The queen mother (complete)

chapter 9

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Queen Ralia is feeling enormous today. Of course, these days the queen is packed to bursting all the time. Her first batch is due any day now, and the quintuplets getting larger every day. She's utterly beached.

She's been on bed rest for the past two and a half months. It's hard to believe she has 8 babies inside her. Her triplets are quite fat and it's only a matter of time before the others plump up too.

At first, she did not appreciate being stuck on bed rest. Sure, she was enormous. Her entire body had a thick layer of fat all over it. She now had two wombs with eight babies. Plus her breasts just kept engorging themselves with milk. But she could still move around - kinda.

Then Ricardo pointed out that it would only be for three months - maybe even less considering most multiples are born early. She still felt extremely bored, but it was nice to have things put in perspective.

About two months later, she is appreciating the bed rest. Queen Ralia has gone from being a very large woman to absolutely gargantuan. She doesn't eat much these days thanks to her babies taking nearly every last bit of space inside her. Her belly takes up nearly all of her lap. She thinks she's lost some of her body fat, but she is too big to be sure.

She's given up wearing clothes. She's too big and unwieldy to take them on and off easily. Her pregnant belly pretty much covers up everything down there. She attendant has to have two people hoist it up to groom and clean her. Her watermelon-sized bosom is constantly leaking. If she bothers to cover them, they'd soak everything through. They often sit perched on her belly leaking all over it

Unfortunately, her choice has made things awkward when it comes to her queenly duties. But, her people are understanding. It only takes a week or two for them to adapt to a naked queen who holds court in her love nest. Especially since she never leaves it.

Sex is now a three-person affair minus the queen herself. As aforementioned, moving her belly is a two-person job. Part of her likes it. Being so large that two of her concubines have to hoist her heavy gut up just so that another can take her is very hot. It's not that it's too heavy for one person. It's that it's just so unwieldy and wide now. It's just easier to stand on either side.

She's always horny these days. A part of Queen Ralia feels bad for her harem. They are starting to look tired all the time. She has them with her morning, noon, and night keeping her in a near-constant state of orgasm. Something about her insides being so tightly packed gets her going. She can't get enough of that feeling.

She has to take shallow breaths all the time. Even eating an apple or two makes her so unbelievably full. Her navel is finally an outie again. It's so sensitive and cute. She loves it when her harem gives it a gentle lick or kiss. She wonders if she should get a navel ring or not to adorn it. Then again, she's so large that one little bit of sparkle wouldn't be enough.

Today she has to hold court. Normally, she'd give her harem today off. But she needs them too much. She pulls a bell next to her to summon her maids first.

They help her to the toilet, clean her, and feed her. Queen Ralia doesn't care too much for being too big to need help going to the toilet or being too big to clean herself. She's glad this helplessness and near immobility is temporary. Yet she knows in a few months she'll be here again. Eventually, she'll get used to being too pregnant to do much. Today is not that day.

One of her maids washes and retwists her locs. They are starting to reach her jaw. She doesn't care too much for how they look yet just hanging down. So she's been styling them in intricate updos. It's the only that she can really do for herself these days. As much as she likes to be pampered, she really misses her independence.

Her maids take her back to her love nest and leave to get her harem. She'll have to time things to be ready for her court session. It's hard to give them her full focus in the throes of orgasm. They've stopped feeding her, but they've been taking care of her in other ways. For the past two weeks, they've taken to draining her breasts for her.

They tried to milk her like a cow, but she produced so much milk, they ran out of containers. Then one of them had the bright idea to just drink directly from her. Queen Ralia loved it. It relieved her heavy breasts and kept her dry. Plus, her people seem to like the taste. By the end of each court session, a good handful waddle home full to the brim.

A firm yet gentle kiss brings her out of her thoughts. It's Thor. He's made himself her official breast drainer. The queen smiles and takes him all in. He's getting bigger. She wouldn't say fat. If anything, his muscles have grown a little bit. However, she knows he's been exercising like mad. Her milk is rich and sweet and he likes to drain every drop. Often times he's leaves looking pregnant himself. She knows if it weren't for all that exercise, he'd be nothing but blubber in a few years.

The queen sees Seamus and Ricardo on either side of her. Unlike Thor, she knows they'll rotate out holding her overgrown middle. She has no idea who's between her thighs. Not that she really cares. She mewls when a tongue swipes between her folds. She pushes all thought away and lets the pleasure overtake her.

They go at it for hours. Queen Ralia misses being able to see who's pounding her into next week. However, there is something very sexy about being too fat and pregnant to see her lower half. Unfortunately, she is also too big to see her people filing into the room.

The newcomers stand in shock and stare. Neither the queen nor the harem has noticed them at all. They take a moment to take stock of their queen. She lays on her back spread eagle. Her titanic thighs are spread as far apart as possible giving just enough room for the lithest concubine, Min-jun, to take her hard and deep. They've been at it for a while based on how much cum pools on the ground.

One of her men happens to glance at them. He flushes in embarrassment and scampers behind the queen's giant belly - probably to alert Queen Ralia. A few beats and he rushes over to them.

"I am so sorry. We lost track of time. The queen will be with you shortly."

Before anyone asks, "How long is 'shortly'?" Queen Ralia screams. Yet another orgasm sends her entire body shaking. Her fat wobbles several seconds after it passes. Her concubines quickly clean her up and leave.

The rest of the day goes largely without incident, but she knows things have changed. Her fellow Yoddians mostly saw her like a queen sacrificing her body for her people. But the truth is that however much she does for her people, this really isn't a sacrifice for her. If she could spend the rest of her days fat, stuffed, and pregnant, she'll consider that a life well lives.
11 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Gushloader 1 year
I read the first chapter but I am loving it so far.
Great descriptions, logical action and/or motivation, well written with many uncommon words.
Artistic indeed.
Munchies 1 year
Thank you kindly!
Sutherngent96 2 years
One of the best!
Munchies 2 years
You are very kind. Thank you so much!
Escape60 2 years
A great new chapter, but you posted chapter 8 twice in the same submission, the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, where the chapter ends the first time it's been pasted again.
Munchies 2 years
Hey, thanks for letting me know. It's not showing up like that on my end at this time. Perhaps the site fixed itself? But I shall keep an eye out for the future.

Glad you like it!