Food is love

chapter 5 - part 1

Six months later

Queen Mrella proudly stands before the royal tailor. After nine months of eating, her clothes are finally snug in her arms and chest. Of course, she's worlds away from the average Lothorian in size, but at least she now has curves. Frankly, she's glad that the bust and arms of her dresses were the only form-fitting parts. She'd be mortified if she'd bust a seam in public.

The tailor seems pleased with her weight gain. She doesn't say as much, but there's a smile on the older woman's face as she notes the increasing measurements.

The royal tailor is far from the only happy one. Everyone has made a point to congratulate her on filling out. The attention is a bit too much, but she doesn't mind. It makes her feel welcome - like she's one of them despite her small size. People have also been plying her with plenty of fattening treats, eager to help her plump up more.

She's pretty surprised how much she can put away these days. Mrella spends most of her day stuffed with food between the treats and her meals with the king. Even now, her gut bulges out with a prominent food baby at her fitting. And yet she finds herself daydreaming about her next meal. It's odd. Before the famine, Mrella never cared very much about her meals. They were tasty, to be sure, but she took food for granted. Now that she's gone from one extreme to the next, every bit of food is heaven-sent.

It's comforting to feel her food fill all the space inside her. It means she's not starving - that she's safe. With any luck, she'll never know hunger again.

Speaking of hunger, things have settled down in Timoa. However, the blight still has not vanished. Thankfully, Lothor has provided her people with some of their surplus food in the meantime. Thanks to the stability, her parents can finally visit for the first time. The queen is a mix of excitement and anxiety.

Ever since she was a child, her parents drilled the importance of marriage into her mind. She'd always known the most important thing she could ever do was marry well. The right husband could bring untold success for Timoa after all. She never minded. She loved her people and would gladly do anything for them. So she spent her days learning everything she could to become the perfect match for any worthy suitor. And part of this was to be beautiful.

Since being tall for a woman was not a preferred trait, she learned to make up for it with her figure. She worked hard for so many years to stay waif-thin - the pinnacle is Timoan beauty. But things are different now. For the first time in her life, she's actually trying to gain weight. In fact, the pinnacle of Lothorian beauty would be a woman three times her size. Would her parents say anything? She sincerely hopes not.

At least she's no longer paranoid about Saddiq leaving her. Since that fateful day six months ago, they've made a point never to go so long without making love again. It's led to some creative attempts to sneak off together. Once during a diplomatic event, Mrella dragged her husband to an unused conference room. She'd been ever so grateful to be sitting down. But, instead, the pounding her gave her turned her legs to gelatin.

Still, her favorite time is during meal times. There's something sensual about feeding each other that she'd never anticipated. Like when Saddiq sucks her sauce-covered fingers clean, or she licks off some cream smeared on his face.

She'll never forget the first time they tried it. They'd been eating lunch together as per usual. Saddiq was starting to outgrow his clothes and was waiting to get new ones. Yet despite wearing a snug button-down shirt, he recklessly ate with his usual gusto. Mrella didn't mind. The more he ate, the more his buttons gaped. She shamelessly stared while tucking into her own food.

Then it happened - one of his buttons couldn't take any more strain and pop off. They both froze. Saddiq's face color and looked down. The button popped off where his belly was the widest. His navel was now on full display. Saddiq was now torn.

On the one hand, he just had a very humiliating wardrobe malfunction. But on the other, he was still hungry. He looked up, ready to make excuses and hope he had something that still fit him. But unfortunately, he was not prepared for the look of pure hunger on Mrella's face.

Embolden, he angles his chair so she can see him better. Her choked squeak was absolute music to his ears. He grabs whatever food is closest to him, looks her in the eyes, and stuffs his face. Mrella continued to eat, but she couldn't tell you what it tasted like. She had no idea why seeing her husband outgrow his clothes get's her going, but she's not mad at it.

Then the second button flies off. The queen moves to the edge of her chair and grinds. Saddiq looks incredibly proud of himself. He goes hard into it: sensually moaning with each bite, rubbing and slapping his enormous belly. He feels a sizable bubble inside him. He shifts and massages his gut with a deep brassy belch. With more room freed up, he shoves more food inside. His wife slips a hand inside her dress to tease her nipples.

At this point, he doesn't know who's putting on a show for whom. He can feel his manhood twitch against his heavy belly. He rocks his hips against the agonizingly delicious pressure. Unfortunately, between the light stimulation and his wanton wife, it just works himself up more. He doesn't think she knows how much she's eaten so far. While she doesn't eat like a bird, she usually doesn't eat this much. He can't see her belly from here, but it's probably double the usual size at the rate she's mindlessly eating.

It's not long before another button finally pops off. The other buttons have no hope of containing his girth and pop off in quick succession. His stomach surges forward and sits heavy in his lap, the shirt framing the soft mass invitingly. Mrella watches him with half-lidded eyes massage his bloated middle. However, it's far too big for just two hands to handle.

Mrella gets up. Her center of gravity is immediately thrown off. She looks down and her own beautifully rounded gut. On her tiny frame, she looks six months pregnant. She's never eaten so much in one sitting before. It makes her feel sexy somehow. Especially considering how much shapelier it'll make her.

She waddles over to her glutted husband. She presses a kiss on the hot skin and tenderly his tight middle. There are new stretch marks that weren't here the last time. She smiles and puts a hand on her own middle. She's gotten a few on herself too. Perhaps one day, when she's big and plush all over, she'll have more all over her body. Mrella shakes her head. She still isn't sure if she wants to get fat. But it's a nice fantasy all the same.

Mrella lifts up his belly. No doubt his pants are cutting into him. It's a bit awkward, and he winds up having to put his stuffed heavy belly on her head, but she finally gets to his pants. Unsurprisingly, the button had already been popped off the zipper was unzipped. What did surprise her was the bulge greeting her.

Saddiq feels his wife pulling doubt his pants and underwear down to his fleshy thighs. As he's about to ask what she's doing, her warm tongue drags itself from his base to his tip. They'd never given each other head before. Not that he's going to stop her. He can tell she's never done this before. The suction isn't quite right, and she can't take him deep inside her mouth. But she's minding her teeth and is doing delightful things with his balls. So it's not as bad as it could be.

"You greedy girl," he pants, "Stuffing your pretty face wasn't enough. Gonna try to suck me dry too, aren't you?"

Mrella chuckles. The vibrations feel so good. He can't believe how lucky he is to have her as his wife. Would the other princesses look at him so lustfully? Would they love him enough to please him like this? He doubts it. They'd touch him just enough to get knocked up and then keep him at a distance.

Saddiq thinks about how needy she looked a little while ago. As glutted as he is, he's pretty sure one good orgasm will be enough to send him to sleep. He can see it now: Mrella lying down with her fingers inside, wishing it was him instead. He couldn't do that to his queen. She deserves the very best.

"Come here, beautiful. I want to see you."

Mrella lets his length go with a wet pop. It takes everything he has to ignore the growing ache between his thighs. But, of course, he won't be a selfish lover. Still, the pressure he feels when she puts his heavy gut back on top of it feels nice. He looks at his pretty wife. Her hair is tousled, and her emerald skin is flushed. But most of all, her stuffed belly pushes out from her loose dress. She leans in presumably to kiss him, but her own swollen belly bumps into his.

"I guess I really am a greedy girl," Mrella laughs. She pulls her dress tight across her belly. "Look at how big it is. I've never been able to eat this much before. If I keep this up, I might just give you a run for your money."

Saddiq didn't think he could get more turned on, but here he is. He imagines his wife a good 100 to 200 pounds heavier. Would she become a butterball? Or maybe she'd have fat rolls up and down her sides. Would she be bottom-heavy? Breasts spilling out of her dresses? Or perhaps it would all go to her gut. He wanted to know. But if he said the wrong thing, she'd shut down. He'd rather her be skinny and love him than be fat and never touch him again.

Saddiq shoves those thoughts aside. He has a mission to do.

"I want you to put your hands on the table and bend over." He says as if it were a decree. He hadn't meant it to come out like that, but here he is.

A lecherous grin spreads across Mrella's face. "As my king commands." She hikes up her skirts and shimmies out of her drawers. The queen assumes the position with her backside tantalizingly swaying from side to side. Her lunch-filled stomach sags low on her frame. She can feel the food in her, and she loves it.

Saddiq struggles a bit to stand. All of that delicious food nearly pins him to his seat. He can't be too mad about it, however. Saddiq is perfectly positioned to admire Mrella's brush of white curls framing her sopping snatch. He bends down to give it a lick. She tastes sweet and a little zesty. If he weren't so full, he'd eat her properly.

"Please don't tease me. I need you so bad." Mrella whimpers as if in fervent prayer. "Please just take me. I need you. I feel so empty."

Saddiq kisses her shoulder in apology. He tries to enter her, but his overfed middle seems to have other plans. Deciding that there's nothing for it, he lifts his gut up and rests it on her back.

Mrella gasps in pleasure. Saddiq had never taken her from behind, so she'd never understood her maid when she extolled the joys of having a fat gut rest on you. But she gets it now. The way it jiggles and wobbles with every thud of his hips is pure bliss. The way her belly sloshes around sends her to new heights. She comes twice before he spills deep into her.

That awakened something between the two of them. Suddenly Saddiq and Mrella just could not keep their hands off each other. They stayed glued to each other with chaste touches and gentle feedings even out and about. It's probably why the Lothorian people kept feeding her. Not that she minded. Though he never said anything, she could tell Saddiq loved seeing her glutted with food.

She never brought it up either - she was too afraid to. She still didn't know if she wanted to become fat. Yet if she kept eating like this, she would. Within six months of her stay here, she'd gained all the weight she'd lost and maybe a little more. They should have stopped there. And in fairness, Saddiq did try. But by then, Mrella had gotten hooked on the feeling.

So nine months into her time as queen, she's undoubtedly gotten shapely. Her breasts are starting to overflow her palms, and she is now sporting a cute bubble butt. Even the thighs that Saddiq loves so much are starting to jiggle. She's taken up exercise to burn off some excess calories, but she knows that will only get her so far. Mrella will decide to cut back one day, and by the next meal, she's wholly glutted herself.
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Cyborg456 3 weeks
Mmmm. The Queen is getting into it .....
Thejokerff 1 month
This Is hands down the hottest story I've ever read! All my kinks and turn ons in one place ! Especially the part of the king getting off on his own belly
Munchies 1 month
Thank you!
Juicy 3 months
I apologise for coming so late to the party, but this is an outstanding story. Unlike most, it’s not predictable—ok, I’m only in the middle of chapter 3, but it’s my hunch. 😄 Please write more!
Munchies 3 months
Oh, no need to apologize. My story is open for all to read. There's no time limit to comment.
Kdoyle 1 year
You’re a very talented writer!❤️
Munchies 1 year
Thank you!
Soulbellystu... 2 years
No worries take your time, get wall and know your health is always more important. Feel better smiley
Munchies 2 years
I appreciate your kind words. ♥♥♥
Akwolfgrl13 2 years
So good
Munchies 2 years
Thank you, love!
Built4com4t 2 years
what sweet, sexy fun...nicely arousing. very well done...more please :-)
Munchies 2 years
The next chapter will be posted later today.
Munchies 2 years
Luckily for you, chapter 2 is up next Friday.