Life on the farm

chapter 4 - codes

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Chase leads me down a hallway and out through a door it is there I see the outside again

The sun is still shining and the breeze feels cool on my bare chest, I finally get to take a look around and see a beautiful and majestic property, as wide as the eye can see and dotted with large barn like buildings that strangely didn't ruin the vista but rather enhanced it as I turned behind me I saw the building I had just left, half majestic homestead half sprawling mansion it was unlike any building I had ever seen before

“Welcome to the farm” remarked chase, the humor evident in his face

“What is this place? Why am I here? What are you going to do to me?” I blurted letting free all the questions that had boiled inside me for what felt like forever

“ahaha whoops I forget how much you dont know about this place” he remarks, DAMN I think why does he have to be so goddamn….sexy. “I know you have alot of questions but let me start off by saying that nobody is going to hurt you here and you are free to leave at any point” something about that seems like hes lying but hes so hot ill just let it slide “This is my farm, its part of a secret underground society of the human meat trade”

“THE WHAT??” I ask “dont worry baby everything is going to be alright” he says “here! just read this pamphlet”

Its a glossy little pamphlet like one you would expect to see on a stand at a hotel when waiting for a tour guide on it is a title in nice bold lettering on top of a picture of a farm then I turn I turn the pages and examine its contents

WELCOME TO BECK FARMS - The Lifestyle of your dreams

Welcome, you have been chosen to live on this farm as a beneficiary of our organisation that will care for your every whim, shortly after reading this pamphlet your guide will direct you to your assigned area according to your group where you will intermingle with others in your group and fufil your purpose, upon arrival you will be greated with further and more specific intstructions

heres some basic information you need to know about our organization and some of the groups that you could (and already have been assigned into)

We here at Beck Farms are a family run business and we have been operating for 3 generations, we are the largest male centered human farm in the country and the second largest in the world

Each person has a specific code that attributes their identity within the farm, the colour and number corresponds to your batch number and individual identification but the lettering means something diffrent

PG - Pig, if your receive this code u will be transported to barn number 1 where u assessed and then will begin a transition to the feed - you will at times be submitted to award shows by the farm, rented out for pleasure or auctioned off/given as gifts when the farm deems nesssercary; Once you have reached the end of your optimacy you will be redesignated as an MT with finality with almost immediate effect TENURE - Max5years

ST - Stud, if your recieve this code u will be transported to barn number 2 where u will be assessed further by the staff and began a transition to quarter feed - you will be used to prolong the healthiness of the stock of the farm and when need be, borrowed out by other farms for their own requirements; Once you have reached the end of your optimacy you will be redesignated as an MT and spend an individually designated amount of time before initiating the finality TENURE - 2-3 years ST, followed by Max5year MT

MT - Meat, if your recieve this code u will be transported to barn number 3 and will begin an immediate transition to the feed, your assesment will be ongoing throughout your tenure and you will be reciveing a new subcode throughout your tenure then you will spend an individually designated amount of time before initiating the finality TENURE - Max5year

SD - Donor, if your receive this code u will be immediately transported to barn number 5 for assessment before being quarantined; after your you have reached the end of your optimacy you will be either reassigned or achieve an early finality depending on your condition post optimacy TENURE - 1 year before (REASIGNMENT TENURE of Max4years)

PS- Prized Stock, if you receive this code u will be immediately transported to barn number 6 for assessment before being released into the care of the CORE Staff and the Owner; Your feed requirements and tenure is at the pleasure of the owner and he can arrange for your Reassignment or decide the fate of your tenure with immediate effect; Most are reassigned after 2 years and then are transported to their new group where they will remain until finality

Thank you and enjoy your stay with us

I look down at my arm eager to know what of these confusing groupings I will be assigned too on my arms in red writing is the code:


I check the pamphlet again, in fact I read over it three more times, there is no mention of CF1 in there, not one single mention

“It stands for Chase’s Favourite” Chase says his eyes ever sparkling and entrancing me “your what?” I reply still not catching on “Well u see my pet in this farm there is another designation, one that is far more valuable then any of the others, even the prize stock…thats my favourite” I am shocked, does this mean he brought me here to be his personal sex slave? “Oh yes, baby yes it does” he says; once again reading my mind “and by the looks of it my little future piggy likes that” gesturing down at my hard on “but….what…what does that mean?” I say barely spluttering out the words

“Let me take you on a tour, ill show you the rest of your arrival unit and maybe that will help you understand your place here more then that pamphlet ever would” he says, smiling

“but Chase” I ask “You will address me as sir from now on” he replies “sorry, sir but whats all this about a human farm and meat does this mean….”

He cuts me off “all will be answered in time my sweet, all will be answered in time

suddenly an image grips my head, one from around the time we started messaging, an image he put in my head of me surrounded by my own lard and gluttony, worshiped like a god…no like a favourite…and there standing over me was my Lord, My Feeder, My Master, Owner and the man in control of all of this…Chase. I was to be his prize…and I couldn't say the thought of that didn't turn me on just a little bit.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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HotChubbyBear 2 years
I hope you continue the story as soon as possible. I like it.
Pir5 2 years
Very interesting, I can't wait to read more
Fatlilboy 2 years
Love this - you're a great first timer. The build is half the fun - just make him nice and fat, marbled and juicy. Lots of feeding, eating, growing, pinching, prodding, and fattening.