Absolute paradise

Chapter 2 - too much food

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In the village, Angela and Sandra were greeted fairly well by the locals. The village's leader had called a meeting, and all the people were discussing what to do about Sandra and Angela in their unfamiliar language. After a while, the leader looked around a bit and pointed out someone from the crowd. A short young man, visibly around nineteen but less than 5 feet tall, stepped out of the crowd.
"Hello" he said in English, though with a strong accent. "I am named Isko. I speak English."
"Thank Christ there's someone here we can communicate with." Said Angela. "Can you tell us where we are?"
"This island does not have a name." Said Isko. "We have not had Americans or Europes here for thirty years, and I am the only one who remembers English language. You may stay with us as long as you wish."
"We really mustn't." Said Sandra. "You can't have that much resources to share with us."
"No, otherwise." Said Isko. "We have plentiful food come from great fruit trees. We have enough food and water to feast the whole village for years in our stores, and the trees grow so much fruit all year round!"
"Then what are we waiting for?" Angela addressed to her mother. "Isko, can you ask the people to bring us something to eat?"

Isko turned back to his fellow villagers and said something in the local language. The men of the village hurried off, and dragged out long tables from the gaps between huts. Once all these were in position, the village's leader walked down to the old firepit in the centre of the village and lit it. It was now evening, and the darkening island was re-lit by a hearty bonfire. Some of the village women passed Angela and Sandra coconut shells filled with fresh water as the people began setting the table to eat.
In ten minutes or so, the tables were half-covered in wooden plates stacked with fruit, nuts, bread and small game. Stools were around the table, and Sandra and Angela sat down next to each other and began to eat. Isko sat down next to Angela to translate.
Angela was starving. She ate for what seemed like hours, relieved at the alleged plentitude of food she had access to. She sat next to her mother, both of them stuffing sweet, fleshy fruits into their mouths until halfway through the night, when they both fell asleep.
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Hubbert2995 2 years
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AndYetIAm 2 years
I'm working on it.