Food is love

chapter 12 part 2

Saddiq almost said no. But then his fantasy from earlier pop into his mind. He sits down before he realizes it. But, unfortunately, his manhood just rests against his belly.

Mrella looks vaguely disappointed. "Of course, that happened. Why wouldn't that happen?" She presses a kiss on his cheek and kneels down.

"What are you doing now?"

"You'll see!" Mrella calls out in sing-song.

She lifts his gut and places it on her head. He feels her lips wrap around him and the tale-tell wet heat of her mouth as she deep throats him in one smooth motion. Saddiq strains to see her over his domed middles. But unfortunately, all he can see are white curls flowing down her back.

He had no idea tight clothes could make Mrella so frisky. She didn't act like that when he was stuffed in that girdle back in Timoa. Then again, she was rather preoccupied during that time as well. Suddenly Mrella starts teasing his taint, and all thoughts leave his head.

It feels like she's in a race to make him cum. In addition to his taint, she resumes fondling his balls. She begins to hum when he thinks it can't feel any better. The pleasure overwhelms him. There is no sound, no sight - only the consuming warmth between his legs.

He comes with a strangled shout. Mrella sucks it all down until there is nothing left. Saddiq flops back, feeling wrung out in the best possible way.

As he comes back to himself, he hears a wet, squelching noise and fervent pants. He sits up and looks down. His wife is lying on the floor, passionately fingering herself. She fished one of her boobs out at some point and is sucking away at her nipple.

Saddiq slides off the chair and crawls over to her. He pushes her hand away and replaces it with her face. Her musky, sweet smell is better than any flower. Her sweet tang is better than any wine.

"Oh, Saddiq," she moans, "Yes! That's right. Lift my gut out of the way and eat me like the fat boy you are. You like being sandwiched between my big, juicy thighs, don't you? Well, you are going to love seeing them grow bigger. But, of course, you'll have to push them nice and wide to get in."

Saddiq's tongue curls and flattens inside her. Her eyes roll back when he rubs her clit with his nose. She squeals when he runs his fingers on the inside of her thighs. Mrella feels so good everywhere. It's like the bigger she gets, the better she feels.

Mrella makes the cutest little sounds as he pleasures her - her breathy mewls sweet music to his ears. Her body jumps and shudders with wild abandon. Suddenly she wraps her legs around Saddiq's head, and everything goes dark.

Meanwhile, Mrella sees stars. Her body feels feather-light as it slowly drifts back to the ground. She lays flat on her back, feeling utterly boneless. Not such a great state to be in when on the floor.

"Need some help?" Her husband holds out his hand. Mrella gratefully takes it; she's a little unsteady on her feet. Thankfully, Saddiq is sturdy enough to lean on.

"You know," she pants, "Part of me wishes I was light enough for you to carry me to bed. But, the other part of me finds it very hot that I'm too fat to pull that off."

Saddiq says nothing. He just holds her in his arms. Mrella buries her face in his soft chest, smiling while taking in his scent. It's a little awkward seeing how his gut presses into hers, but she honestly wouldn't have it any other way.

"We should probably head back," Saddiq's voice rumbles through his chest, "The delegation won't receive themselves."

"Wow. Way to kill the mood."

"We are the King and Queen of Lothor. That comes with things to do, places to be."

"Mounds of paperwork..." Mrella groans. The idyllic mood slips quickly through her fingers.

"Yes, that too." They both sigh dejectedly.

"Well, we better get to it then. If I stand here like this too much longer, we won't be going anywhere."

Saddiq presses a kiss to her hair. "You know, meeting up later would be a good idea. Compare some notes and see where we are with the preparations."

Mrella pulls back and looks at him. "Of course. It's only the responsible thing to do."

"There's been a lot to do. So it might run a little longer."

A knowing smirk spreads across her lips. "Perhaps we should have dinner while we eat. Can't plan on an empty stomach. We might waste away."

Saddiq laughs. He grabs his love handles and gives them a shake. "Naturally. I'm practically skin and bones."

Mrella stands on her toes and sweetly kisses her husband's cheek. "Then it's a date."
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Cyborg456 3 weeks
Mmmm. The Queen is getting into it .....
Thejokerff 1 month
This Is hands down the hottest story I've ever read! All my kinks and turn ons in one place ! Especially the part of the king getting off on his own belly
Munchies 1 month
Thank you!
Juicy 3 months
I apologise for coming so late to the party, but this is an outstanding story. Unlike most, it’s not predictable—ok, I’m only in the middle of chapter 3, but it’s my hunch. 😄 Please write more!
Munchies 3 months
Oh, no need to apologize. My story is open for all to read. There's no time limit to comment.
Kdoyle 1 year
You’re a very talented writer!❤️
Munchies 1 year
Thank you!
Soulbellystu... 2 years
No worries take your time, get wall and know your health is always more important. Feel better smiley
Munchies 2 years
I appreciate your kind words. ♥♥♥
Akwolfgrl13 2 years
So good
Munchies 2 years
Thank you, love!
Built4com4t 2 years
what sweet, sexy fun...nicely arousing. very well done...more please :-)
Munchies 2 years
The next chapter will be posted later today.
Munchies 2 years
Luckily for you, chapter 2 is up next Friday.