World has gone chubby

Chapter 12

Sophie sat on her bed, scrolling through her phone when a notification popped up. It was a message from Coach Daniels, the hockey team’s head coach. Her heart raced as she opened it, hoping for some form of support or understanding after the difficult weeks she’d endured.

"Sophie, I’ve been made aware of some mistreatment you’ve been facing from your teammates. I believe everyone deserves a second chance, and I’m willing to give you that opportunity. We’ll need to assess your physical condition to ensure you’re ready to rejoin the team. Come to the training changing rooms tomorrow evening, and wear something that allows us to see how your body responds to physical demands. Let’s make this work."

A wave of relief washed over Sophie. This was a chance to prove herself, to show that despite her weight gain, she could still be an asset to the team. Determined to make the best of this opportunity, she agreed and began to prepare for the test. She chose a tight training top covered by a snug shirt that couldn’t fully conceal her soft, rounded belly. She knew she needed to show the coach she was serious, and she hoped this outfit would allow him to see her physical form and how it responded to the tasks.

The next evening, Sophie arrived at the training changing rooms, feeling a mixture of nerves and determination. She took a deep breath and walked in, expecting to see Coach Daniels. Instead, she was greeted by the sight of her entire team, led by Kim, their faces twisted in cruel smirks.

“Look who decided to show up,” Kim sneered, her voice dripping with malice. “Ready for your big physical test, Sophie?”

Sophie’s heart sank as the realization of the setup dawned on her. This wasn’t about a second chance; it was a cruel prank orchestrated by Kim. Her teammates started to laugh, their taunts echoing off the walls.

“Wow, Sophie, I didn’t realize you were auditioning for a sumo wrestling team,” one of the girls jeered, poking at Sophie’s exposed belly.

“Better hold onto your rolls, Soph, wouldn’t want them to fall off,” another one teased, grabbing at the soft flesh of her sides.

Tears welled up in Sophie’s eyes as the humiliation washed over her. She tried to turn away, to escape the cruel laughter and hurtful comments, but the girls surrounded her, cutting off any route of escape. They continued to poke, prod, and shame her, their words leaving deep scars on her already fragile self-esteem.

Just when Sophie thought she couldn’t take any more, Coach Daniels walked in. For a brief moment, she hoped he would put an end to the cruelty, but his expression darkened as he took in the scene.

“What is going on here?” he barked, striding forward. His eyes settled on Sophie, and a look of disdain crossed his face. “What is this, Sophie? I asked you to show you’re fit for the team, and you show up looking like this?”

Sophie’s tears fell freely now, her voice trembling as she tried to explain. “Coach, I… I thought I was here for a second chance. I’ve been trying—”

“Trying?” Coach Daniels interrupted, his voice cold. “This isn’t trying, this is a disgrace. Look at you, you’re clearly unfit. Being this fat is unacceptable for an athlete. You’re an embarrassment to the team.”

He reached out and poked at her belly, the harshness of his touch making her flinch. “How do you expect to play like this? You’re out, Sophie. We can’t have someone who can’t even control their own body weight.”

The laughter from her teammates grew louder, and Sophie’s humiliation deepened. Her coach, the person she had hoped would support her, was joining in on the cruelty. It was too much to bear.

With a sob, Sophie turned and fled the room, tears streaming down her face. She ran as fast as she could, her heart pounding with a mix of anger, shame, and despair. She didn’t stop until she reached her apartment, slamming the door behind her and collapsing onto the floor.

Curling up, she let the tears flow freely, the pain and frustration overwhelming her. The cruel words, the laughter, the betrayal—it all crashed down on her, leaving her feeling more alone and broken than ever before. The path she had chosen, the journey of self-acceptance and weight gain, now seemed like a cruel joke. Sophie lay there, crying and feeling the weight of the world pressing down on her, wondering if she would ever find the strength to rise again.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 week
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