The halloween party

chapter 2

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We all headed to the front door. I stripped off my sweat pants to shrieks and giggles of the assembled guests. I had to admit I looked pretty good, not to mention being the most turned on I could remember.

Harry answered the door dressed as that baking company’s elf spokesman. He looked pretty funny, but not very fat. Linda though had out done herself.
She was dressed as a spoiled, fat toddler. She had on a bonnet and a baby doll outfit the barely contained her girth. She was wearing a pair of tight tennis panties, with the lace, that were popular several years ago with short tennis dresses. She had on a pair of shoes made to look like children’s shoes. Being so fat, her proportions really were very close to what a plump toddler would look like.

As we all entered Linda marveled at our costumes. She especially loved mine, probably because as Katy pointed out I was only half dressed. The house smelled of incense, it was very comforting though and soon I forgot all about it. There was an amazing amount of food. Their dining room table seemed to be piled two feet high with bowls and platters. There were bowls of candy, nuts and pastries all over the house. In fact, as I remember there was no place in the house where some sort of food was not within easy reach.

In keeping with being toddler theme for Linda, she had put out serving spoons and forks and huge platters as plates. Everything was to be in big proportions. So were our appetites.

We all starting filling up the huge platters, that were our plates with rich food. Linda had put out an unbelievable amount of very fattening treats and rich dishes. There were several kinds of pasta with bowls of rich sauces. Meats and cheeses, sweet rolls, pounds of butter, brats, cheese fries, cheeseburgers, casseroles and deep fried foods. The desert table was covered with tubs of ice cream and every topping you could imagine.
Bowls of candy and nuts in every corner there wasn’t a bowl of food.

Being “in character” for the three “pregnant women”, they seemed to be eating for two or more! It became a contest between Katy, Sara and Heidi, who could stuff more food into their “pregnant” bodies. They were giggling with glee and they showed each other how they could finish a huge plate of food and then refill it. They bumped each other’s tummies and bottoms as they waddled to the buffet table. Linda just sat back eating plate after plate, that Harry dutifully filled for her, smiling at her fantasy coming true.

The guys were not any better than our girls, if not worse. John, patted his sumo gut and said, “well I can’t break training can I.” He filled up plate after plate of food and shoveled it into his waiting mouth. Steve, dressed as a huge Santa, drank pitchers of milk to wash down platefuls of rich, warm cookies.

I, dressed only in briefs and a cape, was so turned on, that my only outlet, was to eat and EAT I did. I too filled plate after plate with whatever I could reach. I ate three platefuls of pasta, then brats, cheeseburgers and fries. I spooned candy corn by the pound into my face along with bowls of nuts.

I helped Katy eat also, cutting up her food so she could eat even faster. Katy also came over and stuffed me with candy bars that she unwrapped and stuffed into my waiting mouth.

By midnight most of the food was gone and incense burners had run out and there three very bloated and full couples, sitting holding there engorged bellies. Linda waddled around as best she could hugging everyone and thanking us for making it the best Halloween she had ever had.

We all waddled out to our cars. No one seemed to notice how hard it was to get in. Steve had finally gotten poor Sara into the passengers side. Her skirt had popped off long ago and her old maternity suit was barely containing her engorged body. Steve tried to get in, but his belly was so big that he could not get behind the wheel of their car. Poor Steve had to get Sara back out, get her behind the wheel,(just barely!) and squeeze himself in. Thanks goodness that John and Heidi had brought John’s pickup, he was so huge he had to lie in the bed for the ride home. Heidi was barely able to get behind the wheel herself! Katy and I barely made it. I helped Katy into the passengers seat, she looked so great, she looked even bigger than when we arrived I noticed. I tried to put on my sweats, but I could not bend down far enough to reach them, funny I thought. We all headed home for long nights sleep. Thank goodness Halloween fell on a Friday night!

The next morning I woke up. I felt kind of weird. I ran my hands over my body and I seemed to be still in my costume. I got up to use the bathroom, I felt I was waddling, my thighs were rubbing together and my cheeks seemed to be shifting around as I tried to walk. I looked in the mirror and saw I was still in the Captain Underpants briefs. I hooked my fingers around the waist band to pull them off, but I didn’t feel the padding! I tugged off the now tight feeling briefs and let them slide to the floor. I still could not bend over. I looked in the mirror I could not believe what I was seeing. I had worn a pair of my usual briefs under the large costume ones. There staring back at me in the mirror was a huge, fat me! I had an enormous belly sagging over the waistband of my bikini, my bottom was even bigger, with a huge roll of fat sagging over the top and another roll under each leg opening. I shook myself, and to my shock, I jiggled. I could not see my feet, my belly stuck out so far. I climbed onto the scale it read 275 pounds! I had gained seventy five pounds and nearly a foot on my waist in one night!
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Steffi Eats 2 years
I'm so glad you've republished this. It is my all time favourite story and I love everything about it.
Fanedfox 2 years
Thank you for kind comment.
Stranger122 2 years
Wow you wouldn't believe how often this story has crossed my mind over the years
Thank you so much for posting it here
Fanedfox 2 years
Thank you for commenting, I glad you enjoyed it.