The exhange of weight

Chapter 35: Sarah's Perspective: Loss of Control

For the past month, Sarah couldn’t move from the best and found herself ready to burst at every moment, Sarah was only getting 2-3 hours of consciousness a day whilst the rest was sleeping off the bursting pressure, walking back and forth to the bathroom and immediately passing out on the bed. If Sarah was fully aware, she’d realise that her belly was unusually heavy. After a few weeks, Sarah’s belly was now noticeably sagging down and her ass was so wide, leaning against the wall would cause it to creak and moan.

Sarah realised 3 weeks into this month, that her motivations to lose weight were leaving her rapidly. Everyday her body felt twice as heavy as before, thus instead of the usual hull of 200 she felt like a 400-pound porker with a lazy streak. If Sarah didn’t act soon, Holly would make that a reality if she were not careful.

Every single day, Holly was always in her house when she woke up. But her belly was packed to the brim. She’d always start the day with taunting Holly. She’d demand that she release her and stop feeding her, however, after she placed the food on top of Sarah’s belly, she never said a word. It was as if her instincts took over, the cycle would continue until she was so fully that she’d just pass out ready for the next day, she would occasionally walk to the toilet, however, it was only possible with Holly’s helping hand. Without it, she couldn’t even get up, her body to Holly was heavy but nothing unbearable to lift, whilst Sarah wasn’t able to move freely.

The next month passed by, and Sarah was now starting to accept that life as a fat woman was perhaps the only way forward. In the time that passed, Sarah was starting to get more and more aroused by the constant stuffing and as she complied with Holly, she in return got her phone back. Sarah wanted to try to contact her mum to try to repair their relationship, however, she could only follow her amazing weight loss journey on the internet.

Whilst Sarah was proud of her mother for achieving what she is struggling out, she was filled with fear. The start weight on her profile said 394 yet now she was at 296. That kind of weight loss seemed near impossible. It had to be the curse and if so, does that mean that Sarah has gain 100 pounds?

“Who’s this lard ball?”

A half-naked dude with a 6-pack came wondering into Sarah’s bedroom. The shook to Sarah caused her to start sweating all over, especially down below. She’d hated the thought of anyone making fun of her newly fattened body, Sarah’s pride was slowly but surely leaving her, but it was still relatively strong. However, the moment she saw the look of disgust on his face her pride was beginning to shrink little by little.

“I want payment upfront.”

“Sure, but you have to last, I want at least 5 shots for the week.”

“No way, taking too much Viagra can kill you right?! Double the money.”

“Done, I want to pleasure my pig, so you better do a good job!”

With just 2 motions, Sarah’s ass was positioned into the sky. The pressure of her stomach had her belly in stitches as the belches echoed throughout the room. Before long the room smelled like Jam and pizza, the mellow sent was somewhat refreshing yet, as he shoved his 9 inches inside her, the only smell that filled the room was sweat.

Sarah was usually the aggressor. But yet she was at the mercy of his cock. All she could do was stifle a burp and lose control to the orgasms. The room was filled with Sarah's pathetic moans as she whimpered, sweat was splashing all over the covers as her belly slapped into six-pack. Moments after each impact, Sarah could feel her belly stick to his chest before being rushed away in a hurry. Sarah was unaware of this new feeling. In the past, men would have trouble keeping up yet, but now her body felt like an inflated air balloon.

Yet, everything was somehow so much sexier. The feeling of being at the mercy of this strapping man who gives her constant looks of distain was the hottest pleasure she’d felt in a long time. Sarah wasn’t happy about this feeling, and thus tried lifting her belly to at least pull back some control but it was heavy. The weight was unbearably heavy to the point where it felt like she pulled her arm lifting it. How was this possible? She hadn’t weighed herself since she received the fat once again. She needed to know after this.

“Holly! *Huff* *Huff* I need to weigh in soon, see what damage is on my body!?”

“Don’t you remember? I already weighed you yesterday.”

Holly held her phone over Sarah’s face but, the sweat in her eyes made the image hard to see, after wiping her eyes she was greeted with an image of Sarah lying on her belly with the fat ass sticking into the air whilst slumped over a large scale.

“For some reason, the scale kept showing an absurdly large number, but I soon realised it was just doubling the weight somehow.”

“Congratulation! Your 299 pounds of blubber! You’ve already passed the 300 mark but, we’ll do a large stuffing just to make sure. Later bitch.”

Holly left the room to let Sarah process the damage that she’d done to her body.

NOTE: Sorry I'm late. 😇
40 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 4 weeks
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BitchImAPig 3 weeks
I'm so happy you're back!!!!
Mikeboi1994 3 weeks
Thank you 😊 Glad to be back. 😁
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Just realised I'd mistaken Holly for Beth.🔥😲😭 Making changes before I upload a chapter
ConJohn 1 year
Nice story. Keep up the great work!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Thankyou! So much! 😁 I love your stories so much! 🙂
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I'm kind of stuck as to were I want to take Sarah's story. Anyone with ideas, I would love to hear. That being said, Chapters incoming.. 🤭
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I might just make another chapter like this but only if this is ok... 😉
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Thankyou 🙂
Minifan 1 year
Oooooh, this looks like it could be a fun one 😁
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I hope so, I'm new to this but I've got 3 stories i'd like to tell. 🤭