Life on the farm

chapter 1 - aiden's kidnapping

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It was just a normal day for me

It was summer time I had just turned 18 and I was loving life, I was young, tall, kinda on the skinny side and well liked by people - I was looking forward to a long summer of hanging out with my friends, drinking and hooking up as much as possible

I suddenly got a notifications on one of the many hookup apps I had recently joined; this was a fetish site called Fetishfgs in which young men shared their homoerotic fantasy's and could meet up to explore these fantasies kind of like a kinky grindr

[FARMERCHASE] - wyd bby ;)

I had been messaging a guy on there for a couple of days, like most of the guys I was interested in he was tall, tan, muscular with just the right amount of hair in the right places. He was really interested in me and loved to do a role play where he called me his "perfect specimen" and told me all the ways he was going to take me onto his farm and fatten me up - like most of the conversations on that app I assumed he was just roleplaying so I joined in

[twinkboyaus] - nm just chillin what about you

[FARMERCHASE] - wanna do something.... in person this time

I had to think about this for a second, I mean this guy talked endlessly about how he wanted to fatten me; what would he do if he ever got a hold of me I thought to myself. However like most teen boys my boner got the better of me ( I have always hate how skinny my body is I thought to myself)

[twinkboyaus] - what the heck sure! where should I meet you

[FARMERCHASE] - send me your address Ill send my car to pick you up

send his car? I thought to myself,

i ask him
[twinkboyaus] - so your kinky and rich?

he replies
[FARMERCHASE] - something like that hehe

then he tells me to wait on the corner outside my house and he will be there shortly, so I put on my nice clothes (and my good underwear hehe) and wait for him

after about 5 mins a big van drives past and parks a few houses down; I think nothing of it and turn away, looking for the mercedes limo chase said he was sending

suddenly i feel a piece of cloth in my mouth and before i can scream two strong masked men pick me up and load me into the van

little did I know from that day forward my life would never be the same


Hey Guys, its my first story so sorry it starts so slow, im looking at doing 2 more chapters before we get into some sexy stuff hehe

Love ya!
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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HotChubbyBear 2 years
I hope you continue the story as soon as possible. I like it.
Pir5 2 years
Very interesting, I can't wait to read more
Fatlilboy 2 years
Love this - you're a great first timer. The build is half the fun - just make him nice and fat, marbled and juicy. Lots of feeding, eating, growing, pinching, prodding, and fattening.