Missy shagwell cia agent

chapter 3

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She almost fell back asleep, the hot water on her fattened body felt so good. She washed off the grease and washed her hair. She struggled to get her much heavier body out of the tub. She toweled off as Fat Bastard came in. He smiled, poking her soft, round belly his finger sinking in four inches, “How do you feel this morning my Missy, all nice and fat?” She giggled patted her soft belly, making it jiggle, “I feel wonderfully fat and hungry this morning, I want to eat again! You made me so fat, I have nothing to wear!” He cleaned himself up and found a t-shirt of his. Even though he had blown Missy up into an adorable butterball it still hung on her when she pulled it over her head.

They waddled hand in hand to a pub and ordered a dozen serving off their breakfast menu. Fat Bastard had to help Missy up from the table and help her waddle back to his flat. He is used to being so fat, as he’s been fat for most of his life. Missy has only been fat for only several hours! “We need to get me some new clothes, I have absolutely nothing to cover my fat body! You need to go get me some panties, bras and some dresses.” He took a taxi to an American style store and bought Missy some new clothes, she didn’t want to leave the flat again until she had some clothes.

Missy pulled on a pair of panties, stunned that they were an American size eighteen and just a bit snug around her fat bottom cheeks. Fat Bastard bought several more packages of panties in increasing sizes for his new girlfriend. Now dressed in clean panties and a tent like dress covering her bloated, bulging body. Missy had to make some decisions.

She realized she was too fat now to continue working for the CIA. She wrote a report to Jim, the station chief, with all the information she had pumped Fat Bastard while he was pumping her. She resigned, for “health reasons” from the CIA. She wrote a nice note to Austin Powers, she did like him at one point. She told him she had found someone and that she has become quite “fluffy”.

All the decision making and writing was “hard” work for the now obese former agent and she was hungry again. Fat Bastard took her to a buffet. The owner made them pay an extra fee when he saw the obese couple, but they got their monies worth.

Fat Bastard and Missy decided to move back to Scotland. Missy moved out of her flat, the other tenants and the landlord could barely believe that the round, obese young woman was the former svelte little hottie who lived in the building.

Fat Bastard’s fat mojo turned Missy into a slave to food and her increasing fat cells. She loved eating and the feeling of being full. Fat Bastard’s three hundred and fifty pound mother loves her new protégé the women spent their days around food and plenty of it.

Missy had become morbidly obese in a very short time. She was never happier; she loved her massive husband and was loved by her mother-in-law and of course the love of eating!
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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OohLaLaLaLa 2 years
Fanedfox 2 years
Hmm, you maybe correct, I could have sworn that character's name was "Missy", but could just be what "Fat Bastard" called her.