The exhange of weight

Chapter 36: Return of a familiar face

“Sarah! Food is ready! If you wait any longer it will get cold.”

After 2 months, the goddess lifted the curse of extra weight although it didn’t have much of an effect on Sarah. By this point she’d already given up on getting thin again. Her belly was so large and circular that it was first thing she saw every morning.

Her dream routine of getting up to run in the mornings was replaced by sleeping in until 12 and been woken up by Holly’s personal chef who prepared the most fattening meals Sarah had ever eaten. She’d spend 2 hours sitting on a newly reinforced chair as she slurped down 20 pancakes covered in dark cinnamon flavoured syrup with 3-4 dozen doughnuts. By the time it was finished Sarah’s belly always touched the table and she was always at the mercy of Holly, who arrived in the house just in time to rub her belly and then leave to run errands.

Sarah knew that soon; she’d see Alison and be back in a college. Every night she’d have dreams about Daryl leaving her for a slim model, she’d see them walking into the distance, whilst Sarah would run as fat as her fattened thighs and as would allow, she’d usually end in the dream with Alison looking down on her with a smug grin as her head was shoved into a large chocolate cake, whilst every bite she took instantly replenished.

Sarah pondered Alison as she heaved her fat ass out from the chair, as her blubbery thighs had her swaying back and forth, she’d realised that Alison hadn’t done anything to message her, call her or email for months on end. She wondered if she was even her friend still.

With a mouth full of muffins and a creaking couch, Sarah laid her large behind on the chair with her laptop to check Facebook, her soft backside placing her comfortably in the centre of the chair. She couldn’t help but find this task difficult considering her large belly kept slapping the trackpad onto other tabs, attempts to suck it in surprised Sarah even more as it made no difference to her lower belly. Despite the large weight gain, her belly was still singular, however, most of the weight went to her face, arms, thighs, and butt.

Her ass reminded her of her sisters, yet it was far more noticeable. Sarah couldn’t walk anywhere without it tumbling into vases and colliding with people on the street as her thighs kept her waddling of balance. As she walked on the street to the store which was just across the street her thighs would be swaying, chin and belly jumping upward and then jutting out just below her t-shirt, arms swinging outward even though they trailed beside her hips and a large fat girl ass that turned heads at first but then turned them back when her belly flopped out her shirt.

She even almost got approached by a handsome muscular gentleman with blond hair, however, when she turned around, he couldn’t help but stare at her oil drum belly, triple chin paired with a fat neck and to make matters worst Sarah had let out a burp as she turned to faced him. To not take to much away, the man already knew his mistake when he tapped her on the back, he felt his finger slide in at least 2 inches with the slight trace of sweat soaking his fingertips, not to mention her ass cakes jiggling left to right as she rotated. The man politely stated that he just wanted the time and hurried away from her, making a remark about Shallow Hal as he walked away.

The encounter felt humiliating, but what she saw on Facebook was much worst, Alison was slim, not just slim but toned, slightly tanned and active. Sarah was surprised that she’d really got a hold of herself over the holidays. Sarah looked on the comparison as Alison was doing squat challenges for her 100,000 followers whilst Sarah’s ass was parked like the cars in the junkyard with a KFC bucket in her hand. The shock was unnerving, not only was Alison skinny but she looked confident and oddly seemed more and more like how she used to be.

She looked so strong and confident, so much so that she feared that Daryl might take notice once she returned. Sarah’s senses had returned to her, and she started a diet for a few weeks, however, like the rest of the weight loss regime’s she found it impossible to stop. Even though Holly already left, her cravings kept her stomach rumbling all night, until she couldn’t take it. Her body instinctively started going through the kitchen in the night for snacks which evolved into 2–3-hour pig out sessions. After about 2 days, Sarah lost 2 pounds, and gained back 4 in its place. The disappointments, setbacks and lack of enthusiasm led Sarah back to her old habits.

Another month passed and Sarah was depressed, she forgot about Alison and went back to living in sloth and tranquillity, she’d hadn’t looked at her notifications other than to order food, which was the most activity she’d done. Most of her days were spent watching tv and whilst she slept, the goddess would have her trapped in an immobile body forcing her to eat until she was fit to burst, Sarah saw this as the Goddess’s way of laughing at her which Sarah paid no attention to as she was hitting the lowest point of her nightmare.

She was no longer the idol that everyone feared and adored, she was instead an obese fatty with her daily highlights being the extra 4 tubs of pudding in the fridge and the sound the chair makes when she lifts up her expanding ass. Sarah couldn’t help but notice the unbelievable area her cake would spread and whilst its softness was the perfect cushion, whenever she got up, the weight of it made her lay around her house in undersized underwear, it soothed her mind from the reality that she couldn’t wear any designer clothes unless super-sized plus size models became a thing. Sarah was in a haze, she was lost in daydreams of being slim again, having a bunch of dudes at her leisure but in reality, she was softly rubbing her hand across the top of her belly whilst she sighed with a mouth full of fries.

Although, it wasn’t as if Sarah wasn’t enjoying any of it. The wobbling bouncing sensation her belly made as it approached the door and even the look of disgust the pizzaman made when he looked at her sauce covered lips was somehow stimulating, Sarah was depressed but somehow a silver lining was becoming clear to her.

The feeling of being packed to the brim was somehow better than any dick. Ever large stuffing felt like the food was meant to be there, like her stomach existed to be filled to the breaking point. Being pinned to the sofa unable to move more than a few inches was ecstasy, she only wished that she could reach past her belly to touch herself, but the exertion often left her passed out on the coach until morning.

It was a life that opposed her slim, goddess luxury but somehow, she was always satisfied. She hated being fat in her mind but a small part of her deep inside her was growing and it knew the truth. Being fat was the best experience she’d ever felt, but this wasn’t something that she was willing to admit. Unbeknownst to her, this side of Sarah was only going to grow even if she’d lost all the weight, she was past the point where her life could go back to the way it was.

Big changes were soon to happen which was in the form of a doorbell. At first Sarah thought she’d ordered door dash, however, as she looked at who was at the door, it was Alison. The shock almost gave her a heart attack at the door. This was the first step to her life as a porker and by the time she realises it she’ll weigh at least 3 times as much as now.


“Wait. Is that you?!”

NOTE: 💝 Thought I’d go plus ultra on this return. SO…. I stuck to making it twice the size of a regular chapter. Enjoy. 😇
40 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 3 weeks
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BitchImAPig 3 weeks
I'm so happy you're back!!!!
Mikeboi1994 3 weeks
Thank you 😊 Glad to be back. 😁
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Just realised I'd mistaken Holly for Beth.🔥😲😭 Making changes before I upload a chapter
ConJohn 1 year
Nice story. Keep up the great work!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Thankyou! So much! 😁 I love your stories so much! 🙂
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I'm kind of stuck as to were I want to take Sarah's story. Anyone with ideas, I would love to hear. That being said, Chapters incoming.. 🤭
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I might just make another chapter like this but only if this is ok... 😉
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Thankyou 🙂
Minifan 1 year
Oooooh, this looks like it could be a fun one 😁
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I hope so, I'm new to this but I've got 3 stories i'd like to tell. 🤭