World has gone chubby

Chapter 2

Comments: sorry for the delay, will try to keep this updated consistently. Hope you like it and any recommendations or suggestions will be taken into consideration, thank you :)

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Three weeks have passed since the meeting with Julia, and Sophia's eating habits have definitely changed. And it was starting to get noticed. Indeed, it was very hard to hide that she was eating a lot more every day, and not just more quantity; the most significant change was what she was eating. Let's see: with her previous diet, she would eat two small toasts with a coffee for breakfast, a little portion of rice with some chicken for lunch, and some boring vegetables for dinner. She mostly kept energized by drinking lots of water and coffee. That way she managed to keep extremely fit, no sign of fat on any part of her body, and with a strict behavior that avoided eating anything that she considered could affect her waistline.

However, after the recommendations her nutritionist had given her, she started to modify these patterns. She began slowly: for breakfast when she used to eat just two toasts, now she could easily eat four or five, adding some slices of ham on all of them too. For lunches, if before there was just a small portion of rice with a chicken leg, now it has been replaced by a fully loaded plate of pasta with a mountain of Parmesan cheese, 7 or 8 meatballs, and many slices of garlic bread. Italian food has always been one of Sophia's biggest temptations, and now that she was told not to resist it, she was going to fully enjoy the pleasure of that greasy but pleasantly tasteful dish. Alongside these changes, she started adding desserts, second portions, and cheat meals almost 4 or 5 times per week. Before, she was struggling to reach 1500 calories per day, now she was going beyond 4000 calories on a common day, as her nutritionist recommended.

Those changes, plus reducing the number of training sessions she had weekly, resulted in a new body composition that couldn't be ignored by Sophia, nor by her hockey teammates. Indeed, it was Eve, one of her teammates and best friends, who brought up the slight but undeniably noticeable weight gain of Sophie in the public debate with the team. After the match, with Sophie already gone home but all her teammates having a shower and talking about the game, Eve launched the first comment:

"Gals, am I the only one who noticed Sophie's gotten a bit rounder lately?" - Eve said.

"Seriously? Her shirt can no longer contain her belly! She's wearing the same size as she was wearing 20 lbs ago!" - Agus answered.

"It's very weird; she's always been so fit, and now she carries a belly that almost looks like mine!" - said Kayla, the heaviest one on the team, pointing out her distended midsection.

"Come on... I think you're going a bit overboard... Has she gained weight? Yes. But she's far from being fat or curvy; she must have gained 15 or 20 lbs in the last few weeks, and I think she will lose it in no time." - Replied Eve.

"I hope she doesn't do that; I think the weight gain makes her sexier than she's ever been." - added Kim, well-known inside the team for being in love with Sophie.

What they didn't have a clue about was that Sophie's weight gain wouldn't be lost for a while. As her nutritionist had told her, the world has gone chubby, and Sophie was going to embrace it. So, while her teammates were discussing her newly acquired pounds, she was already home, with a movie waiting for her to be played and a familiar-sized pepperoni pizza, two full Coke bottles, and a medium-sized chocolate cake for dessert, all ready to be eaten by her. "Reward after a tough match," Sophie thought for herself while she was biting into the first slice of a dinner that was going to be transformed directly into new inches on her body.
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