Dadbod +1 - largetwink

chapter 2 - food for 6

Food for 6
I was always jealous of large and fat people. They ate whatever whenever. These three fatties just made me annoyed when I saw their bags. I regretted my decision. But I regretted accepting this ride even more. Wasting my time when I could do 2 or 3 jobs while these people ordered and about 100 by the time these fatties are done.

Tom enters the large minivan with multiple bags and starts handing out food and drinks to the two large men and myself. He places a burger on the centre console, and I thought. That I wouldn’t get more. Then Tom places another, then fries, then a pair of drinks, then a cup of ice-cream, then a bag of nuggets , then a pair of ovrersized brownies and then a large bag of mozzarella sticks.

I didn’t want to offend the men, so I thanked them. Then I started eating. I knew that I’d have to eat most of it. But, then I have free leftovers.

I liked the food. I have been a health-nut my entire life and I realised that I should at least try to indulge after my break-up. So, I start eating with the food that would do the worst without a microwave for leftovers.
I go through the 10 mozzarella sticks like a breeze along with the ice cream, shake and ice-cream.
I didn’t even realise at this point with my speed. The fries, burgers, nuggets and sodas.

Bryce asks me “You didn’t have to eat that much” I automatically reply, “I didn’t have that much.” Then he replies “Yeah you did. Look at your tummy, It’s so stuffed dude.” I look down at my flat torso and see something different. My torso sticking out. Then I turn to realise the vast amount of fatty and tasty food I had consumed. All that was left was wrappers, cups, and the 6 large brownie slices.
I replied to Bryce “I didn’t even realise.” Grabbing my brownies and putting them in my now smaller lap. He replies, “You have been caressing it for the last 5 minutes.” I realise my hands were on my torso and reply “I didn’t even realise. I actually kind of like it.”
I didn’t know why but, it was true.

Kurt replies “It’s actually pretty common.” Bryce adding “You are a fit person, right? “He adds “Works out, eats healthy etcetera, etcetera”
I reply “Yeah” Shovelling in the last of the brownies within a few seconds of grabbing them.
The two men talk about the bloated feeling and the three men’s large bodies.

The four of us rubbed our stomachs. Then I start driving to LAX again. I get all the way to the airport and then Tom tells me “We are in the private runway Mark.” So, I made my way to the runway, and I parked the minivan.
Bryce, Kurt and Tom huddle together and start whispering. I don’t really care at this point. Caressing my gut.

I got out and held the door open. The they all got out. Bryce and Tom except for Kurt stayed in the car then as he got out, he grabbed my hand and I stepped in the minivan closed the door and then asked me.

“Hey Mark, Wanna come with us?” Adding “We are heading to Montana. Snowed in, Full Buffet, Fed at our seats.” He pauses and adds. “You said you were staying in an airport hotel. We can wait for you.” Kurt states
I replied “Yeah! I’ll grab my stuff, Kurt.”

I drove to the airport hotel nearby and grabbing my pair of suitcases that I brought to move in with my now ex-wife. I place the last things in my suitcase.
I grab my phone charger, toiletries, our wedding rings, and my laptop.

I took a while to close my suitcase. Then I made my way to the private runway. Closing my hotel door.
By the bedside. A photograph of Me and My wife in a photo frame to be left behind along with the rubbish and tissues filled with tears and heartbreak.

I make my way to reception and check-out and get to the tarmac.
I got my way to the private runway. Seeing the plane and I get on and see the 3 large men I have spent the last hour and a half with along with 11 other men of different sizes along with the pilot and 2 flight attendants.

Tom informs them “So everyone this is Mark.” All the men in unison reply “Hi, Mark.”

Tom gestures to the right-hand side of the entry and points at 2 men that are in front of Bryce and an empty seat. One is very large with a large rotund gut at the aisle and the other one at the window is a muscular thin man like me but, only more muscles.
“So, these two are Nathaniel AKA Chef Romeo and his boyfriend Chris.” Nathaniel gives a small wave and Chris waves at me.

Then we go to the other side of the aisle and Tom gestures at 4 people. One is a thin man by the window, Kurt snacking on 10 or so king sized candy bars, then he points at the row in front of them.
Then gesturing at a flabby overweight man at the window seat working on a piece of garment and a large flabby near morbidly obese man on his phone.
Tom states in order. “This is Joey, Kurt you know him, Julian and, Gio short for Giovanni.” Joey gives a finger gun and clicks is tongue with a smile, Kurt waves while having a Candy bar in his large mouth and, Gio lifts his head up and gives a little gesture.

We make our way through the aisle and past the entrance.

Then Tom gestures at 4 people some distance Infront of Nathaniel’s seat to a large obese man eating the same king-sized candy bars Kurt was eating, and Infront of Chris’s seat sits a slim shirtless man with a tiny pudge. And Infront them is an average sized guy with a little tummy by the window and an overweight man with a large rotund round gut.
Tom gestures at the 4 men in order “Tony and Mike. They are in maintenance and Mike is also new here like you. These two here are affianced love-birds Toby and Brandon also Brandon is also known as Stuffman.” Tony gives a stiff wave, Mike gave a big wave, Toby and Stuffman gave a wave almost in unison and at the same time Tom slaps Stuffman’s stomach and it doesn’t move at all.

Tom turns to the last 3 seats. He gestures at an empty seat and states and gestures to an obese man drawing outfits, then a flabby near morbidly man then a thick guy with a rotund stomach.
“You will be seated in front of Matthew, Diagonally from Shawn and Next to Juan.”
Matthew waves with a pencil in his hand, Shawn gives a surfers’ ripper hand gesture and Juan places his hand to shake and replies “Hey Mark.” I replied almost instantly “Hey Juan,” and firmly shaking his hand.

Tom tells Mark “That’s all of us! All 15 of us!” I replied, “I hope that you all would be the 15 most amazing people in the world.”

The flight attendants gesture us to put our seatbelts on and before we knew it we were all in the air and allowed to walk around.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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