Food is love

chapter 11 part 1

The first week back

It was late at night when they finally returned home. Mrella felt sore in the best possible way. She is pretty glad of the hour, seeing how utterly debauched she looks. She caught a glimpse of herself in a window and frightened herself.

The two freshen up together in their tub. Mrella sighs, feeling the hot water soothe aches and pains she didn't realize she had. Since they both were tired, the bath was quick. However, instead of following her to bed, Saddiq walks toward the door.

"Um. Where are you going?" Mrella says in confusion.

"Don't tell me you forgot. I'm going to place your meal request with the kitchen. They'll need to prepare after all."

Mrella stares at him for a second before the realization dawns on her. She places her hands on her middle. She can feel herself tremble in excitement. It'll be a while before she'll see herself on an empty stomach.

"We are going to get so fat."

"Yes, we are. Although you'll be doing most of the gaining."

Mrella squeals and launches herself into Saddiq's arms. "Don't take too long. Just thinking about it is making me wet."

"You've been very insatiable lately."

"Can't help it. You just drive me wild."

"I could take care of you now."

"No. I know you. You'll fall asleep and forget all about it. Now shoo."

Saddiq doesn't need to be told twice. So instead, he practically scampers out of the room in a hurry.

Mrella stands in front of the mirror in the room and inspects herself. She's pretty chubby, in her opinion. She isn't a massive woman by Lothorian standards, but she isn't tiny anymore either. She doesn't want to look like the shapeless forms of Lothorian nobility. She pities them. They've become little more than blobs of fat - doomed to a life of constant eating and little else.

Perhaps they find fulfillment in that life, but it seems so limiting. Not that Mrella doesn't understand it. It is erotic to just give in to hedonism. But Mrella has things to do, places to be. To lose her autonomy like that is frankly terrifying. She's just glad she and Saddiq are on the same wavelength.

"Checking yourself out?"

Mrella jumps in surprise and spins around. Saddiq stands there smirking at her.

"Yeah. I'm just really excited about tomorrow. And I guess you are, too, seeing how fast that was."

"What can I say?" Saddiq purs. He sweeps his wife into his arms, making her heart flutter. "Guilty as charged."

Mrella's hands trail down and grope his backside. "Why don't you show me how eager you are?"

"Anything for my little minx."
Mrella wakes up to the smell of delicious food. She stretches and sleepily reaches for Saddiq. To her surprise, she finds the other side of the bed empty. She grabs her robe and follows her nose.

There is an impressive spread of her favorite foods in their sitting room. There is far more than she could ever hope to eat in one sitting. Mrella rubs her belly in anticipation. To her surprise, there is also a strange-looking chair. It's wide, well-cushioned, and angled backward. The seat is designed so that Saddiq can easily take her while she eats.

Mrella looks around but doesn't see her husband at all. With a shrug, she goes to sit down on the strange chair. She hums in pleasure. It almost feels like the chair was made just for her. The cushions perfectly cradle her contours, and she's tilted at the perfect angle for maximum stuffing. Honestly, she could probably fall asleep here.

Her stomach growls, reminding her how she hasn't eaten breakfast yet. She reaches for the food, but it is sadly out of reach. As she debates on waiting for her husband to show up or move from her comfortable spot, Saddiq finally shows up. As soon as her notices Mrella, he looks at her in awe and lust. Mrella grabs her empty belly and gives it a little shake.

"Good morning, handsome," she purrs, "Where have you been?"

"Just got back from the tailor, actually. I wanted to give her a heads up. I'm going to make you huge."

Mrella shivers in excitement. "Very eager, aren't you?"

"And organized." Saddiq bends down to kiss his wife, "I had hoped to be back before the food came and wake you up, but this is fine too."

"I am curious as to where you got this chair. This is very nice."

He exhales, looking somewhat guilty. "My father had this made years ago for my future wife. It's a feeding chair. I'd always figured I'd marry one of those noblewomen who spend most of their day eating, so I kept it."

"I take it you hoped I would eventually use the chair?"

"Yes? Maybe? I don't know. It felt like a pipe dream, really. I was afraid to talk to you about it. My father gave it to me, expecting my future wife would spend her time just eating, so I already had mixed feelings. But at the same time, I couldn't bear to get rid of it. Not that I expected you to use it, mind you. "

Mrella grabs her husband's hands. "You're babbling."

"I'm sorry. I'm nervous. I want everything to be perfect."

"Let's start with breakfast and go from there. I'm feeling rather hungry."

He bends down again and kisses her sweetly. Then, he pulls the food-laden table closer for them to eat together. Mrella is immensely grateful to see his muscles flex underneath his well-padded form.

Their chef has made quite the spread for her. Meats, cheeses, pastries, and fruits waft tantalizingly into her nose. He starts her off by grabbing two pastries and making a sandwich out of the meat and cheese. Mrella excitedly opens wide and takes the biggest bite she can manage. Then, she hums contentedly as her husband rubs her belly.

Saddiq feeds her over the next hour or so. It's not a race to bloat his wife to just enjoy this time with her. Seeing the adoration in her eyes as he feeds her makes him feel giddy and content. In all the past relationships, every girl he's fed saw him as a means to an end. To be honest, it didn't bother him at the time. For all his power, his life isn't his own. Even his marriage was a means to an end.

However, no woman has ever looked at him like Mrella ever has. Even though theirs was an arranged marriage between two people with significantly different cultures, she never regretted being his wife. It's a bit surreal. He had expected her to find Lothor - to find him - repulsive. He had planned on ardently wooing her for years. Yet here, she is not only indulging one of his fantasies but also actively enjoying it.

Saddiq kisses her jaw while she chews her current mouthful. Then, humming contentedly, she wraps her arms around his shoulders and cards her fingers through his short hair. Mrella sighs as she sinks into this bliss.

A sudden stomach growl rings out. Mrella laughs as Saddiq's face turns beet red.

"Saddiq, my love," the queen snickers, "were you so excited to feed me that you forgot to feed yourself?"

"... Maybe?"

Mrella cackles. Her bloated stomach shudders mesmerizingly. "You silly man. Get something to eat. You'll waste away."

"But then there won't be enough for you."

"I don't think having enough food is a tangible worry." She lifts up her heavy belly for emphasis, eliciting a loud belch. She sighs in relief, finally registering just how much she's eaten. It surprised her how caught up in the moment she must have been to not really notice.

Her belly rested heavily in her lap. She'd passed full a while ago. She hadn't reached the struggling to breathe stage yet, but she knew if she were to get out of the chair, she'd need some help. Mrella splayed her hands over her stomach, feeling the distended organ. She had more room, but not a whole lot. She'd need a break if she wanted to finish eating all by herself.

Saddiq looks guiltily at the food. "Are you sure? I mean, all of this is for you."

"Of course, it's fine, you silly man. Why else would I offer it to you? You haven't eaten at all today."

Saddiq glances back at the food. He bites his lip but makes no move to get anything. Mrella rolls her eyes.

"You know, dear husband, I love to see you eat. It just does things to me seeing your belly swell as you engorge yourself," Mrella reaches to cop a feel, "I know that if you were to eat now, I couldn't help but touch myself."

Saddiq makes another sandwich and takes a bite. The king must have been hungrier than he realized because he's wolfing down a third one before he knows it. He feels a bit guilty eating the food meant for Mrella. However, she clearly doesn't mind. She gazes at him with hooded eyes while fingers herself. He eats one more sandwich before kneeling beside her.

Mrella gasps as he presses kisses against her stretched skin. He gently runs his hands over her overstuffed belly. She sighs into his touch. It feels so sensual yet peaceful. If she could live in this moment forever, she'd be a very satisfied woman. Saddiq reaches around to cup her lower belly. Unlike the upper part stretched with food, here she's much softer. He jiggles it experimentally, watching how her fat ripples across her body.

"I am so happy right now," Saddiq smiles, "I will make you huge. Look at you. You're so stunning like this. You've eaten so much. I'll bet you want some more."

"I don't want more. I need more. I'm not full enough."

"My, aren't you a greedy one." Saddiq chuckles and grabs more food for her.

"It's your fault, you know. If it wasn't for you, I'd never know how sexy all of this could be."

"I guess I'll have to make it up to you then." He chuckles and feeds her some pastry stuffed with sweet cream. He smiles, seeing her face light up. She's always so happy to try new foods.

Mrella takes a bite. Immediately the cream filling starts to ooze out. She sucks it down greedily with her eyes closed in bliss. Before she realizes it, she's eaten a dozen more. She's eaten so much that her breathing comes in shallow pants. She's far from hungry - in fact, her stomach throbs from how overstretched it feels. But she wants to keep eating.

She tries to tell Saddiq. However, words fail to come between the food coma and sugar coma. All she manages to do is make a soft, pained noise.

"Oh, look at you," Saddiq says dreamily, "You ate nearly all of it. You did so well. It's okay. Just go to sleep. I'll take care of you."

He punctuates it by massaging her bloated belly. Then, finally, a few burps manage to come out, relieving some pressure. A small part of her wants to fill up the empty space with more food, but she drifts off before that can happen.
Mrella wakes up sometime later, still feeling a bit full. Her belly is smaller but still very bloated. She looks up to see her husband sitting nearby. He's filling out some paperwork while plowing through a pile of food. It seems that he's been at it a while, judging by how his belly rests heavily between his thighs.

Mrella gets out of the chair and nearly stumbles. She'd miscalculated her new center of gravity. Saddiq turns around to make sure she's okay.

"No!" Mrella whines, "You aren't supposed to notice me. I was going to walk up behind you and cop a feel. Maybe get a little handsy. It was going to be sexy."

Saddiq laughs. "I can turn back around and pretend to be surprised."

"Don't bother. The moment is ruined. I'll still feel you up, though."

"Threatening me with a good time, are you?"

"Always." She flashes him a cheeky smile and saunters over. She kneels down - a bit awkward because of how big she still is - and rests her hands on Saddiq's belly. She traces random shapes on his skin while kissing the stretch marks and freckles decorating him. Mrella straightens up and tries to kiss her husband. However, their engored middles keep their lips inches apart.

Saddiq looks at the way their fat squashes against each other. It's fat, more erotic than it has any right to be. Mrella stands up and bends over. She can kiss him now, but her belly rests heavily on his own from this angle. The same belly that is now pushing into his crotch. He can feel himself harden against his own skin.

He breaks the kiss. "As much as I'd love to continue this, we have work to do."

"I don't like you right now."

"Ah, but I've got food waiting for you."

"... I like you a tiny bit more."

Mrella gets dressed in her loosest clothes. There is still a bit of distance between the fabric and her belly. Hopefully not for long.

There is a pile of paperwork on the desk next to him. They usually do their work in their separate offices, so this is a lovely change of pace. The queen has her own table of snacks and a sweet-smelling milky drink.

"What's this?" Mrella asks.

"That is sweetened heavy cream. It's a favorite among the court ladies. Even a cup a day is enough to make you noticeably fatter."

"Have you ever had any?"

"When I was a teenager. I started losing weight as I grew taller. It's a bit much at first, but it's okay."

Mrella takes a tentative sip. A bit much is an understatement. It's probably the richest drink she's ever had. The flavor, however, is to die for. She sips on it between bites. The two work in peaceful silence.

At some point, Saddiq looks over at his wife. The sunlight filtering into the room makes her white hair glow. He remembers his dream. It had seen so forbidden at the time. But now, he's actively achieving it. Mrella is a lot smaller than his dream, but it won't be for too much longer with her enthusiasm.

He watches her mindlessly eat for a bit. It's adorable how she will look at her paperwork so seriously until she eats some food and perks up. Sometimes she'll even hum in appreciation.

Saddiq smiles softly. It still amazes him how compatible they are.

Mrella catches him staring at her. She flashes him a flirty smile and lifts up her dress. Her stomach looks more prominent than at breakfast as it rests in her lap. He scoots his chair closer and touches her warm green skin. It's firm, but there's still some give. He presses it experimentally. A mighty belch lets loose catching them both off guard.

"Um. Excuse me." The queen says shyly.

"It's fine. After all, that just means you have more room." The king's voice takes on a deep, sultry tone. He kneels down and sensually rubs his hands across her heavy belly - fingers trace every stretch mark and caress every roll. He slides his hands underneath her belly - jiggling it to judge its heft. Saddiq peppers it with kisses, starting from her underbelly and working up to her chest.

The queen can feel the lust paralyze her body. She's never seen this level of joy in her husband before. He's always enjoyed her body but held back in fear of going too far. But now his walls are down, and she has seen his secret parts. They make her feel more beautiful and wanted than she's ever felt before. It's almost overwhelming. She grabs the heavy cream and knocks it all back.

That turned out to be a big mistake. The sheer richness knocked Mrella back down to reality. She belches and wills herself not to vomit.

"Are you okay?" Her husband holds her soothingly. He leans her into his chest and rubs her back.

"I'm fine. I think I need to get in the chair, though."

He helps her up. Their bellies bump into each other. Usually, that would drive her wild, but her mind is otherwise occupied. So instead, she waddled over to the chair. Leaning back seems to help it a little, but not much.

"Here, eat some bread." Saddiq hands her a sizeable bread roll. "It'll help soak up the fat."

Mrella gratefully grabs it and carefully eats it. She has to will herself not to throw up, but she starts to feel a little better by the time she polishes it off.

"Can I have some more, please?"

"Of course. Let me feed it to you."

He caresses her cheek as he feeds her roll after roll. Finally, the greasy feeling subsides but is soon replaced by an overly full sensation. She eats the last bit of bread and looks at the massive swell of her belly. Mrella looks at it in awe.

The beautifully rounded dome is bigger than she's ever seen it. It's incredible how much more food she can eat when reclining. Mrella reverently splays her hands on her belly. It's warm and hard from everything she's managed to stuff in it. She can feel it expand slightly as the bread soaks up the heavy cream. She tries to sit up and see the rest of her middle. However, she's managed to pin herself under the weight of her gut.

"Feeling better?"

"Well, I'm not nauseous anymore."

"That's good. Why did you do that?"

Mrella groans and buries her face in her hands. "I don't know. I just got overwhelmed and just ... I don't know."

"Was it ... was it my fault?"

"What? No! Don't be silly. It's my fault for being stupid."

"Okay. If you're sure." Saddiq kisses her cheek. He rubs her belly, but without the fervent passion from earlier.

"Stop internalizing, Saddiq," Mrella frowns, "I told you that this was my fault."

"Yes, but I overwhelmed you."

The queen heaves a sigh. "You are just determined to be at fault, aren't you?"

"I'm sorry. I'm just terrified to take advantage of you."

"My dear husband, you are being absolutely ridiculous."

"I'm sorry."
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Cyborg456 3 weeks
Mmmm. The Queen is getting into it .....
Thejokerff 1 month
This Is hands down the hottest story I've ever read! All my kinks and turn ons in one place ! Especially the part of the king getting off on his own belly
Munchies 1 month
Thank you!
Juicy 3 months
I apologise for coming so late to the party, but this is an outstanding story. Unlike most, it’s not predictable—ok, I’m only in the middle of chapter 3, but it’s my hunch. 😄 Please write more!
Munchies 3 months
Oh, no need to apologize. My story is open for all to read. There's no time limit to comment.
Kdoyle 1 year
You’re a very talented writer!❤️
Munchies 1 year
Thank you!
Soulbellystu... 2 years
No worries take your time, get wall and know your health is always more important. Feel better smiley
Munchies 2 years
I appreciate your kind words. ♥♥♥
Akwolfgrl13 2 years
So good
Munchies 2 years
Thank you, love!
Built4com4t 2 years
what sweet, sexy fun...nicely arousing. very well done...more please :-)
Munchies 2 years
The next chapter will be posted later today.
Munchies 2 years
Luckily for you, chapter 2 is up next Friday.