Nineteen candles - largetwink

chapter 2 - the feeders

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You are a month into your course until you lose your abs. You cannot see them in the slight stomach. Your stomach barely passes your chest but, it still isn’t noticeable with a shirt or let alone a jumper. But it is there and it yours.

You continue your routine, adding more food as time goes on. You go on a few dates and a heap of nights with your new group of friends. You know people will notice at some point, but it hasn’t happened yet, with which you are relived.

You make it to the winter holidays, and you now look like you have the freshman 15. No one has noticed on campus but, your family probably will. You come home to see your parents and brother. You all head to your grandparents’ house.

You see your extended family and Aunts, Uncles, Cousins alike don’t notice or care the added pounds on your once muscular and athletic frame. Your Mum and Dad are busy, and Your brother didn’t really notice.

You came back to uni stuffed more than the Thanksgiving turkey or Christmas ham could EVER BE.

You found feeders and you added more food to your ever-increasing diet. You are determined to be the fat guy you always want to be. You spent the entire month of January getting ready for your developing body.

Getting clothes in 5 sizes and getting enough snacks to feed an entire village for a decade just for the dorm. Stuffing food anywhere and everywhere. You met some great feeders, and you became GREAT. You managed to gain a heap of weight by the time the Easter holidays came around yet, you weren’t with your family.

Instead, you wanted to get STUFFED for the entire fortnight. Saying to your family “I have a heap of homework, so I can’t come over.” You ended that holiday a size bigger than when class was out.
You had a few feeders, by the end of first year you have had 10 feeders stuff food in your massive mouth.

You were on your FFA platform, and you saw someone new in the area joined. He was 6’5” and really cute. With his great smile and teeth accenting his stubble and tiny double chin. He was a feeder but, he also had a cute little dadbod. He was 19 and he was a fast-food worker.

So, we messaged and then I met him.

His name was Tyler. You met him at his house, which was about a 5-minute drive away from your dorm. You ring his video doorbell, and he comes to answer the door.

Tyler opens the door with nothing but an apron and a jockstrap. With the smell of fast-food wafting through the house in combination made you salivate.

He hugs you and asks to take a seat at the dining table. Tyler was stressing out. You told him that he’s not your first feeder and was trying to impress you.

The two of you had a great time. Tyler stuffing you until you couldn’t move with him rubbing your EXTREMELY bloated stomach with coconut cream and kissing it. Then when you were more relaxed you stuffed his hole… ;)
3 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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