Food is love

chapter 6 - part 1

The first anniversary
Saddiq is singularly impressed. Ever since the queen announced her weight gain commitment, she's truly blossomed. Gone is her waif-like figure. Instead, the woman sleeping next to him is as curvy as a mountain road. She's developed into a thick-set hourglass. He wouldn't call her fat - let alone chubby - but she is gloriously soft.

Mrella stretches and rolls onto her back. She's wearing a loose-fitting sleeveless nightgown as she complains about how much heat he puts out at night. Saddiq doesn't mind - especially when her breasts pop out. Like how right now, her nightgown has twisted around, letting one particularly stiff nipple escape from the collar. She isn't quite used to being so busty. Although Saddiq can't entirely rule out her deliberately teasing him.

She does so love being a little minx.

Saddiq himself has stopped wearing shirts to bed. Mrella loves his tits just as much as she loves hers. Sometimes he'll wake up to her sucking and nipping at his chest. In his opinion, it's a lovely way to wake up, as it tends to lead to other fun activities. Sadly it does not work the other way around. One time he tried to tease an exposed nipple with his tongue. To his dismay, his darling wife snuffled and just rolled over.

Lesson learned.

It's a sweet agony when his wife is accidentally sexy in her sleep. Sometimes he'll wake up to see that he's kicked off all the blankets, and her nightgown is rucked up to her ribs. Her plump little belly sits proudly on full display, and her thick thighs are spread apart. Sometimes when her underwear is getting too tight, her white thatch of curls will be exposed while framing her pretty green lips. As tempting as it would be to trail a hand down there and tease her awake for some sexy times, his wife sleeps like the dead.

Saddiq rolls onto his back. It's so comical that he's getting worked up over one exposed nipple. Since he was young, he'd been told that by the time Saddiq had been married for a year, some of his lust for whomever he'd married would die down. It's what happened when his own parents got married. By the time he was born three years into their marriage, they could hardly stand to be in the same room.

His mother died when he was ten after a tragic illness. After the funeral, his father started to invite dozens of women over. They looked nothing like his mother. While she'd been chubby, these women were either barely mobile or completely immobile. Nevertheless, his father loved stuffing them with as much food as their overstretched tummies could hold.

It was an endless parade of women in constant rotation. None of them cared that he was there. They only had eyes for the infinite food his father would give them. They didn't love his father, but that was okay. His father clearly didn't love them either. But he did love their fat.

"Women were put on this world to get fat and have babies," his father told him one day at dinner, "It's the natural order of things. Don't make the mistake I did and marry a woman like your mother. God rest her soul, but that woman didn't want to get fat. She wanted to be ... muscular." He says the last word like he bit into a particularly bitter food.

Saddiq couldn't recall his mother being anything more than slightly chubby. But she was powerful. A growing sense of horror dawned on him. No wonder his parents never got along. No wonder his father didn't mourn her passing.

As soon as he became of age, his father introduced him to potential wives. Each woman was extremely fat and breathtakingly beautiful. Their bellies hung low, and their sides cascaded with rolls. Some had enormous heavy tits, while others had ample wobbly backsides. Some even had both. Their bodies were soft and smelled so sweet. Some would even go so far as to let him test their merchandise.

It was nice at first to have so many women compete for his attention. They'd wind him up and wring him dry - sometimes until he passed out. But eventually, he realized that they were just his father's version of the perfect woman. They didn't care about him. They didn't even care about their people. He was just a means to an end for them to get even fatter than they were now.

Saddiq's relationship with his father soured after that. The older man could not understand how anyone could want anything more from a woman. Likewise, Saddiq couldn't understand how his father could be satisfied with his harem of feedees.

"Don't you want companionship, father?!" Saddiq yelled at him during dinner one day. The king had made a rather rude remark about his singleness. "Isn't it lonely not being able to talk to your women about your day or vent about your problems?"

"Only the weak worry about being lonely and sad. I don't need companionship. I'm the king of all Lothor! I don't get why you haven't picked a woman yet. Do you even like women?"

Saddiq splutters. "Of course I like women! Haven't you been listening?"

"Then what's the problem? Are they not fat enough for you? Too fat?"

"No, they have all been absolutely stunning."

"Then what's the problem?"

"I don't love them, Father. And I don't think any of them want to love me. I can just see myself growing to hate them as we grow old."

"So? Have you forgotten what I told you? Everyone knows that love cools down once you reach your first year of marriage. And you are lucky to be able to stand in the same room together by your tenth. If you want love, just get a mistress like I did."

Saddiq stares at him, stunned.

His father rolls his eyes. "It happens all the time. Heck, by the time you came along, your mother was practically shoving me at other women. And it worked for us. So now I don't want any more excuses. You need a queen to give you an heir. Just pick someone!"

The king died not long after. Noblewomen soon swarmed the castle. Their heaving bosoms nearly spilled out their low necklines, and their bellies threatened to burst seams. He could scarcely get a moment alone. These women would seek him out with a relentless - almost zealous - fervor.

The search for a bride outside Lothorian borders was a Hail Mary of an escape. Most people do not find corpulent Lothotian figures attractive, but he hadn't expected the absolute dearth in responses. It certainly had been a blow to his pride.

But then Mrella stepped out of that carriage and into his life. Her ethereal beauty morphed into the voluptuous seductress sleeping beside him. Not only did she take her duties seriously, but she truly wanted to be by his side. He couldn't believe just how lucky he's been.

He's got the whole day planned out. There's a play in the theater she's been wanting to see, and he's arranged a scenic carriage ride. He hops out of bed, eager to get his duties out of the way.
Saddiq steps out of the bathroom dressed in his finest clothes. He's shaved and styled his hair in the most flattering way. He's even put the cologne Mrella likes best on him. But then, he checks on his sleeping wife and is taken aback.

Mrella woke up and strategically placed some candles for mood lighting at some point. Then she patiently waited for Saddiq to come back while wearing nothing but a giant ribbon and a smile.

"Happy anniversary, handsome." Mrella arches her back and shimmies enticingly. Her body jiggles slightly in the effort. "Wanna open your present?"

Saddiq can feel himself salivate a little. He'd love nothing more than to take her right then and there. But he just spent so much time and effort to make himself look good for her.

"Darling, you look absolutely divine. But is it possible to open my present later? I know if I open you now, I won't want to leave our bed."

"You look delectable," she drawls, "Are we going somewhere fancy?"

"It's a surprise."

Mrella shrugs. "If you say so. But at least let me give you a little preview."

She sashays over to him - her bosom bouncing with each step. She kisses him sweetly on his double chin. Saddiq is glad he took the time to shave smooth. His wife kneels in front of him and lifts up his heavy stomach.

Saddiq wishes he could see what she was doing. He'd love nothing more than to see her pretty lips go to town on him. But instead, he feels her balance his gut on her head and undoes his pants. A swift tug makes them and his underwear fall to his ankles. She reaches around and grabs two generous handfuls of his behind.

"Is that the preview?" Saddiq snickers, "Groping my butt?"

"No, that's for me. A butt like yours demands to be touched." Mrella fondles and bounces it for emphasis. "This is the preview."

A warm, wet heat envelopes him to the hilt. He can feel Mrella's tongue caress him near the base as her throat muscles contract around the rest of his length. Then, she slowly pulls out - sucking and letting her teeth gently scrape him along the way. Saddiq whines at the sensation. His knees buckle a little. He grabs her shoulders for balance less he accidentally crushes her in his throes.

It's sweet torture the way she teases him one moment and then tries to suck him dry the other. His hips twitch as he tries hard not to pound her face. Finally, one of her hands leaves her backside to gently fondle his balls. It's overwhelming having her roll his balls in her palm while giving him the best head he's ever had. Then, seemingly just to break him, she starts humming.

All reason goes out the window. The only thing that exists for Saddiq right now is pleasure. He pistons her face in earnest, chasing that high. Mrella grips his thighs for balance. His fat body amplifies every thrust of his hips. Mrella can feel his balls tighten in her hands.

Saddiq grabs the back of her head and pulls her off. Thick wads of cum shoot out. It lands on her face and hair - dripping onto her chest. Mrella wipes the gunk out of her eyes and blinks up at him looking amused. His skin is flushed and sweaty. His hair is not as pristine as it was earlier. He seems a bit guilty - as if he hadn't expected to enjoy her little gift that much and is hoping for more.

She smirks, an evil forming in her mind. "Well, I suppose I should get ready." She saunters off to the bath.
After several hours of mind-numbing paperwork and unfortunately having to skip a meal to get it done on time, Saddiq is ready to celebrate with his wife. He quickly freshens up and goes to find his queen.

He hasn't seen her since she bathed and left to prepare for the day. Yet, he recognized the devilish look in her eye when she sauntered off to her dressing room with her maids. Saddiq is both exciting and terrified of whatever his queen has waiting for him.

He knocks on the door to her office.

"Come in," she calls, "I'm almost done."

He opens the door and immediately stands in awe. His wife's hair is a half-up, half-down style that frames her face and shows off her long neck. She's wearing make-up today as well. Her kohl-lined eyes and painted lips give her an almost forbidden beauty. As he looks down, he sees she's wearing a Timoan dress. The structured fit gives him an eyeful of her cleavage.

She looks up at him through mascara lengthened eyelashes. There's a shimmer on her lids than makes her green eyes pop. She finishes up her paperwork and stands up.
Saddiq can tell by how her stomach pokes through the fabric. It's not stretching her dress, but it's there - jiggling a little with each step.

"Ready to go whenever you are." Her chipper voice brings him back to reality.

"You look nice," Saddiq says as he shamelessly gawks at her.

"Oh, you like this? I had it commissioned a few months ago, so it's a bit tighter than it should be. But I figured you wouldn't mind. If anything, I'll bet you'd love to see my belly stretch it out."

Indeed. Although it's not overly tight, it certainly leaves nothing to the imagination. Saddiq just hopes she finds him just as appealing. She grabs a coat that cruelly hides her form and throws him a wink. There's a bow pinned to it like a broach.

"You still haven't opened your present yet."

Saddiq groans. "My dear wife, you will be the death of me."

"Only a little."

He pulls her close and gazes down at her. It's a shame that his father never had anyone like Mrella in his life. But, then again - spitfire that his wife is - that may be for the best.
It was always a treat to see his wife so delighted. It was a bit like seeing an adorably happy owl. Her large eyes would glitter in the light as she silently took everything in. Her head swiveled around to get the best vantage point.

"Did you get tickets to the play?" her voice is breathy with excitement.

Saddiq shrugs. "You mentioned it a while ago. So I figured it would be a nice surprise."

"But I only mentioned it once in passing. I can't believe you actually remembered."

The king gently cups her face and plants a kiss on her lips. "Only the best for my queen."

Mrella feels herself melt a little.
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Cyborg456 3 weeks
Mmmm. The Queen is getting into it .....
Thejokerff 1 month
This Is hands down the hottest story I've ever read! All my kinks and turn ons in one place ! Especially the part of the king getting off on his own belly
Munchies 1 month
Thank you!
Juicy 3 months
I apologise for coming so late to the party, but this is an outstanding story. Unlike most, it’s not predictable—ok, I’m only in the middle of chapter 3, but it’s my hunch. 😄 Please write more!
Munchies 3 months
Oh, no need to apologize. My story is open for all to read. There's no time limit to comment.
Kdoyle 1 year
You’re a very talented writer!❤️
Munchies 1 year
Thank you!
Soulbellystu... 2 years
No worries take your time, get wall and know your health is always more important. Feel better smiley
Munchies 2 years
I appreciate your kind words. ♥♥♥
Akwolfgrl13 2 years
So good
Munchies 2 years
Thank you, love!
Built4com4t 2 years
what sweet, sexy fun...nicely arousing. very well done...more please :-)
Munchies 2 years
The next chapter will be posted later today.
Munchies 2 years
Luckily for you, chapter 2 is up next Friday.