Food is love

chapter 9

Visiting Timoa part 3

Saddiq awakes to the smell of food. He sits up, stretches, and looks at the window. Twilight darkens the sky, but candlelight filters from the cracked door. He suddenly realizes that his wife is nowhere to be found - the bed cold beside him.

He rolls out of bed and pads out the door. He figures that Mrella is probably where the wonderful food smell is coming from. So he might as well grab a bite while he's at it.

He opens the door and stops in his tracks. His naked wife casually lounges on a sofa by a table laden with food and drink. She looks up, flashing him a smirk.

"You must have been hungry. I cracked the door not even a minute ago, and here you are."

Saddiq feels a stirring in his loins. He isn't sure what he wants first - the feast in front of him or his very delectable wife. So he stands there in his indecision, drooling a little bit. Then, finally, Mrella takes pity on him. She scoots over, patting the spot next to her. Saddiq quickly hurries over.

"Well, it's about time you woke up, sleepyhead."

Saddiq laughs. His wife beams at him. He has no idea what brought this on, but he'll take it.

Mrella grabs some kind of sauce-covered meat dish and a fork. She spears a chunk and expectantly holds it to her husband's lips. Saddiq slides it off the tines with his teeth. The creamy sauce smears on his lips showing off their plumpness. His tongue darts lapping it all up.

"I just wanted to thank you," Mrella continues as she feeds him, "I know I've been in a funk lately. You've been so patient with me. I'm sorry for shutting you out."

Saddiq swallows his mouthful and cradles her face in his hands. "Hey, I get it. I imagine I'd be nervous too if I came to Timoa, lost a bunch of weight, and then had to visit Lothor."

"I love that about you," she smiles, "How you're always so focused on my happiness. You've always supported me, even if that means I'm not fat anymore."

Saddiq feels as if ice water has washed over his body. As much as he loves his wife, he thinks he might cry if she lost all of her lovely curves. A memory of his parents' relationship flashes in his mind. He quickly plasters a smile on his face shoving the thought out of his mind.

"So that's why I wanted to reward you," Mrella continues, heedless of his inner turmoil. She grabs his hand and places it on her soft belly. Saddiq looks at her, puzzled.

"You see, I've decided I like being fat. I like being stuffed with food. But, most of all, I like when you feed me. It's been hard to reconcile my desire to be accepted with my hedonism. To be honest, I haven't conquered the former. But I want to. And I want you to help me. To encourage me."

Saddiq stares at her, gobsmacked. The emotional whiplash has rendered him mute.

Mrella presses another morsel to his lips and pushes his hand deeper into her soft flab. Her husband blinks. He eats the food and feels her warm, empty belly is soft under his palm. He grabs her middle with both hands. His large hands cover a good chunk of her glorious center. Perhaps he could make it grow until she is as big as the version of her from his dreams.

"I knew you'd be keen," Mrella drawls, "You've always preferred me plump."

Panic quickly replaces the hungry look on Saddiq's face. "Mrella, I-"

Mrella shoves another forkful into his mouth. "It's okay. I'd honestly be surprised if you prefer skinny women. And I want this."

Saddiq swallows his mouthful. "If that's the case, why are you feeding me?"

"Because I like it. I like watching you cram as much food as you can inside. It turns me on probably as much as seeing me stuffed turns you on. But mostly because we are going to play a game."

"A game? Like what? See who can eat the most?"

"Of course not, silly. You'd win for sure. But, no, this is a game we both win."

"That makes no sense. What kind of game is that?"

"The sexy kind," she gestures to her lack of clothes. "I'm going to feed you. Then you'll feed me whatever's leftover while giving me the best pounding you can manage."

Saddiq feels himself rise to full mast. His loose pants tent letting the head press against his gut. He takes a breath and thinks about paperwork. It wouldn't do to cum before things get started.

Mrella hand-feeds him bite after bite. It's hard for Saddiq to control himself. He wants nothing more than to take the plate from her and shovel it down at his own pace. But he refrains. The love of his life is actively participating in his ultimate fantasy. If he has to be patient, it's a nominal price.

Mrella watches as her husband inhales each bite. She can barely keep up with how fast he scarfs everything down. Still, it's glorious to see his stomach swell even quicker. She places a hand on his middle to feel it swell underneath her. She gives it a little pat and strokes it tenderly.

Saddiq finishes his first plate quickly. She kisses his belly and goes to grab another plate. His hand shoots out, holding her hand. Mrella stills.

"That one plate can't possibly be enough for you," she says, "That's basically a snack."

"I can always eat more later." Saddiq presses a kiss on her lips. He leans her back on the sofa, propping her up with pillows.

Mrella feels something poking her gut as Saddiq adjusts the pillows. She glances down. His bulge strains against his pants almost comically. There's a small wet spot right where the tip is. She's a bit embarrassed she didn't notice sooner.

He shucks his pants off and grabs the plate she was about to. He kisses her lips again - this time far more heatedly. Mrella spreads her legs, letting him comfortably settle between them. He sets the plate of food on her stomach and slides in her wet heat.

There's a fire in his eyes she's never seen before. He's always looked at her as if she were a rare jewel he had finally found after a lifetime of searching. But this animalistic desire is something new. How much had he held back these desires?

He doesn't bother with any utensils. Instead, he picks up the roasted peppers and grins at his wife. It's the same wicked grin she's flashed at him so many times.

"When I'm done with you, you won't be able to move."

Mrella shivers. Who knew she could get more attracted to him? "Is that a challenge?"

"My love, that's a promise."

He sets a languid pace rolling his hips. He forgoes any utensil, feeding Mrella with just his hands. The roasted bell pepper explodes with flavor as it hits her mouth. Saddiq seems keen to savor the experience - a far cry from the earlier frenzied pace.

Mrella soon finishes her first plate. Her stomach pooches forward a little bit. Saddiq runs his hands along her sides, fingers tracing stretch marks.

"You've lost so much weight, Mrella," his voice rumbles in his chest, "Gonna stuff you so much when we get back home. You'll never have an empty belly again."

"Oh really? What are you going to do? Stuff me every meal until I can't move?"

"Oh, I'm going to do so much more than that. I'm going to have you by my side every waking second. I'm going to feed you until you can't breathe. I'll massage your bloated middle until you make room and then shove even more food inside you."

Saddiq grabs another plate and slides a flaky biscuit between her plump lips. He'd love nothing more than to pound her with all his might. Her bouncing fat would be absolutely mesmerizing. He restrains himself. She's come once she's too beached to move.

"Look at you," he says as she eagerly wolfs down another bite. "So eager. You'd do this even if I wasn't here. You just can't help yourself. I'll bet you'd love it if being queen meant sitting on your even widening backside as you get fatter and fatter every day. You really are a true Lothorian."

Mrella's hips stutter. She looks up at his eyes filled with lust. She cups her massive rack and teases the nipples with reckless abandon. Her middle makes her look five months pregnant. Some food drops on her chest as he feeds her another bite. Saddiq bends down and licks it off while flashing her bedroom eyes. Mrella bucks harder she's so wound up right now that Saddiq's slow pace makes her crazy.

Saddiq flashes her a lazy smile and gives her some wine to wash everything down. Mrella focuses on the fruity taste lest she explodes. It's a dessert wine, but she doesn't care right now. If anything, the flavor keeps her grounded. Usually, she'd sit up and ride him to completion right now. But Saddiq looks so into this right now. Plus, she's curious to see where this goes. She just wishes he was a little rougher with his strokes.

They continue like that for a while. Mrella eagerly eats whatever her husband feeds her. At the same time, he dutifully rubs her growing belly and laps up whatever he accidentally spills on her. Five plates in, and she's grateful for his gentleness. Her middle bulges forward with little give to it. Finally, Saddiq takes a break from feeding her to nurse her abused organ.

There's a bottle of oil on the table. Saddiq squirts some in his hands to massage her abused stomach. She sighs into his touch, letting him coax a few burps out. Some room frees up, but her stomach doesn't go down. She wonders how much more can fit in it. Mrella places her hands on her overfed middle, marveling at how warm it feels.

Feeling cheeky, Saddiq prods an oiled finger into her navel. It's gotten deeper the fatter Mrella gets, but right now, the skin around it is stretched nearly taunt. Mrella hisses and squirms underneath him.

"I am so sorry! Are you okay?" Saddiq with a panicked expression.

"I'm fine. I'm fine," Mrella soothes, "It just felt weird."

"Noted. I'll just leave it alone."

"Actually," she says hesitantly, "Could you do that again? But maybe a little gentler?"

Her fingers her navel again - more carefully this time. Mrella squirms again, this time arching into it as best she can. She fondles her breasts with a blissful expression.

"I didn't know this could feel good," she pants.

"Oh, so you like this?" Saddiq crooks his finger and twists. Mrella squeals and bucks - her motion impeded by her large belly.

"Saddiq! Please let me come! I need to come!"

"You're still moving. Looks like you've got some more room."

He grabs the sixth dish - a large soup - and holds it at her lips.

"If you can finish this, I'll let you come all you want."

Mrella looks at him and then at the bowl of creamy soup. It's pretty sizeable - enough to be a meal on its own. She's not sure if she can finish it. But she knows he'll let her cum regardless if she does or not. Plus, she wants to find out how much bigger she can get.

Fortified with lust and maybe a little too much wine, she opens her mouth and lets him pour it in. She gulps it down as fast as she can in hopes of tricking herself into drinking more. She past stuffed a good two plates ago. But there's something addicting about gorging herself. Sure, seeing Saddiq fight not to shoot his load is enjoyable in its own right. However, perhaps her husband was right. She'd do this even if he wasn't there.

She manages a good two-thirds of the bowl before she has to stop. She's gotten so big that she can hardly see her husband over her overfilled mound. He picks up the pace making her stomach wobble wildly with each stroke. The food inside her mercifully soaked up most of the soup. She's thankful; she'd probably hurl otherwise. Instead, she's hyperaware of how the food sits heavily inside her - swaying and shaking.

Objectively, it's not the most comfortable she's been with a full stomach during sex. Yet she feels so proud of how much she's glutted herself. It's the ultimate thrill imagining how much fatter she's going to be.

Saddiq picks up the pace sliding in and out of her wet heat. He's not sure how much longer he can last. Seeing his wife far too full to do little more than whimper underneath him is almost enough for him to shoot his load. His hands roam all over, exploring her body. She's so soft. Her overfilled belly is firm in comparison, but it's only making her softer.

Mrella wraps her thick thighs around Saddiq's hips, pulling him deeper inside. She can feel the muscle buried underneath a thick layer of padding. She's so close. Saddiq's underbelly grazes against her sensitive skin. She watches as their heft jumps in tandem with his thrusts. The lovely visual has her salivating just a little. It feels as if there's a spring inside her coiling ever tighter.

Without warning, Saddiq unloads deep inside her. His sticky warmth finally sent her over the blessed edge. Mrella sighs contentedly as he slides out of her. He grabs a towel and carefully wipes up the cum leaking from her. Mrella tries to sit up, but her bulging middle has her pinned.

"I didn't get to feed you." Mrella pouts.

Saddiq considers his wife for a moment. He doesn't think he can wait for her to digest. It would also be very uncomfortable for him to eat on the floor. Then, an idea pops into his head. He grabs a plush chair and puts it by his propped-up wife. Saddiq scoots the food-laden table next to it and plops his naked self into the chair. Mrella bites her lip seeing his fat stomach ooze into his lap.

"Choose what you want me to eat, and I'll eat it."

Mrella reaches out, letting her fingers sink into his soft, freckled flesh. Her eyes slide over to the table. It now sported a mix of neatly stacked plates and various dishes.

"Let's start with dessert first," Mrella says, fighting off the food coma.

Her husband grabs a rather large slice of cake. He balances the plate on his belly dome and eagerly takes a bite. He moans at how sinfully rich and flavorful it tastes. Before he knows it, he's eaten the whole thing. Mrella reaches out and fondles his gut. It feels so soft but heavy in her hand. As Saddiq grabs another slice, she holds a meaty side roll and shakes it. His body ripples to her delight.

Mrella has him eat every dessert on the table. He happily consumes each one with unrestrained gusto. His wife, for her part, gleefully rubs and fondles his ever-expanding middle. He can feel a stirring between his legs watching the pure lust in her eyes. His hardening length presses against his underbelly. Saddiq gasps as pre leaks onto his belly and thighs.

"Are you okay?" Mrella pulls her hand away in concern.

Saddiq belches and shakes his head. "It's fine. It just feels good, is all. Really, really good."

A mischievous smirk spreads across her face. She goes back to massaging Saddiq with a little more force. He moans, hips stuttering, in pure bliss.

"You know, I envy you," she says, "Being a man, you can cum from your own belly. That's pretty hot."

Saddiq whimpers and spreads his chubby thighs as best he can. He's grateful for the chair's armless design.

"Tell you what," Mrella continues, "So long as you keep eating, I'll keep rubbing."

Saddiq shoves more food in his mouth.

They keep this up for a little while. Saddiq loses himself in the delicious food and Mrella's ministrations. Mrella fondles him the best she can with her overfilled belly. Eventually, she manages to digest enough to sit up. Then, she graduates to peppering his growing gut with kisses and hickies.

Saddiq's face is flushed. He's eaten more food than he has in a while at once and is starting to feel genuinely stuffed. Part of him wants to stop, but that would mean Mrella would stop touching him. He thinks he might die if that happens.

Mrella, however, keenly notices how much he's slowed down. "Do you need a break, my love?"

Saddiq stares at her guiltily. There isn't that much food left, and he feels so horny. Mrella simply kisses him and helps him lay on the sofa. To his relief, she doesn't go him to suffer. Instead, he feels her warm belly sandwich his manhood against his own. There is slick wetness against his meaty thigh as well.

"You're so sexy when you eat," she purrs while grinding against his leg. Their bellies envelop him in their combined flab. It almost feels like sliding between her juicy cheeks or her pillowy bosom as she thrusts. But somehow so much better. "Made me so hot and bothered even after you took care of me."

Saddiq pants while she takes her pleasure. It feels even better as she grabs his belly and resumes massaging it. He can't see her over it, but he can imagine the bliss on her face from her cute little moans.

"I love how fat you are," she pants, "Soft yet powerful. Just look at you. Your thighs, your hips, your butt, your belly. Even your arms, chest, and face. You drive me so wild. When you hold me, I never want you to let go. And seeing you like this - blissed out and horny - knowing I'm why you feel like this, it's the best thing."

Saddiq reaches around his belly and puts his hands on hers. He fondles it taking notes on how much it's stretched. She's going to be extremely hungry after this. His mind flicks back to that dream. He's so close to making it a reality. And she'd welcome it with open arms.

"Mrella, I'm so close. Please don't stop." Saddiq's hips buck as best they can. Mrella picks up the pace, grinding and humping as if her life depended on it. He feels his balls tighten that night before he spills all over their bellies for the second time.

A contented bonelessness washes over him. He's vaguely away from his wife, finishing herself off before feeling her wipe him clean.

"Do you want to sleep here or in the bedroom?" Mrella asks.

"I should probably lay down in the bed."

"Here, let me help you." With great effort, they manage to get him on his feet. Saddiq hums contentedly, cradling his taunt middle; he's missed feeling like this. He stifles a belch and looks at the table.

There isn't that much food left - perhaps just enough for one person. However, Saddiq is utterly glutted at this point. He pouts.

Mrella helps him to bed as she massages her own belly. To her delight, there seems to be more room. She kisses her husband and turns to leave.

"Hey, aren't you coming to bed?" Saddiq calls out.

"I will," she soothes, "Just need to clean up first."

Saddiq is vaguely away that there are servants for that, but between his full gut and double orgasms, his brain is too muzzy for thinking. So instead, he settles in and nods off. Sometime later, Mrella waddles back in. Her naked belly bulged even more than it had earlier. She slips into bed next to her husband and lets the food coma take over.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Cyborg456 3 weeks
Mmmm. The Queen is getting into it .....
Thejokerff 1 month
This Is hands down the hottest story I've ever read! All my kinks and turn ons in one place ! Especially the part of the king getting off on his own belly
Munchies 1 month
Thank you!
Juicy 4 months
I apologise for coming so late to the party, but this is an outstanding story. Unlike most, it’s not predictable—ok, I’m only in the middle of chapter 3, but it’s my hunch. 😄 Please write more!
Munchies 4 months
Oh, no need to apologize. My story is open for all to read. There's no time limit to comment.
Kdoyle 1 year
You’re a very talented writer!❤️
Munchies 1 year
Thank you!
Soulbellystu... 2 years
No worries take your time, get wall and know your health is always more important. Feel better smiley
Munchies 2 years
I appreciate your kind words. ♥♥♥
Akwolfgrl13 2 years
So good
Munchies 2 years
Thank you, love!
Built4com4t 2 years
what sweet, sexy fun...nicely arousing. very well done...more please :-)
Munchies 2 years
The next chapter will be posted later today.
Munchies 2 years
Luckily for you, chapter 2 is up next Friday.