."

She looks at them all to make sure they understand her. She lays down with her legs propped up with pillows. She wants to make sure to keep as much cum inside as possible. Saddiq approaches her first and proceeds to feed her smoked meats. Seamus settles between her legs and laps at her folds. His beard tickles her clit and makes sparks twitch through her. Ricardo latches onto her breaks - suckling and nuzzling them the while.

Queen Ralia greedily wolfs down whatever food Saddiq gives her. After a while, the flavors - salty, smoky, sweet, tangy - begin to blend together. At some point, Thor joins Ricardo. Each man attacks her breasts as if their lives depend on them. She can feel herself grow wetter and Seamus expertly eats her out. It's not long before a well-placed nose swipe sends her into convulsions. Thor and Ricardo refuse to stop their ministrations leaving her craving more.

Her sopping wetness makes it that much easier for Seamus to slide right in. One effect of this fertility medicine is that every bit of pre and cum will splash into her womb. It'll come out eventually, but not before making her bloated. So when the Irishman takes her full hilt, she knows by the end of the day, she'll be stuffed at both ends today. She idly considers that as far as first times, this one isn't so bad.

She glances down at her belly. The top part is slowly but surely swelling up with food. There isn't a noticeable change on the lower part, but that is sure to change soon. Seamus's thrusts begin to pick up and his breathing grows more ragged. She can feel him swell inside of her before something trickles deep inside her. As soon as Seamus slips out of her, Min-jun quickly takes his place.

Min-jun feels noticeably thicker than Seamus and makes extra special attention for her middle. He runs his tongue lovingly over her stomach and swirls it around her navel. He whispers sweetly about how big she'll be soon. How her body will soften and thicken. How her backside will become a sight to behold. How her full and leaky her breast will become. How hard it will be to move once he fills her up with his babies. She doesn't last much longer than that. She milks him for all he's worth. Min-jun does not last much longer after that.

They take turns pounding her nice and deep. They keep it up even during feeding breaks. She loses track of all time. At this moment, she isn't Queen Ralia, Ruler of Yoddia. She's just Ralia. At this moment, nothing exists but her orgasmic haze and never-ending fullness. Without realizing it, she eventually eats most of the food - enough for at least eight people.

By the end of the day, she is completely and utterly full. Her womb is completely engorged with cum. At some point, one of her concubines placed a plug in her to keep it all inside. Between that in her stomach, she looks at least six months pregnant. She lays there in a daze. She's sore, faintly nauseous, and can hardly breathe. Yet as she looks at her harem passed out around her, she can't recall the last time she's felt so satisfied - let alone had so many orgasms.

Eventually, a team of maids come into the room to clean up. She watches with disinterest as they cart away the mess. They help her harem get up and leave to be attended to. They then pull her up to clean the soiled love nest. One of the maids brings a large container and places it between her spread legs. She dawns a glove and fishes between Queen Ralia's folds for the plug. The woman slowly pulls it out drawing a moan from the queen. The freed cum gushes out of her stimulating her overstimulated nerves. It manages to wring one last orgasm out of her before she passes out.

She wakes up shortly after in her bed fresh and clean. Her belly has gone down in size, but it is still extremely full. She rubs it until falls asleep - dreaming about the sheer hedonism awaiting her tomorrow.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Gushloader 1 year
I read the first chapter but I am loving it so far.
Great descriptions, logical action and/or motivation, well written with many uncommon words.
Artistic indeed.
Munchies 1 year
Thank you kindly!
Sutherngent96 2 years
One of the best!
Munchies 2 years
You are very kind. Thank you so much!
Escape60 2 years
A great new chapter, but you posted chapter 8 twice in the same submission, the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, where the chapter ends the first time it's been pasted again.
Munchies 2 years
Hey, thanks for letting me know. It's not showing up like that on my end at this time. Perhaps the site fixed itself? But I shall keep an eye out for the future.

Glad you like it!