World has gone chubby

Chapter 11

The conversation with Kim had ended on a seemingly positive note, but beneath the surface, Kim harbored feelings of betrayal and anger. She had hoped that Sophie’s feelings might eventually turn towards her, and the finality of Sophie’s decision left her feeling scorned.

Kim’s anger simmered until it reached a boiling point. She remembered how Sophie used to be—slim, athletic, and often disdainful towards curvier girls. Sophie’s arrogance and despective comments about weight had left a mark on Kim, and now she saw an opportunity to exploit those old attitudes to hurt Sophie in return.

Kim took to social media, crafting a series of posts that subtly mocked Sophie’s weight gain. She shared old photos of Sophie from her leaner days, juxtaposed with recent, unflattering pictures taken during team practices. Her captions were dripping with sarcasm and derision.

“Remember when fitness was a priority? #TransformationTuesday #NotSoFitAnymore”

The posts quickly gained traction among their mutual friends and teammates. The comments section filled with laughter and mocking emojis, turning Sophie’s transformation into a spectacle. Kim's betrayal didn’t stop there. She began spreading rumors among the hockey team, reminding them of Sophie’s past comments about their bodies and how she used to look down on them.

“She used to call us fat, and now look at her,” Kim would say, shaking her head in faux disbelief. The team, feeling the sting of Sophie’s past arrogance and now seeing her as hypocritical, started to turn against her.

Sophie noticed the change almost immediately. Teammates who once greeted her warmly now avoided her eyes. Whispers followed her as she walked into the locker room, and practice became a hostile environment. One day, as she struggled through a drill, she overheard a group of teammates laughing and making cruel jokes about her weight.

“Maybe if she put down the donuts, she could keep up,” one of them snickered.

The final blow came when the team captain approached Sophie after practice. “Sophie, we’ve decided it’s best if you take a break from the team. Until you can focus on your fitness again, we think it’s best for everyone.”

The words stung, but the cold looks from her teammates hurt even more. Sophie felt tears welling up in her eyes as she gathered her things and left the field. The ride home was a blur of emotions—anger, betrayal, and deep sadness.

Back in her apartment, Sophie felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. The comments, the looks, the betrayal from Kim—it all crashed down on her. She reached for the only comfort she could find in the moment: a tub of ice cream from the freezer.

Sophie sat on the couch, spooning ice cream into her mouth as tears streamed down her face. She had embraced this journey of weight gain and self-acceptance, but now she questioned everything. Was it worth it? Had she made a mistake? The sadness felt overwhelming, and she let herself cry, the ice cream providing a brief, bittersweet solace.

The betrayal cut deep. Kim had used Sophie’s past arrogance against her, and now she was reaping the consequences of her former attitude. Sophie felt isolated and alone, doubting the choices she had made and the path she had taken.

As she finished the last spoonful of ice cream, Sophie curled up on the couch, hugging a pillow close to her chest. The sadness was palpable, and she wondered if she could ever find happiness again. The journey that had once felt so empowering now seemed fraught with pain and regret.

Sophie knew she couldn’t stay in this dark place forever, but for now, she allowed herself to feel the sadness and the pain. She would have to confront her feelings and find a way forward, but that would come later. For now, she needed to grieve the loss of her team, her friends, and the sense of belonging that had been cruelly ripped away.

The night dragged on, and as Sophie drifted off to sleep, she knew that the road ahead would be difficult. She would need to find strength and support to navigate the challenges and betrayal she faced. But for now, she would rest and gather her strength for the battles yet to come.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 week
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