Missy shagwell cia agent

chapter 2

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The food arrived and Missy lost all self-control and started gorging on the heavy, greasy food. Stuffing herself with four orders of fish and chips and five lagers. She burped, just then two buttons on her blouse gave up the fight against her engorged, bulging belly and popped off.

Fat Bastard smiled, “That’s a good lassie, getting nice and full for me. I think it’s time we went to my flat, eh girllie.” Missy struggled to stand up, her belly, stuffed with greasy food and beer bulged out pushing down the waist band of her mini skirt, making the waist band in back ride up over her expanding bottom cheeks. Her growing bottom cheeks in her tight panties now on display, her blouse open revealing her bulging belly, she was a sight. She smiled, burped, “Burp, hic, excuse me, yes, I better leave before I eat anymore food, I might burst!”

Several patrons had to scoot in their chairs or stand up out of the weigh to let Fat Bastard and his engorged companion by as they went to the door. Missy was tugging her skirt down but it did no good, her plumper bottom cheeks encased in the tight bikini panty bulged out for all to see. Her bloated, engorged belly bulged over the waist band of her skirt, through the gap left by the burst buttons. She followed Fat Bastard huge wobbling butt and his huge belly shifting back and forth as he waddled toward his flat. She was getting turned on, not only by Fat Bastard’s massive body, but feeling her own engorged belly sticking out and jiggling with each step.

They got to Fat Bastard’s flat. She watched engrossed as he waddled staggered up the stairs do to his massive girth. She got winded just going up one flight too. Missy thought, “What’s happening to me, I can’t stop eating, all I think about is eating and Fat Bastard’s huge belly.” He opened the door to his flat and pulled Missy inside with him. “So my little lassie, you want more of this?” He patted his huge belly. Missy swallowed, smiling, trying to be coy and not let one how turned on she was by his fat belly. “Yes, I do want you.” “I knew it lassie, once you’ve had my fat mojo, there is no turning back.” She looked at him, ”What do you mean “fat mojo”.

He chuckled, “Missy, I knew you wanted to sleep with me to “pump” me for information on Dr. Evil. So I pumped you with my fat mojo dearie.” “I wasn’t trying to get information, I like you Fat Bastard and I’m in control of my appetite.” He chuckled again. “No you’re not lassie, you’ve been thinking about eating all day and you just stuffed down four helpings of fish and chips. Look at you little belly and your bottom, you’re getting fat!” Missy teared up, “No I’m not getting fat! I’m just a little bloated from eating too much with you.” He chuckled, poking Missy’s soft belly, “There is no denying it Missy, you are fat and you’re going to get a lot fatter, I’m going to see to that, don’t try to resist, because you won’t be able too, just enjoy our little fore play, which you know is eating and getting stuffed. I ‘m going to pump you full and you can “pump” me for information about Dr. Evil. I owe him nothing. So what do you say?” Missy stared at him, looked down at her bloated, soft belly, she undid her tight mini skirt letting it fall to the floor. She knew she would never fit into it again. She unbuttoned what was left of her blouse, taking it off, tossing it on the floor, again, never to be worn again. Now standing in front of Fat Bastard, in just bra and panties, she patted her little belly, “Deal”.

He led her to the bedroom, she helped undress him. They both went to the kitchen, he heated up a massive ten galloon pot of potatoes, sausage in a rich, greasy heavy gravy. When it was hot, she helped him carry their gorge to the bed. She brought in loaves of bread and lard. They climbed onto the bed and started to gorge.

Fat Bastard fed Missy spoon full after spoon full of the rich, greasy food. She ate pieces of bed soaked in gravy and lard. Fat Bastard too gorged, between shoving food into Missy waiting mouth this went on for several hours. They made love, both of them smeared with greasy gravy and lard and fell asleep.

They had another gorge and love making session around two thirty and fell off to an engorged exhausted sleep.

Missy woke up early around six o’clock. Fat Bastard was sleeping on his back, his massive belly rising and falling with his deep breaths. Missy resisted the temptation to start playing with his soft belly fat and started to stand up. She fell back on the bed, her legs weren’t accustomed to her massive weight gain. She looked down at her now huge, perfectly round belly, lying on her now soft fat thighs. She patted it, making it jiggle. Her panties were on the floor, ripped at the waist band. She still wore her bra, her boobs weren’t much larger unlike the rest of her body. She grunted pushing herself off the bed to waddle/stagger into the bathroom. She almost fainted with shock and desire when she looked in the mirror. Her once svelte figure was now buried under fifty pounds of fat. She had a nine months pregnant looking, perfectly round, soft belly bulging out in front of her. She patted her now massive basketball size bottom cheeks, and her thighs now rubbed together, making it difficult to even walk/waddle. She was all greasy from the gravy and lard. She ran a bath, she had to let water out, as she was so much bigger. She lowered herself in and started soaking her new fat.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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OohLaLaLaLa 2 years
Fanedfox 2 years
Hmm, you maybe correct, I could have sworn that character's name was "Missy", but could just be what "Fat Bastard" called her.