World has gone chubby

Chapter 5

As the days passed and her next appointment with Julia approached, Sophie continued to indulge in her love for food. Her weight gain became even more noticeable, her clothes fitting snugly and her body growing softer and rounder. Each meal was a celebration, and she savored every bite, enjoying the way her body responded to her indulgence. The changes were undeniable, and she felt a mix of excitement and apprehension about her upcoming check-up.

One evening, while she was home for a family dinner, her mother’s eyes widened as she took in Sophie’s new appearance. “Sophie, dear, have you… put on quite a bit of weight lately?" she said, a hint of disgust in her voice.

Sophie bristled at the comment but tried to stay calm. “Yes, Mom, I have. I’m actually happier this way.”

Her mother frowned, clearly struggling to understand. “I don’t see how gaining so much weight could make anyone happy. You were always so fit and healthy.”

Sophie sighed, feeling a pang of frustration. “I’m still healthy, Mom. I’ve just embraced a different lifestyle, and it’s made me feel more confident and content.”

Her mother shook her head, clearly struggling to understand. "I just don’t get it. You were so disciplined, so fit. Why throw that all away?"

Sophie took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "Because I was unhappy, Mom. I was obsessed with being thin, and it wasn’t healthy. Now, I’m learning to love myself as I am."

Her mother remained unconvinced, but Sophie decided not to let it get to her. She tried to brush off her mother’s comments, but they lingered in her mind. She knew she had gained a significant amount of weight, and she could see the changes every time she looked in the mirror. Her belly had grown rounder, and it now jutted out prominently, a soft, inviting curve. Her hips had widened, and her thighs had thickened considerably, creating a noticeable rub when she walked. Even her arms and face had softened, giving her a more voluptuous appearance.

Despite her mother’s disapproval, Sophie continued to enjoy her new lifestyle. She loved the way her body felt, the way it moved, and the way it filled out her clothes. She relished the sensation of being full and satisfied after a meal, and she looked forward to each bite with anticipation.

A few days before her appointment with Julia, Sophie decided to treat herself to a day of indulgence. She started with a lavish breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and eggs, followed by a mid-morning snack of pastries and coffee. For lunch, she enjoyed a hearty sandwich piled high with meats and cheeses, accompanied by a generous serving of fries. The afternoon was filled with sweet treats—cookies, cake, and ice cream—each bite more delicious than the last. Dinner was a feast of pasta, garlic bread, and dessert, leaving her feeling delightfully stuffed and content.

As she lay in bed that night, Sophie couldn’t help but feel excited about her upcoming check-up. She had embraced her new body and lifestyle wholeheartedly, and she was eager to share her progress with Julia. She knew she had gained some weight since their last appointment, and she was curious to see how much she had grown.
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