Food is love

chapter 4

Being queen is hard work. Mrella has trained to be queen since she was a child. Still, practice and execution are worlds apart. She's not overly familiar with Lothor, so she's been playing catch-up the moment the honeymoon is over.

There's an endless stream of meetings, kingdom tours, and hearing grievances. It's stressful since she doesn't fully understand their ways, and someone has to hold her hand through some of the trickier proceedings. She won't complain about it since Saddiq seems to have nearly double the workload. If they didn't share the same bed and eat together, the queen doubts they'd see each other much.

Her husband is often too tired to do much more than cuddle next to her. Honestly, Mrella feels stupid for even thinking he had time for an affair. It makes her wonder if the kings that do are just slacking off. She's thankful Saddiq is putting an effort to spend time with her at mealtimes. Often he'll pull her onto his lap as they feed each other.

Something about eating around her husband makes it so easy to overeat. Perhaps it's because she's glad to see him that nothing else matters. Maybe it's because of how romantic feeding each is that she doesn't want to stop. Or perhaps it's that he goes out of his way to find the most deliciously fattening foods she's ever tried. But, ultimately, the queen is just thankful for how loose Lothorian clothes are. She'd never be able to eat this much in her more restrictive Timoan clothes.

Mrella finds herself overeating every meal. Then, just as she's digested breakfast, it's time for lunch. And after lunch, dinner. It was weird the first time she had to go out in public with a stuffed belly. But once she saw that nearly everyone stuffed themselves to the gills, she felt a sense of belonging. And maybe a bit of gut envy.

She'd see people waddling down the street bragging about how much they'd eaten to their friends. Occasionally, she'd see men show off by cramming an impressive amount of food and drink inside just to get women. The women would pull the fabric of the dresses tight across their middle to emphasize their size to me. A few more daring ones would wear dresses with a belly window.

Mrella would discretely glance, and the way their exposed midriffs would sway back and forth as these women waddled down the street. She'd touch her own middle in dismay. As bloated as she felt these days, she wasn't even at her pre-famine weight yet. Sure, she'd gained a few pounds, but it didn't feel like enough. She was sure she didn't actually want to be fat. Her husband didn't care, so why would she want to look like these women. She must just be wishing to no longer be underweight.

Still, she'd wonder how she'd look with that much weight on her. Would she have curves, or would she be a fleshy blob of fat with limbs? She would flip flop, wondering which form she'd prefer. Then she'd shake her head and tell herself it's just a fun mental exercise. But, of course, it's only natural to wonder about these things since she's the thinnest person in the kingdom.

Today, Queen Mrella stands naked in front of the bathroom mirror. It's been three months, and she's pleased with her progress. She's no longer gaunt-looking. Her breasts and backside have graduated from nonexistent to tiny. Mrella's not sure how much weight she's gained. Being somewhat tall, weight gain doesn't show up as quickly. Still, it's the first time in a long time that she's looked in the mirror and didn't feel revolted by what she saw.

There's a knock at the bathroom door. Mrella winces. She woke up early today to spend as much time as she'd like admiring her reflection. Either she's woken her husband up somehow, or she's been in here longer than she thought. Another knock brings her out of her thoughts.

"Who is it?"

"It's me," Saddiq's voice sounds deeper and huskier, fresh from sleep. "I rolled over, and you weren't there. You've been in here a while. Are you okay?"

She melts a little. Her husband couldn't sleep because she wasn't there? How adorable! She looks back at the mirror. She wants to share her progress with someone, and her husband is really the only option. It's a little scary to think of. Still, he's been nothing but respectful of her.

Mrella bites her lip and takes a calming breath. "I'm fine. But actually, could you come in for a moment?"

"...You sure?"

Mrella rolls her eyes. "Of course, I'm sure, you silly man. I asked, didn't I?"

"My wife is so sassy," he laughs before opening the door. The easy smile on his face morphs to shock. "You're naked."

"Am I? I hadn't noticed."

"Do you- should I-"

Mrella closes the distance between them and holds his hands. She's incredibly nervous. Saddiq's told her that he just wants her no matter what she looks like. She hopes these weren't just pretty words.

"I've never seen you naked before."

Mrella awkwardly bobs her head. She wishes he'd say something other than stating the obvious.

"May I touch you?"

Mrella finds that her tongue has glued itself to her roof. So she hugs him instead of an answer.

Saddiq cards his fingers through her thick white curls for a moment. Then he trails his hands down her back. Mrella shivers and holds him tighter. Encouraged, Saddiq slides down even further to her barely-there butt and gives it a tentative squeeze. Mrella moans and feels herself getting wet. Saddiq chuckles, fondling her now with both hands. Again, Mrella feels herself getting worked up. She wishes it'd progress past teasing, but her husband seems content where he is.

Frustration builds up inside her. Then, with a strength Mrella didn't know she had, she grabs his shoulders and pulls herself up. She perches herself atop his wide belly and wraps her long legs around his chest. Her husband cranes his head up in confusion to look at her. She smirks back and starts to grind.

It feels better than she'd expected. In addition to the friction, Saddiq's belly bounces up against her. She grinds away, panting and moaning loudly, lost in her bliss. It's been far too long since she's gotten laid.

Saddiq sits down on the bathroom floor, careful not to drop his wife. She looks down at his flushed, panting face.

"Am I hurting you?" Mrella looks at him, horrified.

"No, no," Saddiq says sheepishly, "It's not that. But, um, you see, when you bounce on my belly, it pressed into, um..."

Mrella's face morphs into a more conspiratorial one. "Are you saying that you're so fat that your own belly is getting you off?"

"Well, yeah..."

"That's hot."

"You think so?"

Mrella bends down. She's up too high to kiss his lips, so she does the next best thing and kisses the top of his head. Then she grinds him in earnest.

"Wait!" Saddiq grips her thighs. She immediately stops bouncing.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes. It is. It's just that I want to cum in you and not on my belly. It's been so long, and I miss you."

"Shh, it's okay." Mrella dismounts and kisses him soundly on the lips. "Just let me lay on something comfortable."

"I want you on top. I want to see you."

"Can you even see over this thing?" She shakes his fat gut for emphasis and gives it a playful nip.

"I can see some. But mostly, I want you to bounce on me again."

Mrella smiles, feeling relieved that he finds her attractive. "As my king commands. Now let's go to our bed."

"But we could do it here."

"I'm not having sex on the bathroom floor."


"Less talking, more moving." Mrella helps her heavy husband to his feet.

"So bossy." He lifts her bridal style and carries her to their bed. Once there, she undresses him as he feels up.

"Thank you," Mrella whispers, "For keeping your word."

"To be honest, you make it easy to keep."

Mrella smiles. She gently pushes him down. She moves his gut out the way and admires his thick length. She won't need any lube between her slick and his pre. She quickly mounts him and carefully lowers herself onto him. It's been so long that she nearly forgot how wonderfully he stretched her out. She grabs his thick love handles and goes to town.

She loves the way his bulk adds extra oomph to his frenzied thrusts. She understands what her maid meant when she said fat makes sex better. Perhaps, as she gains weight, it'll feel extra good?

Her husband is too fat to kiss her in this position, so he makes up for it by teasing her nipples. It feels so good how he tweaks and rolls the puffy mounds between his fingers. She can't wait until her barely-there breasts grow big enough for him to cup. She imagines how nice it would be to have something to hold and fondle. She appreciates how he's working with what she has, but it would be nice to give him more.

"You look so pretty bouncing on top of me like that." Saddiq looks up at her reverently.

"You are such a sweet talker."

"I'm serious, though. You are the prettiest woman I've set eyes on, even naked."

"Oh? And what about me do you like?"

"Your plush lips. Your soft hair," Saddiq abandons her chest to grip her thighs, "and I especially love your long legs and face when I do this." He twists his hips and thrusts balls deep into her. Mrella screws her face in ecstasy.

"More," she gasps, "I need more of that."

Saddiq smirks and pounds into her in earnest. Mrella grinds and twists back as if she were trying to make him come undone first. It's not enough. She does not last very long between the stimulation and the lovely visual of Saddiq's gut and tits bouncing with every thrust. She seizes up, velvety walls fluttering and gushing all over her husband. Her orgasm sends him over the edge, painting her insides creamy white.

Mrella sighs contentedly and collapses on top of her husband. Saddiq strokes her curls and holds her close. They stay like that for a bit, just enjoying each others' presence.

"Are you awake?" Saddiq murmurs.

"Yeah," Mrella replies sleepily.

"We should probably clean up. Then, perhaps take a bath."

"Nooo!" she whines, "I'm comfy."

"You won't be once that stuff starts drying on your skin."

"I don't like it when you're right."

"Well, I'm glad that I'm not always right. Now let's go."

The king cares her back to the bathroom and begins to draw a bath. The queen takes this time to admire his posterior. She loved how even here, he was covered in freckles. He had a smattering of stretch marks and cellulite as well. She wanted nothing more than to give it a good smack. He looked ever so tantalizing, bent over on his knees before her. She refrains. She doesn't think he'd appreciate it being busy with the tub. Maybe another time.

"Here we are. Nice and warm. I'll leave you to it." Saddiq gets up to leave.

"Wait!" Mrella grabs his fleshy shoulder. He stops in his tracks and looks at her. She takes a shaky breath feeling suddenly nervous. "Maybe you could join me?"

Saddiq absolutely beams in delight. His dimples have her heart hammering in her chest. "I'd be glad to." He scoops her up and steps into the warm water.

Mrella gets comfortable between his legs and leans into his chest as best she can. It's a bit difficult, what with his belly in the way.

"You sure do love to pick me up."

Saddiq reddens. "I'm sorry about that. You're so small. The smallest person I've ever met. I look at you, and I can't help but want to carry you. You are probably the only adult I could carry in the entire kingdom."

"No, no. It's fine," the queen bursts out laughing. "I don't mind at all."

They sit in silence for a while. The only sounds are of them washing each other. Then, finally, they step out of the tub and get ready for their attendants to dress them for the day's activities."

"Hey, Saddiq?" Mrella breaks the quiet, "I just wanted to say thank you. You know, for being so patient with me. And for accepting me even though I look like this."

"I was happy to do it." He leans in and kisses her gently on the lips. "I want you to be happy. I'm honored that you'd trust me with something as precious to you like this."

Mrella can feel the tears threatening to spill out. When her parents visit in a few months, she'll have to thank them for her good fortune. She leaps up and throws her arms around his neck, kissing him soundly. The next thing she knows, Saddiq has her pushed into the couch, intent on kissing the very breath out of her. It's enough to reignite their carnal desires.

That's how the king and queen's attendants find them: on the couch as Saddiq massages Mrella's thighs, and she shamelessly gropes his backside.

Their attendants see the embarrassed royal couple to their respective dressing rooms. Mrella silently begs the floor to swallow her up. Her maids can't help but titter.

"It's good that His Majesty is so taken with you," one maid says, "Why, I bet it won't be long before you two are filling up the royal nursery."

"If you think he's in love with you know, just wait and see what happens when you start fattening up in earnest," another one insists, "I'm sure you've already discovered how good things feel when your partner has more cushion for the pushing."

"I'm sure she'll find out soon enough," the first maid says, "She's starting to fill out nicely."

"Well, I don't plan on getting much bigger than I was three years ago," Mrella explains. Still, she is pleased they noticed.

A different maid scoffs. "You say that now, but mark my words. You won't want to stop once you start piling on the pounds." She does a little shimmy for emphasis. Her fat keeps jiggling several seconds after she stops.

"If you say so."

"Oh, I know so. Give it time. You'll see that I'm right."

Later that day, during the king and queen's shared meals, Mrella pays special attention to her interactions with her husband. She never realized how his eyes darkened when he massaged her bloated gut. And had he always looked so gleeful seeing her try to cram as much food inside her as possible?

She doesn't doubt that for as much as he loves her body as it is now, he'd love it if there were a lot more of her. Still, Mrella's not sure if she wants a lot more of her. So Mrella pushes that out of her mind. It'll be a while before she even needs to worry about that. For now, she'll just enjoy her husband filling her to the brim.
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Cyborg456 3 weeks
Mmmm. The Queen is getting into it .....
Thejokerff 1 month
This Is hands down the hottest story I've ever read! All my kinks and turn ons in one place ! Especially the part of the king getting off on his own belly
Munchies 1 month
Thank you!
Juicy 3 months
I apologise for coming so late to the party, but this is an outstanding story. Unlike most, it’s not predictable—ok, I’m only in the middle of chapter 3, but it’s my hunch. 😄 Please write more!
Munchies 3 months
Oh, no need to apologize. My story is open for all to read. There's no time limit to comment.
Kdoyle 1 year
You’re a very talented writer!❤️
Munchies 1 year
Thank you!
Soulbellystu... 2 years
No worries take your time, get wall and know your health is always more important. Feel better smiley
Munchies 2 years
I appreciate your kind words. ♥♥♥
Akwolfgrl13 2 years
So good
Munchies 2 years
Thank you, love!
Built4com4t 2 years
what sweet, sexy fun...nicely arousing. very well done...more please :-)
Munchies 2 years
The next chapter will be posted later today.
Munchies 2 years
Luckily for you, chapter 2 is up next Friday.