Food is love

chapter 7

Visiting Timoa part 1

Queen Mrella stares at her reflection in the mirror. She's been queen for about a year and a half now and has plumped up beautifully. She's gotten chubby. Her cheeks are round and soft with just a whisper of a double chin. Her arms are soft and round, though they don't hang yet. She has a cute little pot belly that juts out and wobbles with every step.

Most of her fat seems to have gone to her boobs, hips, thighs, and butt giving her a voluptuous figure. Her husband has taken to fondling her every chance he gets. Sure, he touched her plenty when she was thin, but now his appetite for her is near insatiable. Not that she blames him. She's taken to absentmindedly playing with her belly fat.

She finally understands what that maid told her when Mrella first came to Lothor: getting fat is addicting. There's never a time when she isn't eating something. It's bliss consuming the most delicious fattening foods knowing that they'll end up as more pillowy pounds on her frame. Then, she'll glimpse her reflection - her stuffed belly stretching out even her loose Lothorian dresses - and get aroused.

Lately, her husband has gotten extra handsy. He'll pull her into alcoves or bend her over the table during meals. Mrella once ate a four-course dinner while he took her on right next to the stuffed pheasant. There was something about seeing her swell and her fat jump with every pound that did it for him. Their bellies brushed together as he emptied himself deep inside her. He ate his dinner, watching her twitch in the aftershocks. His cum slowly leaked out of her like an overfilled cream puff.

Of course, he was far from the only handsy one. Mrella will walk up to her husband and feel him up from time to time. Unlike her, he hasn't gotten much bigger since they married. She isn't surprised. While her queenly duties revolve around paperwork and riding carriages to places, King Saddiq spends most of his time running around the castle. His days are consumed dealing with everything from petty disputes to checking in with the military. So even though he eats nearly twice the amount he does, he burns a good deal of it off. But, of course, while he isn't gaining weight, he's hardly losing it either. His thick muscles lay safely wrapped in even thicker layers of flab.

Today Mrella is enjoying a rare day off. Her husband had to leave for a neighboring kingdom for a diplomatic issue and will be back later this evening. She remembers how reluctant he was to leave her embrace this morning. His head laid comfortably nestled in her bosom while their limbs tangled together. It was nice knowing how much he'd rather stay by her side. But alas, running a kingdom is far more important than her ego or his comfort.

Mrella decides to pamper herself for the day. Sitting at a desk all day filling out paperwork may not be as labor-intensive as her husband does, but it's still stressful. Perhaps she'll pretty herself up to surprise Saddiq when he gets home.
Mrella is getting a deep tissue massage when a maid walks over.

"Your Grace? This letter arrived for you."

Mrella looks up and holds her hand out. She's not willing to move at all. Had the maid come a few minutes later, she'd have likely found the queen fast asleep. Instead, the maid hands her the letter and scampers off.

Mrella waits until the massage is over to take a look at it. She recognizes her father's blocky penmanship. The queen takes a calming breath. While her mother writes her quite frequently, she can't recall the last time her father ever sent a letter to her. She quickly opens the seal before she can chicken out.

To Queen Mrella of the Kingdom of Lothor

It is my highest honor to invite you and King Saddiq to our 40th wedding anniversary ball. The queen and I would be pleased if you were able to attend.


King of Timoa

Mrella's first reaction is to roll her eyes at the formality. She is excited, however. It's a significant milestone in their marriage that Mrella hopes to experience for herself. It'll also be the first time anyone has thrown a ball since the famine.

Mrella practically skips to her room, thinking of what she'd wear and the things she'd show her husband about Timoa. Then she looks in the mirror.

Mrella takes in her plush curves, her rolls, and bulges. She's got stretch marks on her limbs, boobs, belly, and backside. Her thighs have the barest hint of cellulite on them if she stands a certain way. Just this morning, she felt beautiful for all these things. But right now? She feels horrid.

Sure Lothorians appreciate a plump figure, but the Timoans? Not so much. People praised her for her waif-like figure. They said that since she was so tall, it would be the only reason she'd get a man. And now she's twice her former size and still plenty tall. She can only imagine the back biters whispering how she'd let herself go. How she used to be so pretty once upon a time.

The queen sighs. Her parents' anniversary is in one month. She can shed a least a few pounds by then.

She absolutely cannot shed a few pounds by then.

Mrella initially decided to cut back to the horror of her kitchen staff. But they dutifully made her a salad as per her request. It was a good salad, by all accounts. In fact, Mrella is going to eat it more often. However, it wasn't enough. Fifteen minutes later and Mrella's requesting her usual smorgasbord of a lunch.

Mrella slumps in her chair, looking hatefully at her middle. It rests heavily on her lap, digesting happily away. She thinks that she's managed to eat more than she usually does. Normally she'd feel proud and maybe a little horny at that thought. But, right now, she just feels defeated.

Part of her recognizes that she's being silly. Her parents don't mind. Her husband adores her figure. She actively worked hard to get this fat. But the mocking faces in her mind fill her with despair.

Mrella does not get to enjoy her day off. She spends the rest of the day eating, feeling sad about how much she's eaten, and being a ball of depression. She completely forgets about her plan to seduce her husband. Instead, she mopes around, constantly eating until she passes out.
King Saddiq is happy to be home. Nothing drains him more than diplomatic missions. Sure, he prefers them to war, but they are tedious.

Makes his way to the kitchen. He hasn't eaten much all day, and his stomach is not happy with him. A snack is just what he needs. Perhaps he'll grab something for his wife and curl up next to her in bed.

"Your Majesty! Just the man I wanted to see."

Saddiq looks up. He sighs. He just wants to eat and spend some time with his wife. He puts on his kingly face and looks at the approaching head chef.

"Sire, there is something wrong with the queen." The man says.

Concern overtakes his previous annoyance. "What's wrong? Is she sick?"

"No. But this morning, Queen Mrella asked for just a salad for lunch."

Saddiq feels the annoyance creep back in. "That's hardly a cause for concern. She might not have been hungry. It's not like she always stuffs herself. Sometimes she'll even skip meals if she's still full from the last one."

"I understand that, sire. But she's been stuffing herself more than usual not long after that. My staff, as mentioned, doesn't look happy to be doing it. One of them said it looked like she'd been crying at some point."

"Any idea why?"

"Not sure. One of the maids mentioned she received a letter from Timoa shortly before this and that she'd been in good spirits prior."

Saddiq sighs. "Thank you for telling me. I'll go check on her."
Mrella lays on her back, covered in crumbs with food smeared on her face. She stares ruefully at her engorged stomach, barely seeing her toes over the fleshy mound. She'll be a good twenty pounds heavier by next month at the rate.

Mrella rolls onto her side. She winces as her rolls, the very same she adored this morning, bunch up. She grabs one and freezes. Her fingers are covered in chocolate, and she's managed to smear the brown sticky mess on her fat.

"Why am I doing this?" Mrella whispers. Tears well up and sting her eyes. "It's bad enough I'm eating like a pig. Now I look like one!"

That's how Saddiq finds his wife: curled up on her side and sobbing. Her head falls into her hands, making her face messier, but she doesn't care. He takes in the carnage around her. There are food stains everywhere. Dozens of plates litter the bed and floor - each licked clean.

Saddiq's heartbreaks. He has no idea what in that letter hurt her, but he'll do what he can to help. He picks up the plates noticing a suspicious lack of silverware, and places them by the door. He slips into the bathroom and runs a bath. He makes sure to grab her favorite soaps and lotions. Once it's set up right, he pads over to the bed and kneels next to Mrella.

Mrella looks at her husband in shame. She's absolutely filthy right now. It's so tempting to bury herself under the blanket and hide. But it's also incredibly childish.

"Mrella, my love. I'm going to take a bath. Would you like to join me?"

Mrella nods, not trusting her voice to stay steady. Saddiq smiles sweetly and presses a kiss on top of her head. Mrella smiles back as butterflies dance in her overfilled belly. He helps her to her feet, keeping her steady with her center of gravity thrown off.

"I don't want to walk," the queen bemoans, "but I'm too fat for you to carry."

"I beg to differ." With a grunt, Saddiq sweeps her up in his arms. She's much heavier than she used to be, and he doesn't think he can keep this up for long. He doesn't mind, though. He'll do whatever it takes to get her out of this headspace.

He staggers over to the tub and gently lowers her in. She moves out of the way as he steps in next to her. He leans back with a sigh and draws her close. His belly and moobs make the perfect backrest and pillow.

Mrella grabs a washcloth and starts scrubbing herself. Saddiq had hoped they could wash each other - perhaps get a bit frisky - but he lets her be. He grabs the other washcloth and cleans himself in silence.

"Saddiq?" Mrella asks a few minutes later, "Could you wash my back? I-I can't reach it."

"Of course." He plucks the rag from her hand and gets to work. He has no idea why she seems so upset about not being able to do it herself. Nothing is making sense to him at all. It doesn't take a genius to see she's not happy with her body today, but he has no idea how to fix it.

He pushes her long curls out the way exposing her soft neck. He leans in to press an open-mouth kiss on it on instinct. Immediately she jerks away.

"My queen, talk to me. I can't help you if I don't know what's wrong."

Her lip wobbles. Tears stream down her face. Saddiq gingerly wraps his arms around her, kissing the top of her head.

"I just feel gross," she sniffles.

"I don't understand. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. How can you feel gross?"

Mrella leans into his chest and looks up at him miserably. "It's stupid."

"If it's made you this upset, it's not."

She sighs and closes her eyes, letting Saddiq hold her in silence. He grabs her washcloth and wipes her tears away.

"My parents' anniversary is coming up next month."

"Oh? Good for them. I hope they have many more."

"Yeah. My parents have been together for a while now. Forty years, in fact. So they're throwing a ball, and we're invited."

"And you don't want people to see what you look like now?"

"I know. It's stupid."

"No, I understand. I know how people see fat people outside of Lothor. It's not very nice. And these are your people. It'd be like if I left Lothor for a year and came back thin."

"Please. With your bone structure, the ladies would still want you."

Saddiq laughs. "Perhaps, but I only have eyes for you."

Mrella looks up at him with shining eyes. "I don't know why I'm so worked up about it. When I was a teenager, people told me that it was a good thing I was so thin. No man would ever want such a tall wife. And now I'm married to you, and everything's good. But I'm fat now. It's like I failed even though I won."

"Mrella, if you want to lose weight, you know I'll support you. I love you no matter what size you are. But I think you shouldn't worry so much about people whose opinions don't matter.

"You married me so your people wouldn't starve. Regardless of whether we would have been happy together, you'd have married me. So for that reason alone, you shouldn't care about their opinions. But we are happy together. You are better than I could have ever hoped for."

Mrella starts crying again. She wraps her arms around her husband and buries her face into his soft chest. "I don't deserve you," comes a muffled sob.

"Hey, none of that. You deserve all the best things in the world. It just so happens I'm one of them."

She lets out a watery chuckle. "Cocky, aren't we?"

"Yes, but you love it."

"I do."

They finished up their bath; the water had grown cold. Mrella stands in front of the mirror, toweling herself dry. She looks at her engorged belly. It's gone down a little, but it's still enormous. She gives it a little shake watching how the fat ripples from her gut to her thighs and boobs.

Saddiq looks at his wife. She's still clearly cycling through the negative thoughts in her head. He pokes his head out the door. The maid staff came in and cleaned up while in the bath. A wicked grin spreads across his face. He quickly dries off and grabs a bottle of Mrella's favorite lotion.

He squeezes out a decent amount and warms it up in his hands. Then, he massages it into his wife's shoulders and arms. Mrella hums and tips her head back. Saddiq presses a chaste kiss on her cheeks; she doesn't move away this time.

Saddiq grabs her by the hands and leads her back to their now crumb-free bed. He carefully pushes her down on the bed, looking up at him.


"Shhhh." Her husband presses a finger to her lips. "Let me take care of you."

Mrella blinks up at him. He looks down at her with complete adoration. He never breaks his gaze even as he reaches for the lotion bottle. He tenderly massages the lotion onto her breasts, taking extra care to tease them the way she likes. Mrella sighs and closes her eyes. The sensation washes over her like a warm blanket.

She feels his hands move from her bosom to her soft middle. He gently kneads and rubs the soft fat blanketing her torso. He gives the swell of her belly a kiss before moving down to her legs.

Mrella feels like she's floating on a cloud. Saddiq massages everything from her thighs to her toes. She's just on the edge of falling asleep. Then her husband spreads her thighs apart.

Mrella opens her heavy lids to see him kneeling between her legs. He bends down to slowly swipe his tongue across her slit and flick her nub. Mrella moans and arches her back. Then, she spreads her legs a little more, baring herself to him.

Saddiq grabs her hips and lifts them up. He flashes her a wicked smile before burying his face between her thick thighs. Mrella's eyes screwed shut. She hooks her legs around her husband's shoulders and presses him close - mewling as she crawls at the bedsheet. Saddiq eats her out with the same passion as a man devouring his first meal in weeks. The intensity is maddening, but she needs more.

Mrella's hips gyrate on their own accord. Her husband's tongue deftly flicks her folds and plunges her depths. His nose swipes against her clit, sending her to new heights. He shifts his hands so that one can brace and fondle her plump posterior while the other cards through her curls and teases her deepening navel.

"More! Oh, more of that! Saddiq!" Mrella gyrates in earnest now. He savors her sweet tang as it drolls faster than he can lap it up. Saddiq pulls her closer for fear he'll drop her, shifting his face so that his lips kiss her pleasure button. He gives it a teasing lick before wrapping his lips around and sucking for all he's worth.

Mrella screams. She gushes over his chin, shaking profusely as her orgasm racks her frame. Her thighs tighten like a vice around his face until the surge fades into a pleasant floating feeling. She's barely aware of when Saddiq cleans her up or when he slips into the bed next to her. She just feels warm, loved, and so, so good.

Saddiq watches her quickly fall asleep next to him. She scoots close to him and nuzzles his chest as if on instinct. Saddiq smiles. He pulls the blanket over their nude forms and throws an arm over her. He sighs. He doubts that Mrella wants to lose the weight she's worked so hard to pile on. While he wouldn't care if she lost the weight, he knows that all she really needs is a confidence boost.

He's got a month before they leave for Timoa. He's not dumb enough to expect one good orgasm to fix everything, but it's a step in the right direction. Saddiq sighs and snuggles closer to his wife. It's entirely too late in the evening to worry about this. He'll revisit the issue in the morning after getting some sleep.

Probably some breakfast too.
19 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Cyborg456 3 weeks
Mmmm. The Queen is getting into it .....
Thejokerff 1 month
This Is hands down the hottest story I've ever read! All my kinks and turn ons in one place ! Especially the part of the king getting off on his own belly
Munchies 1 month
Thank you!
Juicy 3 months
I apologise for coming so late to the party, but this is an outstanding story. Unlike most, it’s not predictable—ok, I’m only in the middle of chapter 3, but it’s my hunch. 😄 Please write more!
Munchies 3 months
Oh, no need to apologize. My story is open for all to read. There's no time limit to comment.
Kdoyle 1 year
You’re a very talented writer!❤️
Munchies 1 year
Thank you!
Soulbellystu... 2 years
No worries take your time, get wall and know your health is always more important. Feel better smiley
Munchies 2 years
I appreciate your kind words. ♥♥♥
Akwolfgrl13 2 years
So good
Munchies 2 years
Thank you, love!
Built4com4t 2 years
what sweet, sexy fun...nicely arousing. very well done...more please :-)
Munchies 2 years
The next chapter will be posted later today.
Munchies 2 years
Luckily for you, chapter 2 is up next Friday.