Food is love

chapter 6 - part 2

One of the perks of being royalty is always getting the best seats in the house. This theater is no exception. A worker escorted them to the royal box. It was quiet, secluded, and had all the amenities one could hope for. There was even a smorgasbord of snacks waiting for them.

Mrella watched the play with rapt attention. It was somehow better than she had hoped it would be. Saddiq, on the other hand, paid a little less attention to the play and a bit more to the snacks. In his opinion, the play was alright, but the food was sublime. Each tasty morsel he grabbed made its home in his expanding belly.

It was a lengthy play. Fortunately, there was quite a bit of food to be had. By the time it was intermission, Saddiq's comfortably fitting pants were snug. Unfortunately, his loose shirt was stretched tight over his middle. He grunts, trying to reach under his pants. It's a bit of a struggle. He can feel himself get hot and sweaty, trying to undo the button buried deep in the fold between his belly and his fupa. Thankfully, he's able to unfasten it after a few moments of struggle.

His engorged gut surges out of his confines - his shirt exposes a sliver of soft flesh. He leans back and gives it a good shake coaxing a deep and satisfying belch. He rubs his belly and admires his bulk. He's eaten a lot, but he could fit more inside. A lot more.

He looks over at his wife. She's looking back in rapt attention. Her face is flushed, and her pupils are blown. Saddiq smirks. He lifts his shirt up past his moobs. Then he picks up his belly and lets it plop heavily onto his sizable thighs. His entire frame shudders.

Mrella drools a bit. She gets up with a bit of effort. She, too, sports a well-fed middle. She hasn't eaten as much as she could have - clearly engrossed with the play - but it still juts out dramatically.

"Look at you," she drawls, "So stuffed and fat putting on a show just for me. I'll bet you're not even full yet."

She walks over to him and leans over his middle. She cups his chest in her hands, just fondling the soft mounds. His wife then buries her in his cleavage, sucking bruises on his tender flesh. She starts to make her way toward his stomach. Saddiq looks down at her own stomach. He reaches out and gives it a gentle prod.

"Looks like you're nowhere near full either," Saddiq pants at her ministrations.

"Hm. So you're right. Well, we can't have that, can we?"

Mrella finds a table covered in decorative plants. She takes them off and slides them between their chairs. She proceeds to load up several plates of food and puts them on top of the table. Mrella sits down, picks up a chicken wing, and pushes it towards his lips.

They feed each other through the intermission and a good chunk of the second half of the play. By the time it was over, the king and queen managed to pack every bit of spare space inside them with food. Mrella's belly has gone past straining against the fabric and popped a few seams. A sliver of stretchmark-covered skin peeks out from the side. Saddiq, meanwhile, has burst out of his clothing. He has no hope of fastening his pants, and his shirt rolls up no matter what he does.

"Saddiq, I don't think we can get up on our own." Mrella pants. Saddiq's stuffed her until she could barely breathe. She wishes that she could eat more.

"Don't worry. The theater as staff for just this very thing. You wouldn't believe how common it is."

Sure enough, a team of attendants helps them to their feet, cover their engorged frames, and help them to their waiting carriage. Saddiq had hoped neither of them would be fighting food comas for the scenic carriage ride, but there is nothing for it.

The king and queen sit there slumped next to each other, taking in the view. It's a picturesque afternoon. They travel through the bustling city, taking in the sights and smells. Mrella smiles. It's so full of life here. It reminds her of home in a way. It's been a year since she left Timoa for Lothor. She's happy here, there's no doubt. But it would be nice to visit it sometime.

The city melts into the more sedate countryside with just her and Saddiq for miles around. Mrella looks at her food stuffed belly. It's settled some, but it's still pretty big. At the rate things are going, this will be what her belly will look like empty in a year.

A pair of arms reach around her. Saddiq draws her into his lap, his large belly pressing deliciously into her back. His hands reach down to fondle her own belly. A finger slips into the hole in her dress to stroke the exposed skin. Mrella grinds on his chubby thigh. It's not enough, but it's something.

"Mrella. I want to open my present now."

"Here? Now?" Mrella asks in hopeful anticipation.

"Not unless you want to wait."

"No! Here is good. Here is great."

Saddiq chuckles. He snakes a chubby hand up her dress. He reaches for her underwear but finds nothing separating her drooling slit from her pretty dress. He smiles, giving her sensitive nub a little squeeze.

"Saddiq," she whines, "Don't tease me. I need you so bad. Feel so empty."

"Oh? How bad do you need me?"

Mrella pouts at him. "Saddiq."

"No, no. This is my present. I want to hear you beg for it. Tell me how much you want me."

"I want you so bad. I can barely think about anything other than you stuffing me nice and deep. Saddiq, I'm so wet for you. I need you on top of me, plowing me into the floor. Please, I crave you. I need you." She grinds even harder in wanton lust. Her shapely tits and full belly sway and bounce.

Saddiq grins. He peels her out of her ruined dress. She's utterly bare underneath, to his delight. He presses open-mouth kisses all over her neck and shoulders. He strokes the underside of her food baby with one hand and cards his fingers through her patch of curls with the other. His wife coos and moans. Saddiq's thigh feels good, but it's not what she needs.

He shucks off his pants and shirt, glad that he exploded out of them earlier. Saddiq gently slides Mrella onto the floor. She cries out, fingers desperately seeking release. He kneels over her - mindful not to crush her underneath his weight. She looks so tiny compared to him.

Mrella eagerly spreads her legs nice and wide for him. Saddiq settles in between her soft thigh, slowly pushing in. Mrella hooks her legs around his backside and pulls him in with all her might. He loses his balance. His belly crushed hers underneath. He quickly tries to move off of her, terrified that he's hurt her. Mrella seizes his sizable love handless and tugs him back.

"I can take it, big boy. Just take me!"

Saddiq had hoped to make sweet love to his wife, but it seems she has other ideas. He grabs her hips and slams into her with all his might. Shockwaves ripple through her body. Her breasts jump up and slam back down with a loud slap.
"Look at you," he pants, taking her hard and deep. It's hard to keep this up with how heavy he is. "You're getting so fat. You're easily twice the size you were a year ago. Remember how small you were? No boobs. No butt. And now you're so soft. I wonder how much fatter you'll be after you finish digesting.

"You love it, though. You love walking around stuff to the gills. I bet you'd love it if I made you wear your Timoan clothes again. Every bit of jiggle and pudge on full display for me. You'd just eat until you burst out of your clothes like you did today. Then you'd eat some more."

"Yes! I'd love that. I'll look like a stuffed sausage casing. Just keep me full all day."

"Yeah? Maybe I'll stuff you from the moment you wake up until you pass out. I wonder how big you'd get? I'll bet I could plump you up until you overflow the bed. And you'd beg me for more. So I should make a decree. Your only act as queen will be to eat and cum."

"Yes! Yes! I'm so close."

"Oh, you like that? I should make you my personal pig. See how many rolls I can put on you. I'll make your navel so deep I could cum in it six times, and it still wouldn't be full."

Mrella unravels beneath him. Her orgasm sends her into convulsions - her face frozen in a silent scream. Saddiq is still plenty horny but is also far too tired to continue. He slides out of her and sits on the carriage bench.

"Come here. Taste yourself on me."

Mrella crawls over, still feeling a bit wobbly. She licks the tip tasting his salty musk mingle with her sweet cream. Saddiq groans. She blows him just as eagerly as she did this morning. Lewd wet sounds fill the air as she deep throats him. He can feel himself getting close. Saddiq tries to push her away, but Mrella blows him unrelentingly vigorously. It's all too much for him.

Saddiq empties his load forcefully deep inside Mrella's throat. She swallows it all down, letting go with a wet pop. She stands up and takes a look at her handiwork.

Her husband slumps in his seat with a blissed expression. He looks minutes away from falling asleep. His hair's a wreck, and his face is flushed. Saddiq peers at her from over his enormous middle.

"Best. Present. Ever." Saddiq pants.

Mrella sits next to him. "I don't know. I rather liked watching the play and letting you stuff me."

"Yeah? You want to get as fat as his sex machine?" He cups his moobs for emphasis.

"I don't know yet. But I do like it on you. Makes you look cuddly." Mrella snuggles up to his side. She rubs his belly, admiring its jiggle and heft. She peppers his gut with bruising kisses as her rubs turn to fondles and gropes.

"You little minx. Craving me again already?" Saddiq teases.

"Mm, can't help it. You just look so good to me." She presses her face into his chest, sucking and nipping the soft skin there. Saddiq glances outside. They've got maybe an hour left of the carriage ride. Admittedly, he hadn't planned to turn this into a sex-caped. But she'd looked so good, stuffed with food.

It's nice that she craves him as much as he does her. He doesn't know what he'd do if she started pulling away. So instead, Saddiq gently holds his wife under her chin. She looks up at the tender expression on his face. Saddiq leans down as best he can and kisses her.

They hold each other in their arms, just gently holding and kissing. Saddiq isn't sure what he did to deserve a woman like his wife, but he's thrilled he did it.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Cyborg456 3 weeks
Mmmm. The Queen is getting into it .....
Thejokerff 1 month
This Is hands down the hottest story I've ever read! All my kinks and turn ons in one place ! Especially the part of the king getting off on his own belly
Munchies 1 month
Thank you!
Juicy 3 months
I apologise for coming so late to the party, but this is an outstanding story. Unlike most, it’s not predictable—ok, I’m only in the middle of chapter 3, but it’s my hunch. 😄 Please write more!
Munchies 3 months
Oh, no need to apologize. My story is open for all to read. There's no time limit to comment.
Kdoyle 1 year
You’re a very talented writer!❤️
Munchies 1 year
Thank you!
Soulbellystu... 2 years
No worries take your time, get wall and know your health is always more important. Feel better smiley
Munchies 2 years
I appreciate your kind words. ♥♥♥
Akwolfgrl13 2 years
So good
Munchies 2 years
Thank you, love!
Built4com4t 2 years
what sweet, sexy fun...nicely arousing. very well done...more please :-)
Munchies 2 years
The next chapter will be posted later today.
Munchies 2 years
Luckily for you, chapter 2 is up next Friday.