The exhange of weight

chapter 4: hungry! part 1

Taken back by the sound emanating from the bed she walked to the kitchen to gather food. Watching Sarah’s display of hunger reminded her of an empty belly that was demanding food. Although, this hunger was different.

Ignoring how exhausted she felt, began shovelling down mouthfuls of cheesecake, half at a time whilst washing it down with chocolate milk. Alison enjoyed a full stomach with a cold sensation emanating from deep inside. However, to feel like this she needed to be full. Although even though the fridge was licked clean, she felt no difference. Alison panicked as the hunger only got more intense. At this point, she knew that her stomach should have at least felt something which was confirmed when she observed her massive food baby. It looked as if it was bursting at the seams, yet she had no sensation of being full.

Ravenous in her hunger, the one thing that Sarah told her not to eat. Her birthday cake. Sarah was always very particular about 2 things: Her appearance and her birthday, Sarah always loved her birthday because she could show off her figure to her mother and sister. Her mum was a proud businesswoman and model when she was young yet after her husband cheated and her divorce she had turned to food.

Sarah had told Alison that at one point her mother spent a whole week in a burger joint they’d brought as part of their portfolio. She swore that when she saw her mother the next week, she looked at least 40 pounds heavier. As a result of the mothers’ feedings, Sarah in Alison’s eyes was subconsciously trying to avoid being like her although this was not the case for her sister Debra.
Debra was Sarah’s sister, and she was always kind and gentle. Regardless of their riches she was always a hard worker and loved playing tennis, however, she adored sweets and Sarah knew this. After her mother gave birth to her sis, she always spoiled her which made Sarah mad therefore, in secret she would always feed Debra the odd snack every now and again. At first, it was a small belly that peeked out from under Debra’s blouse until Sarah started to make large drums of weight gain formula mixed with a concoction of ice creams, heavy cream, and many other fatty substances.

After late night tube stuffing, Debra’s body didn’t have a chance, after 2 years of blubber shakes and feeding sessions, Debra had the largest belly that Alison had ever seen. She only met her once at Sarah’s last birthday party yet when she fell into her belly it was soft to the touch and hard at the centre. There did not appear to be a moment when she wasn’t stuffing. Whenever she sat, her ass would make a squishy plop as the chair begged for its life. Whenever laughing or talking the mound of fat on her neck would jiggle whilst her belly would depress inward and outward.

Secretly, Alison found Debra as the most attractive woman she’d ever seen. She seemed to look exactly like Sarah, yet she was soft and kind, inside and out. After they’d been drinking Sarah and Debra passed out. As Debra laid there, with her belly inflating up and down with every breath, Alison laid down beside her and placed her arm over her belly.

The soft feeling could have made Alison soak the bed with her juices although, the most arousing scene was yet to come. Debra suddenly woke up out of nowhere which stunned Alison, yet what was more shocking was that Debra went into the kitchen and grasped a whole dust bin bag full of treats. As she laid back in bed, she tucked into them as if she were in a trance. Ripping packets and wrappers apart at speeds that put Alison to shame, within less than 10 minutes the bag was empty, and Debra was full. As if Debra was awake and aware, she grasped Alison’s hand and wrapped it around herself.

She could feel all the pressure in Debra’s gut alongside the smell of sweat that was all over Debra. Her scents aroused her, yet she was stunned when Debra’s body swung to the side. The huge mass of weight shifting made the bed screaming out in pain. Yet Alison was silent as a mouse. She was too shocked by the best sensation she’d ever felt in her life. Debra’s belly rested on top of Alison the sensation almost brought Alison over the edge. Without much thought, she used her other hand to slap Debra’s belly.
The jiggle sent the waves throughout Debra’s whole body. The moans of comfort filled Alison's ears yet soon after sounds similar to an expanding pipe erupted from Debra’s belly at an alarming rate until the moment of truth came.


This moment sent Alison over the edge and awakened her feeder desires. She adored the sensations of being stuffed and the feeling of expanding her body, yet an equally ravenous side of her wanted to be a feeder. As she approached the cake, she knew it would be the only thing left that could satisfy her hunger, without caring about the consequences she stuffed the cake into her mouth. Any normal-sized cake wouldn’t be considered enough yet this cake was at least 15 layers. The cake was so large it didn’t seem possible for 3 obese sumo wrestlers to even consume half of it yet she only felt satisfied after consuming half. As the cake made its way into her belly, it felt as if her belly was stretched into a world of its own. Her belly button was so distended that she could barely take a breath without little burps.

She felt as if she was no longer hungry yet not in any way satisfied. Before she could think about continuing her stuffing she could not shake the memory of touching Debra’s soft belly. As if on instinct she decided to pay Sarah back by grabbing as much cake as she could and heading upstairs.
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BitchImAPig 1 month
I'm so happy you're back!!!!
Mikeboi1994 1 month
Thank you 😊 Glad to be back. 😁
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Just realised I'd mistaken Holly for Beth.🔥😲😭 Making changes before I upload a chapter
ConJohn 1 year
Nice story. Keep up the great work!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Thankyou! So much! 😁 I love your stories so much! 🙂
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I'm kind of stuck as to were I want to take Sarah's story. Anyone with ideas, I would love to hear. That being said, Chapters incoming.. 🤭
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I might just make another chapter like this but only if this is ok... 😉
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Thankyou 🙂
Minifan 1 year
Oooooh, this looks like it could be a fun one 😁
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I hope so, I'm new to this but I've got 3 stories i'd like to tell. 🤭