Absolute paradise

Chapter 3 - breakfast

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Angela woke up in a wooden shack, her dress uncomfortably tight around her breasts and behind. She felt hungry, despite the previous night's gluttony. "How much must I have eaten last night?" She mused to herself.
Isko opened the shack door. "Breakfast is ready!" He said.
Angela stifled a shriek. "You should have knocked." She said to the short young man. "I might have been changing!".
Isko shrugged and left the shack again. Angela also left, hoping to get something to eat.
The feast tables had been moved back, except for one which was absolutely covered in food. The villagers were standing around, chatting and eating. Angela grabbed a great big pile of fruit before finding her mother. Sandra was kind of talking to the tribe leader, even though they didn't have a language in common. She was holding a massive chunk of bird meat and three open coconuts, and a large number of bones, coconut shells and fruit peels were scattered on the ground around her. Angela walked up to her.
"Good morning, dear." Said Sandra. "I see you've got a healthy appetite."
"About that," said Angela. "We both must have eaten half our body weight last night. But I'm still hungry, and you seem to have been hungry too."
"Well, big appetites run in the family." Smiled Sandra. "My mother got second place in an international eating competition back in 1975, and aunt Martha is the national speed eating champion. I blame it on our metabolisms."
"But I've never been hungry like this before." Protested Angela. "I've eaten less than half as much as last night and gotten sick."
"Oh, you probably just have some subconscious concern about your figure." Said Sandra dismissively. "I have always told you to loosen up a bit." Sandra threw away another empty coconut and began slurping down the next. Angela finally began eating, and realised that, no matter where it had came from, her mother had been right about them having big appetites. Angela finished the armful of fruit in minutes, and she still felt famished. She unbuttoned her suprisingly tight bra and moved back to the tables for round two.
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AndYetIAm 2 years
I'm working on it.