The queen mother (complete)

chapter 10

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Queen Ralia wakes up in pain. Her belly feels impossibly tight and her tailbone feels as if someone is squeezing and grinding the bones together. Her babies are coming and they are coming now. She grabs the rope to alert the maids and pulls with all her might.

The next few hours pass in a blur. They give her something for the pain that makes her feel amazing. The queen isn't sure how long she lies there. The contractions make it hard to keep track of time. But the next thing she knows, she's baring down. A good six hours later, she has three little girls in her arms. They've drunk their fill of milk and are peacefully sleeping.

The queen spends the next week recovering. The healer gives her some more fertility potion so she feels right as rain in no time. Her little girls are just so precious to her. Between her, her harem, and the maids, they want for nothing.

However, the queen feels strangely empty. She's still three months pregnant with quintuplets, but she misses that fit-to-bursting feeling. Not only that, but she isn't as fat as she was three months ago.

"I'm wasting away," she bemoans to the healer a few weeks ago. "I'm firming up. This isn't right. I need to be soft."

The healer nods, "This is concerning. I'll speak to the head chef. You are only going to get more pregnant from here on out."

The queen wasn't thin by any means. But she was certainly smaller. A part of her was worried about the babies. However, in truth, she just wanted to be huge and soft. A year ago, she was all hard planes and angles. Now her form was plush softness and curves. Everything jiggled and swayed when she moved. She had folds and rolls in places that she never expected to get. And yet it wasn't enough.

Later that evening, after the babies had been fed and put to bed, the queen's maids came in with a funnel and a tube. The queen smiled thinking of that first belly stuffing session. They hadn't done something like this in a while. They hooked her up and then left.

Not long after, Ricardo and Thor arrived with buckets of pre-mixed cake shakes. Ricardo poured the mixture in while Thor settled between her thighs. She sucks the shake down enjoying its rich creamy taste. Unfortunately, her capacity has shrunk what with her womb flattening it like a pancake for the past three months.

She's not mad about it. As much fun as it is to cram enough food inside herself for five people at once, it's even more fun to work up to that capacity.

Meanwhile, Thor plays with her folds - not to get her off per se. Just enough to feel nice. He's snaked a hand down there to slowly and gently fondle her clit and occasionally slip a finger or two inside. Queen Ralia doesn't mind the teasing at first. It's almost as relaxing as a massage. However, her patience quickly wore thin. Queen Ralia prefers it hot and heavy, and this is anything but that.

She could order him to please her properly as is her right. But with the hose in her mouth flooding her insides with fattening calories, she was hesitant to stop. It's like she needs to stuff herself. She just can't get enough of the full feeling. And to see herself soften and expand before her eyes is extremely erotic. It's like the person she used to be got swallowed up in a plush cocoon. She couldn't wait to see the body she'll grow into.

Thor pulls his hand away and admires the queen's sopping wet slit. It was truly amazing how well the fertility potion worked. She was just as tight as before she gave birth. It was a shame that she'd lost some weight since giving birth, but he and the others would make sure she'd pile it back on and then some.

Speaking of which, Queen Ralia's middle surged at an impressive rate. He could tell by her face she passed comfortably full a while ago. However, she kept going anyway. Her belly covered a little over half her lap with her legs closed. When she spread her thighs apart to make room, it started to droop over her crotch. Now, between the babies in her womb and food in her gut, it sticks straight out.

She's stretched as tight as a drum - her middle hot and red. Ricardo removes the hose causing her to belch uncontrollably. He presses bruising kisses from her cheek, down her neck, and to her breasts. He pauses at her nipples. Although their children need milk to drink, she's producing more than they could ever hope to consume.

With that in mind, he grazes a puffy bud with his lips. The queen shudders. She's become so sensitive there. Ricardo swirls his tongue her areola, lapping at the sweet milk she's leaking, before latching onto it. Queen Ralia hums contentedly. The relief she feels as he drains her of milk is almost as good as an orgasm.

Meanwhile, Thor switches from heavy petting to tasting her slickness. She tries hard not to squirm. Her overfilled stomach cannot take very much jostling. However, it's hard to stay still when being eaten out as if his life depended on it. She closes her eyes and lets the pleasure wash over her.

The queen caresses as much of her stomach as she can. There isn't any give to it at all. The little softness that's there is from her fat stretched thin over her bloated dome. Nearly every bit of space inside of her is filled with the high-calorie shake. Queen Ralia smiles imagining just how much fatter she'll be by the time all of this settles.

She can feel the food coma creeping in. Sleep is the last thing that she wants right now. Her belly is stuffed and her body calls for a good orgasm. Unfortunately, the past few days have caught up with her and she passes out.

It's bright when she wakes up. Her stomach is still a little bloated and there is a jiggle to it that wasn't there yesterday. A maid brings her children. Queen Ralia looks down at their innocent little faces. She's happy they're here. She's excited to be their mother even. Yet she feels empty.

It's not until breakfast that she figures out why. She's tucking into her large breakfast of fried meats, cheese, and buttered bread when she notices a maid wistfully gazing at the queen's belly. As per usual it's on display for all the world to see.

Queen Ralia chuckles to herself. She loves how her people can't get enough of her belly. She gives it a jiggle. The maid bites her lip watching the fat wobble around. The queen beckons her over. The maid smiles and rushes over.

She expected the other woman to be focused on the babies inside like everyone else. Instead, the other woman drops to her knees kissing and suckling her belly fat.

"Forgive me, your majesty. You are just so beautiful like this. So big and round. I think you get even prettier the rounder you get."

Then it clicked. It was physical emptiness she felt. She was completely hooked on the feeling. It didn't matter if it was food, cum, or baby. She needed to have every bit of room inside her filled up.

The queen looks down at her the best she can. "Would you like to feed me? Fill me up and watch my fat gut expand before you? You'd like that wouldn't you?"

The maid nods. She looks a bit dazed as if she cannot believe her luck.

"Then get to it." She hefts her belly up and drops it for emphasis. She belches as her soft flesh wobbles around. The maid doesn't need to be told twice. She practically shoves the food into the queen's mouth. As soon as Queen Ralia swallows, more food goes it. She becomes an eating machine, barely able to taste her food as she pushes more and more into her stomach.

The awful empty feeling starts to go away. She can feel her belly expand in her lap. She spreads her legs and lets it settle between them. The maid is enthusiastic about her mission. It's not long until the feast laid on the table is crammed inside her. But it's still not enough.

"More. I need more!" The queen can scarcely think for how needy and aroused she feels. But she needs more than food. She thinks back to the days when she was trying to get pregnant. Those days when she was filled with food and cum were among the happiest she's ever had. It would feel even better now that she's pregnant and as a perfectly empty womb that needs to be filled.

She thanks the maid for her time and makes her way to the love nest. She doesn't wait for very long.

Her harem takes turns with each of her holes. She's missed this. She's missed the stretch of getting double penetrated. She just loves feeling the rub against each other deep inside her. She also loves gulping down as much of their cum as possible into her overfilled stomach. She has no idea who is doing what right now, and she does not care. The only thing that matters is getting rid of the empty feeling.

She's too blissed out to give out any hand jobs so the other concubines decide to put her fat to good use. There are two at either side of her sliding between her roles. Another straddles her and starts pounding away into her deep navel.

The queen moans in ecstasy. She can't believe how fat she's gotten for them to do that. This is why she was born: to fatten up and breed. She alone will spend years popping out baby after baby. And her people will adore her for it. She'll spend her days in food comas and orgasmic hazes.

A few hours later, the queen lays nestled amongst the pillows and blankets. Her bloated middle is filled with far too much cum and food to get up. In a few weeks, she'll be pregnant again and fatter than ever. Queen Ralia wouldn't have it any other way.
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Gushloader 1 year
I read the first chapter but I am loving it so far.
Great descriptions, logical action and/or motivation, well written with many uncommon words.
Artistic indeed.
Munchies 1 year
Thank you kindly!
Sutherngent96 2 years
One of the best!
Munchies 2 years
You are very kind. Thank you so much!
Escape60 2 years
A great new chapter, but you posted chapter 8 twice in the same submission, the same thing happened to me a few weeks ago, where the chapter ends the first time it's been pasted again.
Munchies 2 years
Hey, thanks for letting me know. It's not showing up like that on my end at this time. Perhaps the site fixed itself? But I shall keep an eye out for the future.

Glad you like it!