The exhange of weight

Chapter 40: Sarah's Chance 🔱

Sarah tried her hardest to get out of the chair, but her ass was lodged firmly into between the metal, it was so bad that the fire department were called to cut the chair so she could be freed.

“For reals? Hey guys this chair is made of reinforced steel!”

All the students were transferred to another room whilst Sarah was left with Alison and the other firemen chuckling in the background whilst Sarah got unprized from the chair.

“Hey, are you, her friend?”

“Yes sir.”

“Well, you look in good shape, get your friend on a treadmill, this isn’t part of my job, I can’t keep coming back for this shit.”

“Believe me I tried, but she just can’t put the fork down. YOU HEAR THAT SARAH! Your ass is too fat! We gotta get you to the gym before we run out of chairs.”

Sarah was at her limit; she had done her quarter of classes and makeup test and thus she decided to just leave.

Sarah was at a lard wobbling 370 pounds, and she could feel it, her knees were now rubbing each other, everyday her routine involved coating baby lotion and chub rub (ConJohn Reference 😉 ) on her legs, as she gazed in the mirror, she had to look at the pig who ate Sarah.

However, as with every morning, Sarah always ends up with 1 hand grinding rigorously into her pussy whilst the stuffed any sweet confection she could find in her mouth. She’d get off to her belly that dangled down to her knees, an ass that was laughably round and jiggly and her massive waist that snapped all shapewear in 2.

In honesty, Sarah already decided she was done a few weeks before this incident when she tried clubbing. Going out with Alison and some of her fitness friends was humiliating enough with their sly comments on her belly peeking out from below her shirts and the comments about her chins they made in the restroom, the worst part was the disgusted look she’d get from dudes dancing.

This was the closest thing Sarah had done to exercise in at least 3 months regardless of her random failed weight loss regime. From head to toe, she was covered in sweat whilst her large jiggling hips wobbled back and forth. Every time out of habit she’d glide next to guys she thought looked cute but when their eyes opened wide with amazement and then played ignorance it would wake her back up to reality.

Although, she did meet a guy who clearly loved large chicks, he let her ass grind into he cock which was the closest she’d gotten to one since ballooning over the past few months. The best part about her ass was that she could feel every inch of his cock at it stiffened and on the other side of it he grabbed onto her love handles and gave her the best dirty dancing she’d ever had, she could see the disgust in the faces of Alisons friends, but Alison had already left with some dude a while ago, this gave Sarah a little more confidence and after 2 hours of exhausting wobbling, she went home with him and showed him all the skills her mouth obtained after all these months of gluttony.

In all fairness, she missed waking up in a stranger’s bed, however, as she remembered the night back in her head, she realised that she passed out due to exhaustion after giving him a blowjob. The guy was kind enough to leave her coffee and a slice of cake, but no number meant he didn’t want to see her again.

On her way back to class, Sarah couldn’t help but head into a local restaurant for some of that sweet smelling pizza. Stepping in, Sarah could feel her legs weakening after her last binge session, at this time, she could imagine herself walking in here with her 2 besties and Alison. She’d make fun of her large ridiculous order whilst Sarah would get hit on by the jocks from another school. In reality, she was in a haze whilst the waiter tried to get her attention.

“Look, you can’t just stare at the food! Order something or get out! I already have 1 of you things already.”

Sarah looked to her right and saw 2 women that took up enough space to consume two entire booth, 1 blonde that had a rack that could smother a doxin puppy and the other brown headed Latina who had an ass shelf for the ages and a belly that was on top the table.

“I’ll take 1 large pizza for now.”

“Sure. Take a seat miss.”

Sarah waddled down to the tables; however, each was taken, the only two left was a table with 4 jocks and the table with the 2 fatties. Sarah seemed compelled to just take it to go, however, when the blond called out to her by name, she couldn’t help but shutter in complete surprise!

“Sarah! Long time no sees. I don’t usually get to catch up on my girls, but I couldn’t help but notice this!”

With stretched out arm she took a handful of Sarahs exposed flesh and gave it two hardy pats.

“WTF, who are you?”

“I lost a little weight coming to this world, so I suppose you won’t recognise me in all my wobbling glory!”

“Goddess? It can’t be!”

Sarah took a seat at the table and scooted across until her thighs touched the Latina’s thigh. Surprisingly she was much softer than Sarah to the point Sarah could feel herself sinking into her.
40 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 4 weeks
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BitchImAPig 3 weeks
I'm so happy you're back!!!!
Mikeboi1994 3 weeks
Thank you 😊 Glad to be back. 😁
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Just realised I'd mistaken Holly for Beth.🔥😲😭 Making changes before I upload a chapter
ConJohn 1 year
Nice story. Keep up the great work!
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Thankyou! So much! 😁 I love your stories so much! 🙂
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I'm kind of stuck as to were I want to take Sarah's story. Anyone with ideas, I would love to hear. That being said, Chapters incoming.. 🤭
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I might just make another chapter like this but only if this is ok... 😉
Mikeboi1994 1 year
Thankyou 🙂
Minifan 1 year
Oooooh, this looks like it could be a fun one 😁
Mikeboi1994 1 year
I hope so, I'm new to this but I've got 3 stories i'd like to tell. 🤭