The halloween party

chapter 3

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I waddled out to check on Katy. I moved to her side of the bed and pulled back the covers, she was on her side with her tummy bulging out onto the bed. She was still in the leotard, but panty hose and given way and there was a large hole in it exposing her plump thigh. The leg openings on the leotard were cutting into her bottom creating panty lines. I touched her belly, it was soft and quivered at my touch, not like padding.
Katy started to stir, I realized that my belly was sticking out over her face and I backed up. She woke up and looked up at me. “Honey, get out of your costume, you look too cute in it”. “Katy,” I said and shook her awake.
“It’s not a costume, honey, it’s all me!” She looked up her eyes widen, “Matt, your belly, your rear end, Honey your huge, what happened” she cried. All I could do was pat my belly and say, “Linda’s party, Katy don’t you remember how much we all ate?” “Well, now that you mention it, I remember getting a huge plate of food, but that’s all I can remember, until you were helping me into the car”, she answered. Katy ran her hand down over her tummy and thighs, “Oh My God,” she shrieked, “I am huge too.”
I helped her to her feet, she was having a hard time standing her belly stuck out so far that her center of gravity was messed up. We waddled to the bathroom for Katy to relieve herself. We got the leotard off and the hose. Katy looked fantastic, her belly stuck out as if she were nine month pregnant with twins, her bottom jiggled all over as she walked.

Katy and I just stared into the mirror looking at the two round people staring back at us. Katy was rubbing her tummy and she started to smile, “Matt, you know this feels really good. Honey, are getting as turned on as I am?”
She asked. I grabbed her close to me and we kissed and waddled back to our bed for the best sex we had ever had.
An hour and half later we showered, not together though, we could not both fit in the shower together. I pulled on a t-shirt which did not cover my belly and a clean brief left over from the package Katy got at the thrift store. My regular briefs were not obscenely to small. Katy found a maternity panty in her closet and one of my t-shirts, that barely covered her tummy. We were both starving, but we were worried to leave our room, what our children would think when they saw how fat their parents were now.

We finally worked up the nerve and waddled downstairs. To our shock, neither of our teenage kids made the least comment about how much we had changed in one night. They acted as if we have been this big all the time.
Maggie, our daughter, only said that she got everything on the shopping list this morning and that we must be starved it is so late. She excused herself from the kitchen and said she was going over to the Mall with her girl friends and would see us later. We even hugged her good by, she kissed Katy and gave me an affectionate pinch on my belly.

This is so weird I thought. “Let’s call Steven and Sara, they were eating as much as we were.” I suggested. Katy dialed their number, “Sara, is that you?” she asked. I picked up the other phone to listen in. “Yes, this is URP, Sara”, she answered. “Hi, it’s Katy and Matt, are you guys okay, I mean did you gain any weight from last night at Harry and Linda’s?” Katy asked.
Sara giggled, “Yes, URP, we did! You won’t believe how big we are!” she shrieked into the phone. “Steve and I are having at little URP, BURP, breakfast in bed, URP, URP, BURP, Oh I can’t believe how much fun this is!” Katy asked, “Sara, how big are you?” Sara burped again and answered, “I look like I am nine months with triplets! Steve is huge I think he weighs over three hundred pounds. You want some more? Dear.” Katy said, “Sara, we will call you later, I’m going to call John and Heidi and then talk to Linda to see what she did to us” Sara burped again, “Ok, call us back, but I think we are going shopping for some clothes and more groceries, bye”. She hung up.

Katy just stared at the phone. I started to fix a whole box of pancakes and a couple of pounds of bacon I was starving. I could not believe how much food Maggie had bought at the store the kitchen seemed to be crammed with food.

Katy called John and Heidi. Heidi answered the phone, “Hello”, she said. Katy thought well at least she didn’t burp. “Heidi, its Katy, are you guys okay? Heidi giggled, “Well were are okay, but we are a lot bigger though.”
Katy said, “So are Matt and I and Steven and Sara. How big are you, Katy asked, Heidi, giggled again, “I look like I am carrying twin hippos, my tummy is so huge, I can’t see my feet and I can barely get into the bathroom.” How’s John” asked Katy, “Johns even bigger than me” giggled Heidi, “His belly is sagging down onto his thighs, he can hardly get off the bed, I have to help him up.” Just then Heidi shrieked, “John wants to have some more fun,” giggled Heidi, “call us back later” and she hung up.

I was already eating pancakes as fast as I could make them. I was just ravenous with hunger. Katy shrieked, “Hey some for me to, there big boy.” Katy pushed her tummy up against me and reached as far around her tummy as she could and kneaded by fat love handles.
4 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 2 years
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Steffi Eats 2 years
I'm so glad you've republished this. It is my all time favourite story and I love everything about it.
Fanedfox 2 years
Thank you for kind comment.
Stranger122 2 years
Wow you wouldn't believe how often this story has crossed my mind over the years
Thank you so much for posting it here
Fanedfox 2 years
Thank you for commenting, I glad you enjoyed it.