Easter feast

Chapter 5 - the finishing touch

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“Are you full?” I ask. “Mmm…no…” I slap your gut only to make you wince and burp. “Oh look, more room for piggy.” You carry on being a greedy sow, expanding, and stretching your stomach even further past its limits. “Pop!” Another button flies off and hits the floor. “Good job pig…keep going…” I encourage. You sigh and whine but still plant your face back into the lasagna. I rotate your belly in circles trying to work more air out of you. Between burps and the smacking of lips I listen to the rumbling. Knowing I am filling you up with more food every day makes me so excited. My own personal balloon. Enthusiastically filling themselves for me.

“Oh…and I have one more thing for you after this…” You stop eating for a minute only letting out a vocal, “MMmmm???”
“That’s right. And you WILL finish it for me. It’s not much more…” I grin to myself still rubbing and rolling your tightening gut around. The last two buttons hanging on for dear life. “Almost done?” I ask impatiently. “Mm-....yes.” You answer with a mouthful. “Is it good?” I ask, waiting for validation. “Yes m-Mistress!” I smile and nod to myself. “Come on you ***ing button…” I whisper. “I’m-...-d-done!” I can hear a loud gasp come from you and another burp. “Very good…now we need to get these last two buttons to pop.” You moan and fake cry for a minute in resistance. “Up. Recliner. Now.” I order and help you to your fat swollen feet.

You practically roll yourself into the oversized recliner and let out another loud burp. Then suddenly another button flies off and onto the couch. “Yes…” I whisper eagerly heading back to the kitchen to grab your last snack. I open the fridge and hear you adjusting yourself as you’re uncomfortably full, yet ready for more. “My my…you really didn’t fight back this time did you piggy? You just love being filled don’t you…” I tease walking back over to you. “Alright…finish these four chocolate frosted cupcakes, pop this last button, and I’ll let you take a nap…” You look down at the cupcakes slightly unwilling. “What’s the matter piggy? Full?” You look up at me then back down at the decadent sweets. I rest the tray on your gluttoned gut and slide my sleeve down revealing half of my tit. “Come now…don’t make me put it back on…” Your hands then meet the tray to pop it open, I lower my top just a little more as I watch you pop a cupcake into your mouth.

I lean up as you struggle and you peer down at my cleavage. “Mmmf!” You gobble and gulp the cake down and open your greedy mouth for more. I rub your tight belly, the last button holding on by a thread. “Good…keep going..” I whisper, pushing more of the cakey treat into your salivating mouth. “You’ve done SUCH a good job today eating all of my snacks..” You mindlessly glut yourself and pat your own stomach. I can hear it groaning in protest. “That’s it…do it for Mistress…” You utter a few indistinguishable words and whine in between bites. “Almost done…” I press into your stomach just to hear you cry out. “Aw…too much? Good.” I slide my finger under the last button, your skin pressed tight against it. “Oh…which one will blow first? The button? Or my pet bunny pig?” You shake your head uncertain if you are ready to give up. “What’s that? You need something to wash it down with?” I get up eagerly and race to the kitchen to retrieve the funnel. I can hear you sighing and moaning sleepily. Hornily…

“Come now…you aren’t full yet! I know just how much I can pack inside of you…” You groan and burp again, the recliner creaking under your weight. “You’re almost done…” I reassure you. I step back into the living room lively as ever. “Alright, be a good pet and drink this all down for me…” With your mouth hanging open I place the funnel inside. Your lips seal the gaps between. I begin to pour heavy whipping cream down the funnel and watch you drink vehemently. “That's it…keep guzzling for me…” My eyes fixed on your belly, damn near round like a beach ball, that button fighting for its life. “Just a little bit more…keep going…” a shrill whine can be heard from your throat but you keep chugging anyways. Your hands petting the sides of your belly in attempts to soothe yourself soon start reaching up towards me for mercy.

“One…last..little…” As soon as I empty the last of the carton down the funnel, your last button finally gives way and zips across the room with lightning speed.
I empty the rest into you and run my fingertips across your soft but taut exposed belly. You gasp for air and flop your arms down at your sides lazily. “Very good…” I praise lowering my top for you. You pout and wave a weak hand towards my tits smacking them lightly. “Did I wear you out?” I ask. You nod sleepily. “Good. Take a nap.” I will clean you up. I step away for some wet wipes fully satisfied with the damages I’ve done from the Easter feast.
5 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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