A short slob story

chapter 3

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For the next 5 days, Haylee only had been thinking about Saturday, and more importantly, Chris’s intentions.

“So he definitely was flirting with me. Did he always like me and I never noticed it? I mean he doesn’t mind me being so fat and lazy at least. It seems that he likes it a lot. Does he want me even bigger?…”

Thoughts like these swelled her head all week. It’s surprising that someone who just lays around and eats all day would be so excited to go somewhere and eat, but the idea of someone feeding her and enjoying her lazy fat body really did appeal to Haylee. She finally got her laundry done, and did some chores, but mainly snacked and slept up till Saturday. Chris had Haylee’s number, and told her to come around 1:00 for lunch, so she took a shower in the morning, and then spent some time picking out an outfit.

“He said to wear something comfortable, so I hope this works”. Haylee settled on what she thought was a loose pair of jeans, but was actually a little tight on her, paired with a cute blue striped shirt that almost covered her belly, but there was still some poking out from underneath. Ready to go, she sets off to Chris’s place. She doesn’t have a car so walking 10 minutes to his house had to do. A pretty long trek for a girl like Haylee, but she ended up right in front of Chris’s door soon enough.

She knocks on the door and after a few seconds went by, Haylee is face to face with Chris once again. His outfit was very simple, a black shirt and black slacks, hidden under an apron that was stained.

Chris: "Ah hello Haylee! You’ve finally arrived and you look really cute if I do say so myself"

Haylee: "Aw thanks! And yeah it takes a little bit to walk here, but I’m glad you invited me over"

Chris: “Well I’m glad you made it. Come inside and take a seat at the table. The food is pretty much done"

Haylee walks in and the first thing she notices is of course the smells coming from the kitchen. They are absolutely mouthwatering, but she can’t put her finger on what he’s cooking. The next thing she noticed was his place. It was very cozy, filled with warm lights and it was pretty open. Haylee walked through his living room area and took a seat at the dining room table. It only had one chair set there instead of two, an interesting detail that Haylee paid no attention to. She sat down and waited for Chris and her food.

Chris: “Thanks for coming, Jen. Today on the menu we have a lunch that I need you to taste for me. It’s nothing special, just some burgers and fries.

Haylee was a little bit disappointed when hearing that. She thought she was eating more. But her mood changed when Chris actually brought out the food. What sat right in front of Haylee was 3 double bacon cheeseburgers, filled with a multitude of toppings like onions, tomatoes, and chives. They were by far the biggest burgers Haylee has ever seen, and they were leaking with grease, making a slight mess on the beautiful silver platter it came on. The burgers also came with a side of fries. Well more like a full plate of them. Fries that were covered with melted cheese, ready to be devoured at any moment.

Haylee: “Wow this looks gorgeous Chris! I bet they taste even better!”

Chris: “Well I guess there’s only one way to find out…”

Haylee knew her cue all too well. She grabbed the juiciest burger she saw and started to scarf it down. It was hard to even fit the burger in her mouth because of how large it was, but that of course didn’t stop her. In no time at all, Haylee took her last bite of the first burger. Her next target were the fries, but she turned her head to see Chris who was watching her the whole time.

Haylee: “Sorry! I'm really hungry…”

Chris: “I can tell. But I don’t mind. I like girls who know a good meal when they see one.”

Chris hadn’t even finished his sentence before Haylee started eating again. She now started to attack the fries, grabbing a handful of them each time she would want some.

Haylee: “Actually… this might not be enough to fill me up completely, and I know you want your guest to be satisfied. So could you make some more food for me please?”

Chris was shocked to hear that. “She hadn’t even finished the food in front of her and she wants more?!” he thought to himself.

Chris: “Of course. Anything for you.”

Chris headed back into the kitchen and started to make 3 more double bacon cheeseburgers and another plate of fries, although he kept getting distracted and looking back to see how much Haylee had finished.

Haylee was slowly sinking into a slob mindset, eating everything in front of her without a second thought. The fries were gone in the blink of an eye, and Haylee eventually got used to the size of the burgers and started to eat those quickly as well. The blue striped shirt she was wearing had rid all the way up her tummy several times while eating, so much so that Haylee was tired of pulling it down. Her jeans felt too tight for her to handle anymore as they clung closer to her skin. After she finished her 1st meal, Haylee just had to take off her pants and shirt. It was just too restraining. Deep down she also knew that Chris would love to see the fat pig strip down to make room for more grub, so there was no questioning this decision.

After about 15 minutes of cooking, Chris came back with more food. 3 more double bacon cheeseburgers and an even larger plate of fries. He walks to the dining room with the food and is very surprised to see an almost naked Haylee rubbing her belly.

Haylee: “Ah the food is finally done. Everything was getting a bit too tight so I removed some clothing. Hopefully, you don’t mind…”

Chris: “Of course, I don't mind, as long as you don’t mind me staring”.

Haylee: “I don’t mind that at all. You deserve a show after all this great food you’ve made just for me”.

With that, Haylee began her second meal as Chris sat and watched. Something about having an audience to watch her be a slob really turned Haylee on, so she fully let go and started to eat like she hadn’t eaten in days. It was easier for her to get through the fries first since she also had to lick the cheese leftover, so she finished the second plate swiftly. Finally, the 3 burgers stood, all greaser than the last batch. She ate the first two quickly, which resulted in her wasting a lot of the food toppings onto herself and her bra, staining the bra, and making a mess.

Haylee: “Chris could you be a dear and take off my bra? I don’t want it to get messy but I also don’t wanna stop eating."

Chris didn’t say a word. He simply stood up and unsnapped Haylee’s heavy bra. Her breasts rested back into their original position, almost able to rest on her expanding belly. Chris sat back down and continued to watch Haylee finish off her food. With each bite, her breath got heavier and heavier, eating everything Chris put in front of her.

Chris: “So did you enjoy everything?”

Haylee didn’t say anything. She just nodded in contentment.

Chris: “That’s good. Hopefully you have room for dessert”.

Haylee moaned loudly. More food? Can I eat more? Before she could answer, Chris had grabbed the dessert, a cookie shake right from the blender.

Haylee: “I don’t think I can eat this. I'm pretty full, and it’s about time I head out…”

Chris: “Nonsense. In this house, we finish every meal put in front of us, and I know you don’t want to be a poor guest. Here, I‘ll even help you finish”.

Chris started to rub Haylee’s large, round belly. He could hear her stomach trying to cope with the large amount of food that just entered her body. Haylee rolled her eyes back with pleasure. With the unbelievable sensation of his hand rubbing against her lard belly, she couldn’t help but do whatever he commanded. Chris put the shake up to Haylee’s mouth, and like the good piggy she is, she started drinking it. The shake went down her throat, and some leaked down her face onto her breasts. She finished the shake, and afterward, she let out a loud burp.

Chris: “There! Wasn’t it all so good?”

Haylee: “Yeah it was…”

Chris: “Are you tired?”

Haylee: “A little bit”.

Chris: “Here let me help you up”.

Chris grabbed Haylee’s hands and got her standing up. Her belly slouched down, but still was sticking out. Haylee was still a mess. There were crumbs all over her stomach, and grease covered the edges of her mouth. Her mind was also swirling. She had never been thus stuffed before, and she can’t remember the last time she was this horny, so a mixture of both of these feelings has her mind completely gone. She was fully at the whims of Chris, who led Haylee to the nearest couch. She laid down on her side, and her belly was sticking out past the couch.

Haylee let out a small burp before speaking in a subdued tone.

Haylee: “That was awesome, but maybe I should go home…”

Chris: “Go home? You can barely walk Haylee! You look like a pig who went to a buffet, and your clothes don’t even fit anymore.” Chris starts rubbing Haylee’s belly again. “I think it’s best if you just stay here and rest. Plus, I like having you around.

Haylee: “You like having a slob like me around?”

Chris “Mhmm. I love a big girl who doesn’t care about getting dirty while eating. Plus I think your fat full belly is cute.”

Haylee: “I don’t mind getting pampered like this, so consider me your at home slob for the rest of the day”.

Chris “I’m glad I won you over. I’m gonna go start dinner now. You just lay there and look pretty okay?

Haylee: “Okay...”

Haylee slowly drifts off to sleep rubbing her big, cute tummy. This literally couldn’t have gone better. She now can not only live her dream of being a slob, but has someone to indulge in her fantasies.
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