Life on the farm

chapter 5 - the pig barn

SORRY ABOUT THE DELAY Ive been hella busy lately

TW contains some cannibal refrences

Im still processing so many things as Chase walks me through the grounds on the way to barn number one

Is he a cannibal? will I ever leave this place? and for the love of god why am I so turned on by it?

"Now boy just remember...all this is mine, just like all of you"

he opened the large doors and I gazed my eyes all around at the giant barn; no you couldn't call it a barn more like a repurposed airplane hanger and upon multiple stories were walls and walls of windows; looking into cells which contained varying amounts of fat men

Some of them were newer, twinks with strained bellies while others seemed to be there longer with the bodies well and truly filled out. Many were connected to feeding tubes, others slept, some were being surveyed by staff in white coats while a few seemed to be being fucked in various positions and kinky poses by very relived and horny men.

Chase looked over at me and my eyes must of been so transfixed and wide looking all around because he chuckled "dont worry my pig, you will be in their soon"

He then with a firm but loving grasp held my cock in his hand; and smiled - come I want to show you something

There in a cell on the ground floor was a familiar face: the twink from the van tied up once more but now without his underwear and well and truly...naked. He was quite a beautiful sight with his light hair and what seems a similar hard on predicament to me. He was however in the middle of being surveyed by the staff and measured, tested and poked and prodded.

Chase walked over and surveyed him, pinching different parts of his body and surveying him

"Perfect frame for meat" I heard him say "fatten him up here and ill bring him in for breeding a few times before I transfer him to the meat barn"

There it was again! the "meat barn" this time it was starting to concern me, this wasn't some far off kink this was a guy I knew - a guy I had spent the better part of an hour staring into the eyes of

"the meat barn surely you wont eat him" I cry out

Chase frowns and turns to look at me "oh pig, oh piggy piggy piggy" he smiles "you dont get a say, I am the master am I not?" I nod, he turns to the twink whose eyes seem if not frightened anymore, but ever so turned on

Chase barks "you will be a pig understand" the twink nods

"you want this dont you" he nods again

"and when your all nice and fattened up im gonna fuck the shit outta you and then im gonna eat you" the boy rolls his eyes back in pleasure "good" says chase as he pulls him up and spanks his perky ass

"and you" Chase says as he turns his steely gaze on me "you will be fattened the most, fucked the most and yes one day, you will be eaten and you will want each and every second of this" and this time, I really liked it!

As the rest of the day went on he took me through every other one of the barns, I saw the studs where my latin friend is being trained on the finer points on breeding fat pigs and through to the meat chambers where men no pigs were fattened for slaughter, with still no sign of my final companion from the van

Finally Chase leads me into a place he calls my barn, it is a beautiful building with amenities for me and "the harem", as well as feeding, fucking and bed rooms "every room in this house is yours my slut" he says with glee as I scan the room "and whats behind that door?" I ask staring at the large locked barn door in the centre of the room

"in time my f*g, in time" he murmurs with a primal hunger
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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HotChubbyBear 2 years
I hope you continue the story as soon as possible. I like it.
Pir5 2 years
Very interesting, I can't wait to read more
Fatlilboy 2 years
Love this - you're a great first timer. The build is half the fun - just make him nice and fat, marbled and juicy. Lots of feeding, eating, growing, pinching, prodding, and fattening.