World has gone chubby

Chapter 6

The day of the appointment arrived, and Sophie dressed carefully, choosing an outfit that highlighted her curves. She wore a snug dress that clung to her round belly and generous hips, accentuating the changes in her body. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she felt a sense of pride and satisfaction. She had come a long way from the lean, athletic girl she once was, and she was happier than ever.

Sophie arrived at Julia’s office, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Julia greeted her with a warm smile, her eyes taking in Sophie’s fuller figure. “Sophie, it’s great to see you. You look wonderful.”

“Thanks, Julia,” Sophie replied, feeling a surge of confidence. “I’m excited to see my progress.”

Julia led Sophie to the scale, and Sophie stepped on, holding her breath as the numbers settled. Julia’s eyes widened slightly, and a pleased smile spread across her face. “Wow, Sophie! You’ve gained 38 pounds since our last appointment. That’s fantastic progress.”

Sophie felt a rush of emotions—pride, relief, and a touch of nervous excitement. “Really? I can’t believe it. How much do I weigh now?”

Julia noted the final number on her clipboard. “You’re at 138 pounds now. That’s a big change from where you started.”

Sophie stepped off the scale and moved to the measuring area. Julia took her measurements with care, noting the increased dimensions of her waist, hips, and bust. “Your waist is now 32 inches, your hips are 42 inches, and your bust is 38 inches. These are impressive numbers, Sophie. You’ve really embraced this lifestyle.”

As Julia measured her, Sophie couldn’t help but feel a growing warmth and attraction. Julia’s gentle touch and genuine enthusiasm for her progress made her heart race. She wondered if Julia could sense her feelings, but she pushed the thought aside for the moment.

Julia finished taking the measurements and turned to Sophie with a proud smile. “You’ve done an incredible job, Sophie. Your body is responding well to the changes, and you look amazing.”

Sophie blushed, feeling a surge of gratitude and admiration. “Thank you, Julia. I couldn’t have done it without your guidance.”

Julia placed a reassuring hand on Sophie’s tummy. “You’ve put in the work and embraced the process. I’m so proud of you.”

Sophie’s heart fluttered at Julia’s touch, and she decided to take a chance. “Julia, can I be honest with you about something?”

“Of course, Sophie. What’s on your mind?” Julia asked, her eyes full of warmth and curiosity.

Sophie took a deep breath, gathering her courage. “I’ve developed feelings for you. I know you’re my nutritionist, but I can’t ignore how much I admire you and how you’ve helped me through this journey.”

Julia looked surprised for a moment, then her expression softened. “Sophie, I’m flattered. I’ve always admired your determination and how you’ve embraced your new lifestyle. I think you’re an incredible person.”

Sophie felt a wave of relief and hope. “Does that mean you might feel the same way?”

Julia smiled gently. “I think we should take things one step at a time. Let’s get to know each other better outside of these appointments. How about we go out for dinner sometime?”

Sophie’s face lit up with a joyful smile. “I’d love that, Julia.”

Julia nodded, her eyes twinkling with warmth. “Great. We’ll make it happen.”

As Sophie left the office, she felt a sense of exhilaration. She had not only achieved her goal of gaining weight and embracing her new body, but she had also opened the door to a potential new relationship with someone she deeply admired. The journey ahead felt bright and full of possibilities, and Sophie was ready to embrace every moment of it.
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