The queen mother (complete)

chapter 4

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Queen Ralia is having a lazy day. It's just her and Min-jun exploring each other's bodies. She can't get over how pretty he is. She pulls him close to give him a sweet kiss that quickly grows heated. Min-jun reaches around to play with her ever-growing behind. The queen sighs into the kiss enjoying every fondle, grope, and smack.

It's been a month since this all started. Queen Ralia is starting to look like a new person. She's not chubby yet, but she's well within the thick category. The muscle is still there - surprisingly all of the constant sex has kept it from atrophy. However, it is hidden under a layer of softness.

Her breasts have graduated from small handfuls to overflowing her cupped hands. Her butt transformed from hard muscle to clapping whenever her harem took her from behind. They started to pay extra attention to her growing thighs. Her belly stuck out even when empty. Overall, her body started to have an exaggerated hourglass look with a basketball taped to the middle.

It was mostly thanks to her harem. She's surprised by how fond she's become of them. When they first came, she saw them as a rather enjoyable means to an end. Now, though not particularly close, she started to hold them in higher regard.

With that in mind, she reaches down to cup Min-jun's balls. Queen Ralia smiles when his breath hitches. She gently swirls her thumb against the tender skin. His milky skin flushes red at her ministrations. She feels a level of pride knowing that she's why he feels so good.

He grabs her by the waist and carefully helps her straddle him. The queen whines as her food-filled belly sways with the motion. She carefully lowers herself onto his weeping head. It feels so good as it stretches her sloppy wet slit. She doesn't care too much for being on top with a packed belly. Yet she knows how much he loves to see her breasts bounce, so she doesn't mind too much.

They go at it until the bouncing makes her vaguely nauseated. Min-jun graciously flips their positions and takes her more gently. It takes a bit longer to cum, but she doesn't mind. They go at it for several more hours. Eventually, Queen Ralia realizes her womb isn't stuffed with cum yet. In fact, it seems most of it has oozed out of her a while ago and she didn't notice.

A manic grin spreads across her face. The only reason she isn't storing it must be that she's finally pregnant. She doesn't say anything but makes a mental note to see the Royal Healer first thing in the morning.

The next day, Queen Ralia stands in the mirror. This time not in admiration, but rather in aggravation. It's not her appearance. If anything, she feels rather sexy with her soft curves and the finger coils Absko did for her last night. Unfortunately, the issue lies with her wardrobe.

The downside of rapidly gaining weight is that you also rapidly outgrow clothes. She'd anticipated that a while ago and had clothes made up to fit her expanding frame. Sadly, she did not expect to fatten up so quickly. She noticed a week ago she was running out of clothes and ordered more. But it wasn't fast enough. By the end of the week, she'd outgrown everything but one button-down dress. Today, however, it fits her like a sausage casing.

If she unbuttons it around the middle, she can make it work, but it looks very ridiculous. She looks at the time and sighs. She'll be late for her appointment and there is nothing for it.

As she heads to the healer, everyone she comes across seems enraptured by her body. She's mildly annoyed by it. The healer is on the other side of the palace and she keeps getting stopped by people wanting to fondle her fat or stuff her with a treat. She'd put a stop to it if it wasn't so arousing. By the time she arrives, she's five minutes late, overwhelmingly horny, and couldn't rebutton her dress if she tried.

The healer looks annoyed at her tardiness but doesn't say anything. Her bloated middle is explanation enough. She simply starts the exam.

The healer is very pleased with how steadily she's picking up weight. She pocks and prods the queen with clinical interest at how quickly she's getting fat. The queen was 137 pounds before she started fattening up. Now she clocked in at 162 - although judging by her middle, about 4 of those pounds were food.

She instructs the queen to disrobe and goes to collect her tools. The healer smirks at the other woman's relief when the dress comes off and her fat expands a bit. Then she shucks off her panties revealing just how aroused she is. However, the healer says nothing - simply pokes around to check for a mucus plug.

"Congratulations, my queen. You are pregnant. Let me run some tests to see how far along you are."

The queen beams. She caresses her stomach and imagines just how many children are inside. The first time she took the potion, the healer warned her that she'd have multiple babies each time. Perhaps she was pregnant with triplets. Maybe even octuplets.

"Make sure you stop drinking the fertility potion, your majesty."

The queen looks up at the healer. "Why? Will it hurt my babies?"

"Oh, no. Certainly not, my queen. Your babies will feel no effects. However, if you keep taking it, you may find yourself knocked up again while still pregnant. There would never be a time when you wouldn't be pregnant. You'd be like a queen bee - always pumping out children."

Queen Ralia tries to look disinterested, but in truth, she can feel herself gushing at the thought. The healer sighs to herself and leaves to do the tests. She's going to be very busy delivering a lot of babies for the next two decades.

Later that day, she calls her harem together for an announcement. When they come, they find her body covered in oil with large plugs in both holes.

"Thank you all for coming" she addresses the confused but intrigued group. "I want to announce that thanks to your efforts, I am now pregnant."

Cheers and applause erupt. The men look quite satisfied with themselves.

"Yes. Thank you so much. As a token of my appreciation, I am letting use my body for your own pleasure just for tonight."

They didn't need to be told twice. Absko walked over to her and picked her up. He removed both plugs and eased himself through her back door. Ricardo grabbed a chair for Absko to sit down and give himself a better angle between her thighs.

Thor took advantage of his height and pressed himself against her plump lips. The queen had never given anyone a blowjob before but had a general idea of the mechanics. She opened swirled her tongue around his head, lapping up the pearls of pre. Then she slowly bobbed her head up and down his length, hollowing her check as she went. It wasn't bad per se for the first time, but it wasn't what he wanted. He grabbed her head and shoved her down until she was kissing his balls.

Meanwhile, Seamus and Saddiq stood on either side of her as she fondled them. Unlike her blow jobs, the queen had grown well-versed in hand jobs. She gently raked her nails up and down the shaft, teased their heads, and rolled their balls in her palm.

Min-jun meanwhile had a problem. He had no idea where to put himself. He didn't feel like waiting until one of them was done, but all the other spots were taken. Suddenly he had an epiphany. Both of her breasts were on full display. He grabbed another chair and used it to position himself over her. He slid his length between each mammary and squished them together. The soft flesh felt absolutely heavenly.

By the end of the first round, Queen Ralia was absolutely coated in cum. Then Thor announced she needed more practice giving head. The others eagerly lined up to give her more practice - except for Absko who was content to stay where he was. By the end of the night, she mastered the finer points of fellatio and had a gut bulging with cum to prove it.

That night, she lay on her bed very sore, but extremely satiated. Her stomach sloshed with every movement, and she massaged it to work out as much trapped gas as possible. She nodded off to sleep imagining the next time they do it again.
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Gushloader 1 year
I read the first chapter but I am loving it so far.
Great descriptions, logical action and/or motivation, well written with many uncommon words.
Artistic indeed.
Munchies 1 year
Thank you kindly!
Sutherngent96 2 years
One of the best!
Munchies 2 years
You are very kind. Thank you so much!
Escape60 2 years
A great new chapter, but you posted chapter 8 twice in the same submission, the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, where the chapter ends the first time it's been pasted again.
Munchies 2 years
Hey, thanks for letting me know. It's not showing up like that on my end at this time. Perhaps the site fixed itself? But I shall keep an eye out for the future.

Glad you like it!