The exhange of weight

Chapter 34: Holly’s Dark Secret: Part 1 (Extended a little)

“Eat up fat ass!”

“……Holly. Please.”

“I said get up and start downing that shake! Or are you not hungry?”

Holly was a smart, kind person. She would never hurt a fly, however, when Holly was eating at a fast-food restaurant at 5 she got a front row seat to her jealous streak. Holly was a kind person, she loved give to charity and help out anyone in need, however, when she was eating ice-cream at a restaurant, no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t finish 2 bites. At first, her mum thought she wasn’t a big eater, however, after a check-up Holly found out that she had a condition that prevents her from eating anything in excess.

At first Holly condition didn’t affect her, however, she was constantly hungry and found it frustrating to not be able to eat her fill. It was starting to affect her mood, her personality until one day, at age 14 she was pushing herself to eat a nice ice-cream she’d saved up for. However, after failing and vomiting in the bathroom she returned to see a large girl, around her age, eating her fill of Holly’s ice-cream. The years of regret, frustration, anger and hunger boiled into one. She’d had it. She needed an outlet.

“Oh, sorry about that. You didn’t look like you were coming back to finish it.”

As her ass slid out of the booth, Holly could only think of all the treats this girl could back away. All the ice-cream Holly would only watch melt, all the candy she’d give away on Halloween and all the doughnuts she’d vomited up even though they were her favourite.

“That’s ok. I’m Holly. Come back to my place. I’ll show you something special.”

“Sure, I’m Megan. It’s nice to meet you!”

At first, Holly feed Megan snacks from her house, but after time Holly felt odd. Every time Megan had her fill, Holly’s hunger was subsided. In fact, she felt an oddly satisfying feeling whenever she could touch any of Megan’s growing flesh. Her jealousy was always burning inside her alongside her hunger, yet it was vanishing. Holly found her solution, however, every time she left, she was back to square one.

Thus, Holly came up with the perfect solution. After trapping Megan in the apartment, she had her connected to a feeding machine that would satisfy her every need, she even got her personal maid to feed her and make sure she never broke out. Holly’s hunger was satiated, she never had to think about hunger because all she needed to do every day was stuff Megan.
At first, Megan’s parents were suspicious of Holly after Megan was reported missing, however, after 4-5 years of her feeding, Megan decided to let her go.

At aged 19, Megan didn’t look like the typical fat girl. At the start she weighed around 190 pounds which was extraordinary at that age, however, she was a 19-year-old who passed 670 in just a few years. For a regular feeder, this seemed obscenely fast but for Holly, a rich, sociopath with a passion for gluttony, nothing seemed impossible.

Throughout the years, Megan was in a state of pure paralysis. Unable to move, let alone get away from Holly. One time, she was awake and aware, however, as Holly was trying to replace her feeding tubes Megan pushed her body on top of Holly with all her force. Holly wasn’t a push over but at 370 pounds of flesh Holly could only moan in pain as Megan’s belly stunned her movements and her ass kept her stuck in place, Megan wasn’t aware of what was happening but she new that she had to escape, however, she’d realised moments after knocking out Holly that she couldn’t move.

All her body had done up until this point was inflate without any form of exertion. Every stressful jolt of movement was meaningless. Her body wouldn’t response, comparable to how Sarah was on the bed. Sarah was totally unaware of the horrors to her figure that were to come.

Megan was only coming over her house to tease her a little, however, as she stood in the door way, she saw a large belly that needed to be taken care of. Without giving Sarah time to react she ran down the stairs to retrieve a huge pack of muffins, they were supposed to be a truce for missing her birthday although, she unconsciously knew the real reason she brought them.

Her desire was to fill the desires that Megan couldn’t fill. Megan was captured after her outburst as during each feeding sleeping sedatives are always in her drinks. Holly was certain that eventually she’d grow satisfied with feeding Megan, however, no matter how fat she got, no matter the size of her roles, no matter how much soft batter grows around her belly Holly’s hunger only got worst. It got to the point where she was trying to stuff for herself but vomited each time.

She was back to square 1 but after a few strange dreams a solution was clear, she needed another victim, however, Megan was already a huge thing to hide. At around 700 pounds, Megan was an expense who couldn’t be fattened anymore without huge risks to her health.

“Is that you, Sarah? That’s ass isn’t near the shape I remember.”

Holly wasn’t shocked by the behemoth that laid sunk deep into the bed. But rather the fact that it seemed as if she didn’t have the strength to even pull herself up, not to mention to constant echoes of grumbling from her stomach. Sarah wasn’t responding and her eyes appeared to be glazed over with lust whilst her mouth watered.

“Get me food. NOW!”

Holly wasn’t opposed to it, she even took offence to Sarah’s rudeness, but when she saw that hunger in her eyes, she couldn’t help but think about Sarah relentlessly gobbling down 50 sugar donuts in an instant whilst she guzzles down a giant bottle of Pepsi letting out a burp loud enough to wake the gods.
This is how the next hour played out, Holly ordered 10 pizza’s and 3 dozen doughnuts and 4 large Pepsi’s which was enough food for 3 sumo wrestlers but somehow not even the sugar on the packets was left.


Sarah was still on her back like a turtle which made Holly horniest she’d ever been in her life; she got the chance to witness Sarah's growling belly expand before her very eyes into a sloshing swollen balloon that still felt like a marshmallow. Sarah had asked to be helped up many times however, every time without fail, Holly would press he wrong spot, unleashing a series of burps that sent waves down her spine. With very slow shifts side to side Sarah finally got enough momentum to roll onto her belly leaving her ass slumped to the side.

The first cheek was jutted outward as ripped pieces of her panties clung to her soft skin, the second was helplessly pressurised by Sarah’s weight. Without thinking, Sarah had a hand rubbing her ass gently. As Holly presses her palm into Sarah’s plump ass, she nearly tumbled into her as her hand sunk deep into the porous soft behind. A shutter runs down her spine like a hurricane which continues to throb as she observes Sarah's ass wobbling. Her butt was so big that Holly could barely get her entire arm around its girth, however, there was no time to lose, Sarah was hungry and Holly needed to satiate her hunger.
40 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 month
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BitchImAPig 3 weeks
I'm so happy you're back!!!!
Mikeboi1994 3 weeks
Thank you 😊 Glad to be back. 😁
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Just realised I'd mistaken Holly for Beth.🔥😲😭 Making changes before I upload a chapter
ConJohn 1 year
Nice story. Keep up the great work!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Thankyou! So much! 😁 I love your stories so much! 🙂
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I'm kind of stuck as to were I want to take Sarah's story. Anyone with ideas, I would love to hear. That being said, Chapters incoming.. 🤭
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I might just make another chapter like this but only if this is ok... 😉
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Thankyou 🙂
Minifan 1 year
Oooooh, this looks like it could be a fun one 😁
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I hope so, I'm new to this but I've got 3 stories i'd like to tell. 🤭