World has gone chubby

Chapter 3

Sophie woke from her feast, the morning light streaming through her bedroom window. She stretched languidly, feeling the fullness of her belly from the night before, a warm reminder of her indulgence. She had eaten more than she ever had, and the thought of it brought a smile to her face. She felt an unfamiliar thrill, a sense of excitement she couldn’t quite place. With a sigh of contentment, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and made her way to the bathroom.

As she stepped into the shower, she let the warm water cascade over her body, soothing her muscles and washing away the remnants of sleep. The steam enveloped her, and she closed her eyes, savoring the feeling. She reached for the soap, lathering it in her hands before running them over her skin. It was then that she became acutely aware of the changes in her body.

Her hands lingered on her belly, now a small but noticeable curve that hadn’t been there before. She traced the soft, pliable flesh, feeling the way it jiggled slightly under her touch. The realization that she had been actually getting fatter since she began this journey sent a thrill of excitement through her. Her hips had widened, her thighs had thickened, and even her breasts felt fuller and heavier.

Sophie’s fingers moved over her body, exploring the new curves with a mixture of curiosity and arousal. She had always been slender and athletic, her body taut and defined from years of rigorous training. But now, as she stood in the shower, she felt a wave of pleasure wash over her at the sight and feel of her softer, rounder figure.

She ran her hands over her belly again, this time slower, savoring the sensation. Her breathing quickened as she imagined how much more she could grow, how much more she could eat. The thought of indulging in her favorite foods, of feeling her body expand and soften, was intoxicating. She felt a heat rising within her, a deep, primal arousal that she had never experienced before.

Sophie’s fingers trailed down to her thighs, thicker and more substantial than they had ever been. She squeezed the soft flesh, marveling at how it gave way under her touch. Her hands moved to her hips, then to her fuller breasts, feeling the weight and softness of them. She closed her eyes, letting the water wash over her as she explored her new body.

The pleasure built inside her, a deep, throbbing ache that demanded satisfaction. She gave in to the sensations, her hands moving with increasing urgency. Her breaths came in short, ragged gasps as she brought herself to the brink, the combination of her new curves and the thought of how much she had eaten driving her wild.

With a final, shuddering gasp, Sophie found release, waves of pleasure crashing over her. She leaned against the shower wall, her body trembling with the intensity of the experience. She had never felt anything like it, this deep, consuming arousal that came from simply feeling her own softness, from knowing how much she had grown.

As she stood there, letting the water wash away the evidence of her pleasure, Sophie felt a profound sense of satisfaction. She had discovered a new side of herself, a side that reveled in indulgence and growth. It was thrilling and liberating, and she knew she wanted more.

Stepping out of the shower, Sophie wrapped herself in a towel and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Her wet hair clung to her shoulders, and her cheeks were flushed with the afterglow of her arousal. She saw a woman who was soft, curvy, and undeniably beautiful. A woman who was embracing her body and her desires in a way she never had before.

With a smile, Sophie knew that this was only the beginning. She was on a journey of self-discovery, one that involved not just embracing her new body, but also exploring the pleasures that came with it. She was excited for what lay ahead, eager to see how much more she could grow and how much more pleasure she could find in her new, fuller figure.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 week
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