Food is love

chapter 13 part 1

Kinky shenanigans continue

The evening before the delegation arrives, Mrella counts the hours before it's all over. Things have been going relatively smoothly for so long. Then today, of all days, it was one metaphorical fire after another. But Mrella isn't the queen for nothing.

As an unfortunate side effect, she's gone most of the day without eating. And when she has, it was only a quick bite of something. It wasn't so bad initially; however, the hunger pangs had become a constant companion by mid-day. So now she's hungry and tired.

She is in her office trying to dredge up the energy to do ... something. But unfortunately, thoughts are too hard to form right now. All she knows is that she's hungry and tired and needs to call it a day. Her eyelids droop under their own weight, and her ears feel like they are shutting down. Mrella can feel her head wobbling like a drunkard's.

The desire to move is strong, but the energy is not there. It's like Mrella's standing outside, yelling at her body as it refuses to cooperate. Her head bobs forward, dragging her down to her desk. She blinks. Suddenly it's morning. Mrella is lying in her bed, Saddiq spooning her, and she has no recollection of how she got here.

The early morning light peeks through the curtains. Objectively Mrella knows it's not very bright right now. However, it feels as if she is staring directly into the sun. Her mouth twitches, and she feels her tongue scrape across her roof like sandpaper. It seems that not only did she barely eat, but she also hardly drank anything either.

It explains the headache, at least.

Suddenly, she's seized with an all-consuming urge to drink water. No other liquid will do. Mrella carefully slips out of bed and pads off to summon her maids. They are a bit confused by the request for water instead of breakfast but quickly procure a large pitcher of water and a glass.

Mrella wastes no time in pouring herself a glass. The moment the cool wetness touches her tongue is one of pure ecstasy. It's so refreshing and sweet. She gulps it down before she realizes it, pouring glass after glass to quench her powerful thirst. Then, finally, the queen can feel her headache fade away. The sandpaper texture in her mouth is gone. It's funny how much a little water can fix.

Before long, she's drained the pitcher dry. Thirst gone, she's suddenly hyper-aware of her water-logged middle. Mrella cradles her belly. It's cool to the touch and bulges like she ate a big meal. However, it's yielding and sloshy instead of firm. She gives her middle an experimental shake and immediately regrets her choices.

Feeling cold, bloated, and faintly nauseated, she wants nothing more than to crawl back under the blankets with her husband. But instead, the maid picks up on her suddenly pale face.

"Your Majesty, would you like to recline in your chair?" One of the maids asks.

"Ugh, please. I drank far too much."

The maids rush to either side of their queen. Then, finally, they stagger over to the chair, letting Queen Mrella dramatically onto it.

"I'm so sloshy." Mrella moans as she cradles her heavy belly. She's grateful her knees are spread lest her plush thighs press against her gut.

"My Queen," asks one of the maids, "perhaps some bread might help? It'll soak up the water."

"Yes. Please do that. Anything to stop all this movement inside me."

One of the maids scampers off to grab some bread. Another grabs a blanket to drape over the queen. Mrella lies there as still as possible, regretting her life choices. If only she had taken better care of herself yesterday.

The maid comes back with the bread. There isn't a whole lot of bread - just two loaves. However, just the sight of them makes her faintly sick. She pushes that feeling down and grabs one of the loaves. The first bite sits strangely in her stomach. Still, she pushes on, barely tasting the bread. Before long, she's eaten the entire thing.

Mrella massages her belly. It no longer feels quite so sloshy. Instead, she can feel the bread soaking up the water inside her. In the grand scheme of things, it's not a lot. Mrella has certainly stuffed herself more this week. Yet the thought of stuffing herself with something that will expand even more inside her has the queen intrigued.

The door to the room opens, revealing her sleepy husband.

"Is everything okay?" Saddiq asks with bleary eyes, "I woke up, but you weren't there."

"Everything is fine, Your Grace," explains one of the maids, "The queen was dehydrated and drank too much water. So now she's eating some bread to sop everything up."

The king gives an amused smirk. "Return to your other duties. I'll take over from here."

The maids curtsy and see themselves out. Saddiq catches bits of conversation about "so cute" and "good husband." He smiles. He and Mrella are nothing like his parents at all.

Saddiq kneels next to his wife to kiss her forehead gently. "Feeling better?"

"A little. Just paying for my self-neglect. But, you know, I've never dehydrated myself so badly before. So I'm usually pretty good about it - especially during the blight when that's all I had some days."

"Well, I am sure you learned your lesson."

"Never again. The headache alone is not worth it."

"What can I do to ease your pain?"

"Pass me the bread and maybe rub my belly?"

Saddiq laughs. "I would never pass up a chance to enjoy this." He gives her the loaf and peels back the cover. Mrellas beautifully fattened green belly juts out proudly. Dark green stretchmarks riddle her heavy middle. He can swear her side rolls are bigger than they were last week. Saddiq lovingly runs his hands over her enjoying her ever-expanding girth.

Mrella sighs into his touch. She practically inhales her food. Then, to her delight, she can feel the bread swell inside her. It's a bit uncomfortable but in the best possible way.

"Look at you, Mrella," Saddiq whispers reverently, "Your so ... fat."

Mrella giggles, "I really am. And I have you to thank for it."

Saddiq beams at her. He kisses her sweetly on the lips before pressing his face into her side. Mrella gasps in pleasure as he sucks a trail of hickeys to the top of her belly. She moans, feeling his hands everywhere, jiggling and squeezing her fat.

Mrella reaches out and cups Saddiq's own belly. She watches him close his eyes and moan as she fondles him.

"It looks like I'm not the only one packing on the pounds."

"Yeah? Do you like it?"

Mrella gives his gut a good squeeze before unbuttoning his shirt. She pulls him closer and buries her face into his cleavage. Her hands fondle his soft chest instead of a reply.

The two stay like that for a few minutes exploring each other's bodies. Eventually, Mrella tilts her head and gazes into her husband's eyes.

"I remember when I first laid eyes on you. I thought, 'This is perhaps the most beautiful man I ever saw.' And the more time I spend with you, the more wonderful to are to me."

"And here I thought you just wanted me for my body," Saddiq smirks.

"You must admit it's a very nice body." Mrella runs a finger down his chest. "A very, very nice body."

Saddiq shivers delightfully as deft fingers caress and explore his side rolls and love handles. His breath hitches when his wife has to squish her fat middle against his own to properly fondle and bounce his ample posterior. Mrella gazes up at him with such a satisfied face that Saddiq forgets how to breathe for a moment.

Distantly, he knows that there are important things to do today. But how can he think about that when his lovely wife pushes him towards her special chair?

It's the second time he's been in this chair - the very chair his father commissioned for him to fatten up his future wife. And although he has made his peace with using it, something is satisfying about seeing that same wife use it like this.

Mrella gently pushes her husband into the chair. His unbuttoned shirt falls to either side, gloriously framing his fat frame. She slips off his pants eagerly. Her husband's belly hangs low enough to cover part of his crotch, to her delight. She lifts up the hefty softness just enough to slip off his underwear. Saddiq sighs in relief - angry red lines mark the skin around his waist and thighs.

"Look at you," she coos, "Eating yourself clean out of your underwear. You really know how to drive me wild, don't you?"

"What can I say?" Saddiq smacks a hand against his empty belly, causing ripples all over his body, "I'm a very sexy man."

"You certainly are."

Mrella moves his gut aside, letting his hard length spring free. She settles on top of him, enjoying how he stretches her inside. Her water-filled belly rests heavily atop his own. Mrella leans forward to brace herself against Saddiq's shoulders. He feels squished in the best possible way. His wife has gotten so big.

Mrella pumps her hips to the best of her ability. Their fat wobbles and shakes violently with loud claps. It's almost enough to drown out the water sloshing inside of her. Saddiq reaches out to touch her; she seems slightly bigger every day. Her once flawless skin is riddled with stretchmarks. Her thighs and hips have been grace with cellulite, and she wears them very well.

The two of them have shaped her body to her liking. There is so much of her to enjoy. Saddiq wonders how much bigger she will get.

Mrella's face is flushed with exertion. A sheen of sweat covers her body, and her arms shake from exhaustion. Unlike her husband, she barely gets any exercise. She pushes on anyway, chasing her release. Saddiq notices her flagging and grips her hips. He thrusts with abandon meeting her halfway. Mrella almost sobs at how good it all feels.

When she comes, it's a warm hazy feeling. Her body feels sore yet so good. She collapses onto her husband. Part of her knows she should move. However, she's so tired, and he's very comfortable. She can still feel him pumping away deep inside her. It isn't long before the familiar wet warmth fills her up. Mrella smiles. She feels so happy.

A knock on the door reminds them they have things to do today. Not that either of them minds too much. Today they'll be glued to each other's side.
Mrella feels quite empty. After many trips to the bathroom, her belly is much smaller than usual. Not that it's small by any means. But she does feel lighter without hauling around as much food as she can physically put inside.

Saddiq, the wonderful man he is, has ensured she's supplied with plenty of snacks. So she isn't hungry by any means. But she isn't stuffed either.

The foreign delegation arrives with much pomp and circumstance. The head of the delegation kneels before King Saddiq. Her husband gestures for him to rise. The man then turns to Queen Mrella and kisses her hand.

"King Saddiq, I do believe congratulations are in order."

"Whatever do you mean, Lord Quetzal?"

"Why, Her Majesty, of course."

Both monarchs look at the man in confusion.

"Lord Quetzal, your kingdom offered their congratulations upon my nuptials. I cannot think of anything else to congratulate us for."

"Surely you jest, Queen Xod."

"In truth, I haven't the foggiest."

"Your pregnancy, of course." He gestures towards her fat gut, proudly jutting out.

Mrella laughs. "No, congratulations needed. I am not pregnant. I'm just fat." She grabs her middle and gives it a good wobble.

Lord Quetzal flushes red. Even his fingers have not been spared.

Saddiq frowns. "Surely, the head of a foreign delegation knows better to commit such an avoidable faux pas."

"K-king Saddiq," the man stammers out.

"Calm yourself. I can understand why Lord Quetzal thought that."

Her husband gives her an unreadable look before returning his gave to the very embarrassed man.

"Thank you, y-your majesty. You are very kind."

"Of course. You didn't mean any offense by it. Besides," Mrella jiggles her gut again, "This belly will be much bigger by the end of the evening."

Lord Quetzal looks startled by her declaration but says nothing. Mrella flashes a grin. She knows that being fat - especially as a woman - is frowned upon everywhere but Lothor. But what are they going to do? Here, she is queen. Here she commands power and respect.

The attendants show the delegation to their rooms, leaving the king and queen alone.

"I'm surprised," Saddiq says.

"By him or by me?"

"Both, but mostly you. I know you don't like those kinds of comments. Yet you seem unbothered."

Mrella chuckles. "I suppose I had an epiphany of sorts."

"Oh?" Saddiq wraps his arms around his wife, pulling her close. It's getting hard to make his hands meet.

"Yeah. It just dawned on me that it doesn't matter if someone else dislikes my appearance. I like how I look. And I am surrounded by people who will happily remind me how lovely I am." Mrella hugs her husband tight.

"You are very lovely."

"I am. Thank you for noticing." The two chuckle. Mrella sighs. "Going back home fat kind of felt like my parents seeing me after I got mud all over a nice dress. Except it wasn't my parents, I was worried about disappointing. It was my entire kingdom."

"I understand. I remember some of the looks they gave you. You are the queen of a kingdom that prizes being fat. I'm not sure why they expected you to never put on weight."

"To be honest, even if I stayed slim and trim, they probably would wonder over the state of our marriage."

"Well, you can't please everyone."

"I know. There's something freeing about accepting that. Besides, I think it's funny that Lord Quetzal thought I was pregnant. Imagine how much he would be amazed when I'm actually pregnant. I'd be huge."

"I thought you wanted to be so fat no one could tell."

"I know. But as much as we go at it, it might happen sooner."

Saddiq blushes, remembering this morning. Mrella flashes him a coy smile and brazenly slides her hands down. Saddiq gasps as his wife grabs two good handfuls of his backside and squeezes.

"I want you to stuff me to the brim tonight," she whispers in his ear, "I didn't eat yesterday, and I skipped breakfast too. I've got to make up for lost time."

No words come out. Saddiq nods, looking somewhat dazed, feeling himself tent in his pants. Thankfully, his tunic covers it up. However, he can barely think straight the way this little minx looks at him, turning groping into massaging. Finally, they are alone in the throne room. Neither one has anything to do for the next thirty minutes, and no one should be using this room for the rest of the day.

Mrella watches her husband's face go from surprised to horny to scheming. Suddenly, he's all over her kissing her senseless. He guides her towards the thrones rucking up her dress and pulling her underwear down to her knees. She feels something bump the back of her legs. Suddenly, Saddiq spins her around, facing his own throne.

"Get comfortable," his low voice rumbles in her ear, "I'm going to take you from behind."

Mrella kneels, bracing herself on the seat. Her husband undoes his pants with a sigh of relief. Mrella hears a sudden squeaky wheel and looks up to see Saddiq pull the snack cart over.

"Since you're so eager, I'll stuff you from both ends. Let's see if it can tide you over for a few hours."

"A few hours? But this is just a snack!"

"But if I am going feed you until you can't breathe at dinner, I want to make sure you have plenty of room to spare." He reaches down and jiggles her stomach. It's getting so big that he'll double it by this evening.

Mrella grabs the first thing she can reach and wolfs it down. She shimmies - fat jumping and shuddering - making Saddiq salivate at the show. He pounces, wrapping his arms around her and burying himself deep inside. Mrella loudly moans as he fills her up inside. Saddiq grabs a muffin and shoves it in her mouth.

"Not so loud. You don't want people to come in, do you?"

Mrella shakes her head. She eats the muffin and immediately grabs something else to keep her mouth full.

"Look at you. I've got you hooked, haven't I? You're so eager to get bigger and bigger. Every part of you is just bloated with fat. You put on so much weight in such a short time. And I hardly did anything - this was all you. You're remarkable. All I did was encourage you."

Mrella's belly hangs down about a quarter of her thighs. It's really no wonder Lord Quetzal thought she was pregnant. His wife is really something. Even now, she looks high on all the delicious food she's inhaling. He's unsure if she's putting on a show or is really into the food. Either way, he's not complaining.

He can feel her grow as he holds her wobbling belly. It claps against her thighs and fupa with every thrust. He wishes he could flip her over just to see how much her fat bounces and wobbles. But, their bellies are too big without the chair to get a good angle. And thanks to her eating habits, his belly is more prominent than it used to be.

He doesn't understand why she loves it so much when he uses her as a belly rest. But it drives her wild, so who is he to judge?

"You love getting bigger, don't you, Mrella? I bet if you could, you'd spend your days just stuffing your face and having sex. Just indulging every hedonistic whim. I wonder how fat you'd get if I let you do nothing but eat? You'd probably be fatter than me."

Mrella's face is flushed. He can tell she's imagining it right now.

"Oh, you like that, huh? You'd like it if I put a tube in your mouth so that you'd fill your stomach the moment you woke up. Then, just keep you at your limits until you go to sleep. You'd balloon so fast. You could be nine months pregnant with eight babies, and no one would be able to tell."

Mrella slips a hand under her fupa and teases herself. She holds herself up with the other hand. She looks longingly at the mostly empty cart. Saddiq pulls it closer and takes over, feeding her. His wife moans, grinding her ample backside into him with appreciation.

"You just drive me wild," Saddiq continues, "You're so soft. I could grab you anywhere, feeling like sinking into a pillow. Every time you move, your body jiggles and sways except for your belly. It's probably the only part of you that's still firm - even if it's from all the food you eat.

"I can just picture you now. Stuffing yourself in front of the delegation. Your belly swelling up big and round. You wouldn't even have restraint. You'd just sit there and eat until you couldn't possibly fit anything else inside you. I'll bet you'd slump in your chair panting - far too well fed to get up even with help."

"Y-you aren't wrong," Mrella pants, "Except for one thing."

"What?" Saddiq grunts, "You think you'd have restraint?"

"Goodness, no. I'd eat as much as I could. Then I'd have you feed me more."

Saddiq's hips stutter as he wills himself to last just a little longer.

"We're addicts, you and I," she continues, "We can't get enough. It's just so erotic making me so fat. To feel so full and soft at the same time. To know you and I made this body together. It makes me want to get even bigger."

Saddiq reaches out to pull the cart closer. He grabs the first thing he touches and holds it to her lips. His wife happily eats it all, licking her husband's fingers clean.

"Mrella, please. I-I will not last much longer if you keep this up."

"Oh? You like it that much?" the queen demurs, "I'll be sure to put on a show for you at dinner. I'll sit nice and close to you so you can feel me up as I eat. Then, you can help me make space so I can eat even more."
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Cyborg456 3 weeks
Mmmm. The Queen is getting into it .....
Thejokerff 1 month
This Is hands down the hottest story I've ever read! All my kinks and turn ons in one place ! Especially the part of the king getting off on his own belly
Munchies 1 month
Thank you!
Juicy 3 months
I apologise for coming so late to the party, but this is an outstanding story. Unlike most, it’s not predictable—ok, I’m only in the middle of chapter 3, but it’s my hunch. 😄 Please write more!
Munchies 3 months
Oh, no need to apologize. My story is open for all to read. There's no time limit to comment.
Kdoyle 1 year
You’re a very talented writer!❤️
Munchies 1 year
Thank you!
Soulbellystu... 2 years
No worries take your time, get wall and know your health is always more important. Feel better smiley
Munchies 2 years
I appreciate your kind words. ♥♥♥
Akwolfgrl13 2 years
So good
Munchies 2 years
Thank you, love!
Built4com4t 2 years
what sweet, sexy fun...nicely arousing. very well done...more please :-)
Munchies 2 years
The next chapter will be posted later today.
Munchies 2 years
Luckily for you, chapter 2 is up next Friday.