More than a few pounds

chapter 2 - months 10-12

Months 10-12

At this point in our relationship, you had completely let yourself go. I mean, you had started eating everything you wanted months ago, but this was just on another level.

We both thought that work was too stressful for you now, so you decided to ‘take a little break’ from working for a while to ‘focus on yourself’. This was around 5 months ago. I’d been paying your rent and all your bills since then. I had begun spoiling you in every possible way. Now I was spending $200 a month on different streaming services so that you never ran out of content while sitting on your decadent ass all day growing. Your car had been in the same spot for the last 2 months. You couldn’t drive it anymore because of how big you had gotten. Your legs were short so your seat couldn’t be too far from the steering wheel or else your chubby little feet couldn’t reach the pedals. The last time you had tried to drive, you had to uncomfortably jam your belly into the steering wheel in order to sit in your car. The seatbelt release jutted into your love handles. Because of the force and weight of your belly resting on the wheel, your poor weak fatty arms couldn’t turn the wheel at all. I drove you everywhere now. You never left your apartment anymore, except for on the weekends which you’d spend at my house. But you were still in complete denial of how obese you had gotten. In your mind it was just some healthy relationship weight. Still only a couple of pounds. You were just a foodie indulging in her natural cravings. You were just a little thick now, nothing more. I’d always shower you with affection and compliments about your body that supported this. I couldn’t lift you anymore.

Now I was now completely responsible for all of your groceries and homemade meals. Every Saturday and Wednesday I’d take my truck down to the Costco by your apartment. You had completely stopped consuming any water so I was buying several gallons worth of drinks every time. Your favorite ‘snack’ was cookies/brownies with milk so I’d usually grab 2-3 gallons of whole milk, along with 2 gallons of Arnold Palmer iced tea and another 2-3 gallons of various liters of Coke, Sprite, and Fanta. You loved ice cream so I was getting 10 or so pints of Ben & Jerry’s for you along with a bottle or two of Hershey’s chocolate syrup. Family sized bags of unwrapped Reese’s and peanut M&M’s were a must. I’d usually get a few bottles of Alfredo sauce and a few boxes of fettuccini pasta, your favorite combination. Additionally, I’d get boxes of cookie dough and brownie mix, a few packages of bacon and sausages, lots of bread and butter, and several frozen pizzas. This was far from everything I’d get for you twice a week. We’d usually face time at the store so that you could pick out exactly what you wanted. Even though I’d go to Costco twice a week, you loved picking out and trying different snacks and treats every time. I loved watching your eyes light up and your double chin quiver as you picked out all the fattening snacks you were going to eat over the next couple days. You were my big growing girl after all.

I’d installed two sizable mini fridges at your place, one by your bed, the other right next to your couch. This way you always had your favorite foods within fingers reach. My usual routine went as follows. On weekdays, I’d wake up pretty early to walk my dog and get some stretching in. After a quick shower I’d leave my place to go to Starbucks. Now I was getting you 3-4 of those huge iced mocha Frappuccino milkshake things (I still don’t understand Starbucks drink naming) for you to have throughout the day. If I was in a rush that morning I’d stop at McDonald’s to get you several sausage bacon McGriddles, sausage burritos, and around 4-5 hash browns. But if I wasn’t, ideally I’d get to your apartment around 6:45 to start breakfast for you.

You were usually still asleep when I arrived. I’d put 4 large pans out on the stove and line them with bacon, sausage, and eggs. I’d then toast around 8 or so slices of bread and cover both sides of each slice with a thick layer of butter. Depending on the day, I’d either have bagels and strawberry cream cheese, or stacks of waffles/pancakes to accompany this. I didn’t bother pouring any drinks for you since you’d just drink directly from the jugs/bottles in and around your mini fridges. While all of this was cooking, I’d make sure your cat had enough food and water for the day and that your plants were watered. I’d also restock all the large Tupperware containers full of candy, cookies, chips, and brownies around the house. Most of them were concentrated around the couch and bed, but I also placed a few in the bathroom for your convenience. The smell of bacon grease would usually wake you up. After grabbing two of the Starbucks drinks I had placed by your bed, you’d slowly get out of bed and labor your way to the bathroom. You no longer walked but waddled. Your thighs and ass had gotten a little too wide for walking about 80lbs ago. Watching you waddle like that with huge Starbucks drinks in either hand made me want to turn you back around to your bed and go down on you. But I’d have to remind myself that you were a hungry girl and needed around 4000 calories within the next hour to start your day off right. I’d come into the bathroom with you and help you get your shower started. While I’m getting the water warmed up for you, you’d usually finish your drinks and have a few cookies or brownies from the refilled Tupperware containers in there. While you were showering I’d plate all of your food and get it ready next to the couch for you. After your shower you’d call for me and I’d help you dry off and get dressed. The towels you used to have didn’t cover very much of your body anymore so I had to buy plus size towels for you. Because of how quickly you were outgrowing new clothes, you now exclusively wore sweatpants and hoodies. Even though I dressed you, it was becoming a physically difficult process for you. You’d hold onto my shoulders as you lifted each of your quivering legs one by one into each pant hole. This particular pair of 4XL sweats was starting to get tight on you. The drawstrings had disappeared by the time I had pulled it past your thighs. It took me a good minute to get these pants over your ass and hips. The seams of the fabric screamed in protest as I did, but we finally were successful. These were pretty baggy on you when I bought them 2 months ago, but now they looked like leggings. I could see all of your thigh and ass cellulite through the pants. Your growing fupa was on full display. We didn’t bother tucking your belly into the front of the sweats, there was no way it would fit anymore. For a while you insisted on wearing my hoodies instead of me buying you larger ones, but after ripping a few of them around your girthy love handles, we decided to get you more. Now you mostly wore 3XL hoodies. But even these were getting super tight around your upper arms, love handles, and belly. Getting the elastic hoodies around these areas was quite hard. Your overhanging belly peaked several inches out the bottom of your hoodie.

Even though you were still bloated and distended from the previous night, all this exercise had made you extremely hungry. You cried out for me to hurry up. You held my arm for support as we waddled you to the couch. Again, we never weighed you, but a couple weeks ago one of your kitchen stools had collapsed under you while you were eating an XL pizza. Fortunately you were completely fine, but the stool was decimated. The weight limit on the stool was around 340lbs so I knew you were well above that. After that incident we decided it would be best for you to stick to the couch and bed. You were completely out of breath from the walk in your bedroom’s bathroom to the living room couch. There were several other obese Americans that were your height and weight with much greater mobility and autonomy than you. But because you had been completely sedentary for the past 10 months and because you had put on over 230lbs of fat over the past 13 months, your body was simply unable to adapt. Any muscle and core strength you had gained from cheerleading and spin classes had atrophied. Essentially you were a dainty 110lb girl trying to move a 360lb body. It’s no wonder you were only taking 50 steps a day. And you were only getting bigger.

After letting you catch your breath, I wheeled your breakfast cart in front on your greedy little sausage fingers. You were salivating at this point and immediately began to gobble down the bacon and sausages. Grease dripped from the corners of your mouth down your double chin. I’d catch drops of grease before they could make their way to your clothes. Your belly hung between your legs and overflowed off the edge of the couch cushion. I put on an episode of The Office while you gorged yourself. You moaned with pleasure between bites. The couch sagged and groaned under your expanding weight. I could see it’s front legs starting to splinter. I’d have to reinforce it soon. Your ass now took up two and a half spaces on the 4 person couch.

While you ate breakfast each morning, I’d lift up your hoodie up to rub down your belly and back with lotion. We did this in an attempt to minimize stretch marks, but our efforts were futile. Your entire belly, specifically around your lower belly, belly button, and love handles were riddled with angry red stretch marks. But you loved how my warm hands and long fingers felt on your body. I’d caress your under belly for several minutes before slowly moving higher and higher up your belly. Your skin was soft and tender. When I’d get to your belly button, I’d lather my thumb with lotion and insert it as far as it could go. Each week I was able to insert it deeper. Despite having incredibly long fingers, my entire thumb now was engulfed by your belly. I could barely see my palm attached to the base of my thumb. Lotion oozed from your belly button as you moaned loudly with pleasure. You had moved onto the pancakes now, folding each one like a taco and dipping it into a mixture of syrup and melted butter. You paused for a second to let out a long loud burp before continuing at your original pace. I now made my way to your love handles which were overflowing over your sweats. Muffin topping no longer accurately described them. They reflected your corpulence. As you were finishing up my phone timer went off. It was now 9:00 am and I had to leave for work. I cleaned up your face and hands before loading all of your empty plates into the dishwasher. By the time I had finished, you had fallen asleep on the couch as usual.

Around 10:30 am I’d usually get a notification on my phone that you had ordered Door Dash. You’d usually order food 3-4 times while I was at work, along with the constant snacking you did as well. Todays first order was a dozen doughnuts (Boston Cream) and two double sausage breakfast sandwiches from Dunkin’ Doughnuts. We gave all the delivery drivers the code to unlock your front door so that they could deliver the food directly to your sausage fingers. That way you wouldn’t have to waste any precious energy walking to the door. We didn’t want you to strain yourself. I had installed security cameras at your place that fed to both of our phones. Watching you struggle to sit up and pull your hoodie over your belly before the delivery driver got to the living room was unbelievably hot. If I had my headphones in at work, I’d hear you grunting and moaning while you tried to do so. They would always glance at your lower belly which was spilling out the bottom of your hoodie. Candy wrappers were littered all around you as well as evidence of your previous food orders that day. Chocolate and grease lined your mouth and chins. Sometimes you would ask them to get food for you out of the fridge or pantry. We’d always tipped them extra.

At 12:30 pm you ordered an XL meat lovers pizza from Domino’s with a large order of stuffed cheesy breadsticks, 4 chocolate lava crunch cakes, and a large vanilla milkshake. At 2:30 pm it was Chinese take out. 3 orders of egg rolls, an order of generan tso’s chicken, beef lo mein, and 3 orders of fried ice cream was enough to hold you over until 4:30. Then you ordered a party box of 12 beef tacos and 4 orders of nacho fries from Taco Bell.

I left work around 6 to head back to your place. On my way home, I stopped at KFC to pickup a family sized bucket of fried chicken and 2 large orders of biscuits, gravy, and mac & cheese. You were finishing up your nacho fries while snacking on Doritos dipped in ranch when I got back. You squealed with excitement when you saw the food I had brought back for you. As you dug in I began to clean up all the wrappers and food containers you had dropped on the floor. You had gone through 3 pints of ice cream, a gallon of soda, 1.5 pans of brownies, 3 family sized bags of chips, a family sized bag of peanut M&M’s, and a half gallon of whole milk while I was gone. This was on top of all the other food you had ordered. I set your stove timer for 20 minutes and began to boil 2 boxes worth of pasta. I then placed a few pans of cookies and brownies in your oven before leaving your apartment to head to the gym. When I got back around 8:30 pm you were asleep again. I plated your pasta in 6 large bowls and lathered them with 2 big bottles of thick creamy Alfredo sauce. You awoke while I was doing this and yelled for me to hurry up. I loaded up the same feeding cart I had used this morning and wheeled it over to my fattening girlfriend. Your arms and body had grown tired from all that eating throughout the day so I fed you your pasta. Your thick doughy arms were getting too heavy. Creamy Alfredo sauce dripped from your mouth as you moaned in ecstasy. While you ate I’d massage your belly to ease all the food it had been digesting all day. We scooted you at an angle on the couch so that I could sit behind you. It was getting harder and harder for me to do every week. But you loved laying in my arms as I fed you thousands of calories of the most fattening foods. It made you feel safe and secure. You’d let out long burps while I massaged your stomach to make more room. As I finished feeding you your 5th plate, your sweat pants ripped right down the middle. Your fupa and pussy had gotten too fat for 4XL sweatpants. You moaned with pleasure as my dick expanded deeper into your back rolls. After struggling to finish your last plate of pasta, I couldn’t contain myself anymore. I mustered up all my strength and pulled you to your feet. You rested as much of your body weight on me as you could as we waddled you to the bedroom. When you got to the edge of the bed, your short little legs couldn’t handle your weight anymore. I tried to let you down slowly, but to no avail. You collapsed onto the bed, breaking the middle of the frame in the process. I got scissors to cut you out of your skin tight sweatpants and began to have my way with you. I had to lift your belly out of the way to gain access. All you could do was lay back on your collapsed bed and enjoy yourself. I began feeding you cookies from the container on your night stand. You orgasmed with pleasure as the sweet sweet calories filled up the last bits of room in your stomach. The contrast between our bodies only grew larger. You still loved to feel my abs as I fed you while thrusting deep inside of you. You belly, ass, and thighs jiggled uncontrollably. Your double chin spilled over your hoodie collar as you cried out in ecstasy. I’d always bring out your vibrator to finish you off. Despite not having to move, sex was very very tiresome for you. But I made sure my dick put you to sleep.

Your lease was ending soon, so you’d be moving in with me in a few months. The holidays were starting up, which meant you’d be visiting your parents for the first time since we started dating. Next weekend we’d fly out to your parents house for the Thanksgiving weekend. I’d have to order new and large clothes for you in the mean time. They were finally going to witness the ‘healthy relationship weight’ their boyfriend’s daughter had put on her. All of my love and affection for you would be on full display in front of your parents and older sister. They were going to see how much their 20 year old daughter had changed over the past year.
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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AlastorKL 5 months
I really like your work, I hope to see a continuation of this story someday)
Fluffylove 1 year
Great chapter,hope you continue. Could use more descriptions on her body and her continued laziness.
Fluffylove 2 years
Where's Chapter 3?
Whoaskedforme 1 year
It has arrived smiley
Fluffylove 2 years
Love the second chapter. Hope the story continues for a good while
Nnnnnnnnnnnn 2 years
So far this is almost perfect. I really like when the feede is short in height.
Dan20 2 years
great story so far, only one criticism: 140lbs to 220 in just 4 months is absolutely unreal, it would have been a lot more realistic if you would have said it's been like a year
Whoaskedforme 2 years
In retrospect, I completely agree. It’s my first story so I guess I jumped the gun a bit there. Thanks for the feedback, I’ll apply it to future stories I write.
Fluffylove 2 years
Love the start,please continue. Maybe more descriptions of her ever growing body
Whoaskedforme 2 years
Thanks, I tried to add more in the second chapter.