The queen mother (complete)

chapter 6

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At three months pregnant, Queen Ralia can safely say she is fat. Everything on her feels heavy. Her breasts and belly put a strain on her back. If it wasn't for her equally large backside, she'd probably topple over. Her giant thighs thud and slap against each other to the point that they rub each other raw. She's taken to wearing bands, creams, and powders all the time. The only time they don't touch is when she spreads them to make room for her belly. She isn't sure just how heavy she is, but she'll find out today at the healer.

Her maids help her dress for her appointment. She's taken to keeping her prominent belly on display at all times. This way it can expand in peace and everyone can fondle it whenever they please.

The maids dress her in a patterned bra with a sheer cover-up piece. Well, perhaps "cover-up" is a misnomer. Not only is everything see-through, but also it just covers her flabby arms, breasts, and backside. Her wobbling middle is exposed sicking out with a slight hang. She's wearing a maxi skirt that matches her bra. Queen Ralia twirls around in the mirror. She's certainly feeling herself today.

She leaves early today knowing she'll be stopped many times so that the palace staff can fondle her. She could put a stop to it, but she loves it far too much.

Fortunately, Queen Ralia arrives on time for her appointment. The first thing the healer does is weigh her. The queen can't see over her belly, so the healer has to read the numbers aloud.

"223 pounds." The healer announces.

Queen Ralia bites her lip. "Is that good?"

"In this situation, I'd say yes. Still, I'd recommend slowing down on the belly stuffing."

"Did I overdo it?"

"Oh no," the healer laughs away the other woman's concern, "This is perfect for now. Just let your body get used to the weight. Build up some muscle. Besides, in a few months, you are going to balloon even more."

The healer punctuates this declaration by jiggling her hefty gut. The queen giggles. She's indeed going to be much bigger than this. And as much as she loves the constant belly stuffing, she does miss being amongst her people. She's spent so much time indoors that she's lost her tan. Now she looks like milk chocolate with extra milk.

The healer then motions her towards the examination table. She gets on it and watches the healer set up the ultrasound equipment. The woman squirts a cold gel on her belly and smears it around with the wand.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty. I see three healthy babies in there. If the potion did its job correctly, they'll all be girls. But I'd like to confirm that in a few months."

Queen Ralia looks at the screen. Tears of joy form in her eyes. They look like beans, but to her, they are the most beautiful things she's ever seen. And these three she'll get to keep.

The healer asks her a few more questions before she wipes off the gel and sends her in her way. It seems that the fertility potion is keeping the worst of her symptoms at bay. She's had no nausea, tender breasts, or mood swings, so there is that. The healer reminds her that there is a possibility that she can get pregnant while still being pregnant. The queen ignores her warning. Rather, she's kind of hoping that will happen.

Queen Ralia takes a walk outside for the first time in months. She's gotten tremendously out of shape, so Thor tags along for support. It feels a bit weird to not be bursting at the seems for once. Still, she finds herself eating far more than she used to without even feeling full.

It's hard to walk very far without huffing and puffing all the way. Thor gets the bright idea to hold her gut up as they walk. It's not much, but it does help. Plus he gets to cop as many feels as he like.

Eventually, they both get hot and bothered. Queen Ralia takes him to a secluded spot. It's a bit awkward, but she manages to lay on the ground spread eagle before him. Thor slips her skirt off her hips and smiles at the sight before him. She's gotten so fat that he has to lift her gut just to see everything properly. She's kept herself neatly trimmed but he knows she's too fat to have done it herself.

He takes off his loincloth and buries himself full hilt into her. She gasps loudly and hooks her legs around his waist. He sets off at a brisk clip. Every bit of fat from her legs to her cheeks shudders with every pump. She loudly mewls and moans underneath him. The noise attracts a few garden staff to investigate.

Thor notices their audience. Personally, he loves putting on a show, but he's not so sure about the queen. He stops and starts to pull out. The Queen's legs go from just resting on his waist to squishing him in a death grip. Her death glare takes him aback and sends a shiver down his spine.

"Why did you stop?" She demands.

Thor motions to their observers. "It seems that we have drawn a crowd, Your Grace."

Queen Ralia looks where he's pointing. Sure enough, a small crowd of three people is standing nearby and gawking at them. She turns back to him and pushes him back inside.

"I don't care if the whole Queendom passes by," she bites out, "Let them see what I will do for them. Let them see me on my back filled with babe and your cum. Let them hear me scream in ecstasy. I thank you for worrying about my modesty, but if you stop again, there will be problems."

Thor leans over and nips at her breasts. "I aim to please." He goes back to it, but this time he puts on a show. He rolls hips with every pump. He sucks a line of hickey from her neck to the top of her stomach. At some point, he flips her over on her knees. Her belly is inches from the ground and her booty claps when slams back in.

Thor glances over at the other women. One seems to have left, one looks on with pure fascination, and the other has a hand down her pants. Thor preens a little bit. He turns back to the queen's jumping flesh.

There is something he wants to try, but he has to stay hard to do it. His current view is making things a bit hard to do. He reaches around to stroke her clit. She throws her head back at the extra stimulation. It's not long before she starts convulsing - her face screwed up in a silent scream.

He flips her back over and admires her post-orgasmic haze. He thinks she's prettiest loose-limbed and flushed with pleasure. He looks down at her fat belly. These past three months, she's filled out faster than anyone he's ever seen before. As such, her navel has gone from an outie to a cavernous innie. It'll pop back out as her pregnancy progresses, but right now, it's the perfect place to bury himself into.

He grabs either side of her belly and smooshes it together to deepen the navel further. Then he gently pushes himself into the fatty mound. Last week, he and the others talked about their favorite ways to have sex with the queen. Min-jun insisted that nothing could be better than sliding between her soft tits. However, Thor thinks that this might be even better.

Her navel is warm and soft all over, but tight enough to gently squeeze him. Plus the way her belly wobbles and shakes just amplifies his pleasure. He doesn't last very long and spills into her navel.

The queen looks at her belly. Hot white cum pools in her navel with a little bit running down towards her mound. One of the gardeners handed her a rag to wipe herself with. She cleans up as Thor helps her up.

Queen Ralia looks up at Thor and then back down at her navel. "I'm very fat aren't I?"

Thor looks at her cautiously. "Yes, my queen."

"I'm going to be fatter."

" ... Yes?"

She licks her lips and looks back up at him. "Get the others. I want them to show me just how fat I am."

Thor's eyes darken. He runs off at full clip to get the others. The queen turns to the two gardeners. "Bring me a blanket and get back to work." They nod and run off to obey.

When Thor comes back with the others, the queen is lying on a blanket pleasuring herself with her fingers. Her harem descends upon her. They spend the next three hours pumping her full with as much cum as possible.

They get a few more visitors. Some quickly leave as soon as they see them. Some bring them food and water. Some take a moment to watch. And what a sight their queen is. The harem takes turns spit-roasting, so Queen Ralia has a near-constant supply of come and pre. Her stomach bulges until it touches the ground then she keeps going.

Her harem lets her drain for a bit and then takes her back to her room. She falls into a deep sleep and doesn't wake up until the next day.
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Gushloader 1 year
I read the first chapter but I am loving it so far.
Great descriptions, logical action and/or motivation, well written with many uncommon words.
Artistic indeed.
Munchies 1 year
Thank you kindly!
Sutherngent96 2 years
One of the best!
Munchies 2 years
You are very kind. Thank you so much!
Escape60 2 years
A great new chapter, but you posted chapter 8 twice in the same submission, the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, where the chapter ends the first time it's been pasted again.
Munchies 2 years
Hey, thanks for letting me know. It's not showing up like that on my end at this time. Perhaps the site fixed itself? But I shall keep an eye out for the future.

Glad you like it!