The fat reunion

chapter 2

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After nearly two hours of gorging ourselves, the family slowed eating to a stop. I looked around, everyone was bloated sitting in their chairs, hands rubbing their distended bellies. Aunt Mary announced that there would be a sundae making contest in an hour to allow everyone to relax and digest a bit. She said how proud she was that we managed to eat nearly all the food laid out.

It took me five minutes to finally get up from the table. I turned to help Katie and bumped her in the face with my bloated belly. She giggled, “Matt, your tummy looks really full, are you sure you can make a sundae and eat it?” I said, “I will if you will.” She giggled and poked my belly, “You’re on,” she said, as I helped her to her feet.

She looked fantastic to me. Her tummy was so bloated, it was straining against the waistband of her suit, starting to push it down under her navel. She staggered a bit as I helped her away from the table. She reached down under my distended belly to my hardening groin and giggled, “You are enjoying the view, honey”? I leaned over and kissed her! Our bellies bumping each other as we kissed.

I half waddled and half staggered up to our room. We lay on the bed rubbing each other’s belly. Katie looked me in the eye and asked, “do you know what’s going on, now, Matt?” “Yeah, I think so. Uncle Dave and Aunt Mary are trying to fatten us all up, aren’t they”. “You especially, honey, Aunt Mary has always thought you were way to thin to be in this family. She and Mom wanted me to feel better about myself too. So Aunt Mary came up with this idea of the three week binge to just get everyone up to her and Uncle Dave’s level.” “Well, you know honey at my age, if I gain a lot of weight, I will be fat the rest of my life. I just can’t keep up the exercise the way I used to. The amount of weight I will probably gain in the next three weeks, there is just no way I will be able to work any of it off”, I said.

I asked, “what about you? You have always been so concerned about your weight and appearance, I was surprised by your change of heart.” She answered, “Mom and I had a long talk, she was upset that I was so stressed out about my weight and this belly I have grown. She said that in our family all of the women have been fat if not obese. She said look at Maureen, she is huge and does not care at all how big she may get. She told me to let myself go, eat all I want and not worry about the consequences.”

She looked at me, “How do you feel about us gaining deliberately,” she asked. I answered, “You know that I always wanted to see more of you. I knew you were the girl for me when I first saw how big your mom was. I thought for sure you would follow in her footsteps.” Katie giggled, “Your terrible.” I went on, “the more I think about gaining myself, the more I get turned on. I love the tight briefs and my “speedos” because they make me look fatter than I am. I might as well stop pretending to be fat and just get FAT.” Katie sighed, “I’m so relieved, I thought you would be mad, because I set you up to be gorged for three weeks.” “No, I’m not mad, I have to admit I am more than a little turned on watching everyone eat with such abandon. What about Maureen and Paul and your mom and dad, none of them certainly “need” to gain anymore weight, why are they here.” “Well, Aunt Mary and Mom could not think of any other excuse for have us here for three weeks except for a reunion. You know Maureen and Paul, they LOVE TO EAT, so they were all for it. Mom and dad went along too, Mom loves to eat, but she is tired of cooking all the time,” Katie answered.

Just then Aunt Mary called to everyone to come on down and start making your sundaes. I helped Katie up, she put her hands on each side of my belly and shook it, “I hope to see a lot more of this”, she giggled. I poked her bloated tummy and said, “ditto here too.” I watched her waddled down the stairs to the dining room admiring her round bottom bouncing up and down and her swimsuit panty.

Both Katie and I grabbed a large bowl and started shoveling ice cream into them. We then covered the ice cream with everything that Aunt Mary had laid out on the table. The bowls weighed a ton when carried them over to show Mary. She was delighted with how much rich fattening stuff was in our bowls. I noticed her checking out my belly, which was beginning to lift up the front of my t-shirt.

We waddled over to the table and started to gorge on the rich desert. We finally finished at around nine thirty. We just sat back in our chair with our bellies bulging out in front of us. Katie rubbed my belly trying to quiet the gurgle it was making, we both giggled watching Maureen and Paul try to get up.

Maureen’s bathing suit, already too small, even before eight hours of gorging, finally let go along the side seam. Her belly and love handles making a break for it as she struggle to contain herself within the straining suit. Aunt Mary handed Maureen a robe of hers to cover up with. Paul helped her waddle to their room.

I leaned over to Katie’s ear, “are we going to get that big?” I asked. She giggled, “maybe bigger!” and poked my now taught belly. “Uh oh, somebody’s very full” she said giggling.

Katie and I finally were able to get up and waddle/stagger up to our room. After Katie had stripped off her suit and put on a pair of way to tight bikini panties and a teddy that let her bloated tummy bulge out from under, I turned around and bumped her with my huge, bloated belly, she fell onto the bed shrieking with laughter. She reached up and slapped my belly, “oh Matt you look great, your tummy is so huge!” I leaned back and put my hands on the small of back and arched my back out and stuck out my belly as far as I could, “do you think so, honey”! We fooled around for awhile as much as our now bloated bodies would allow us.

The next morning I woke up very early. I used the bathroom and was about to get back in bed when I heard someone in the kitchen. I headed downstairs to check it out. I should have put on some clothes, all I had on was a low cut bikini brief. I came around the corner of the kitchen to see Aunt Mary putting a plate overflowing with pancakes in front of Maureen. Maureen eyes looked kind of glazed over, I glanced down at her belly, which looked distended, caught between her legs and the bottom of the counter she was sitting at.

Aunt Mary smiled with glee in her eyes. “Matt, won’t you join us for an early breakfast snack?” she cooed. “Well, I need to get something on”, I stammered.
“Nonsense” said Mary. “I love to look at a nice full belly, come and sit down dear.”
I dutifully sat down and she started bringing me plate after plate of pancakes smothered in rich syrup and butter. They were so good, I just ate and ate and ate.
I must have had six plates full of pancakes. I looked down and all I could see was my belly bulging up against the counter. I had spilled syrup on my belly and down my chin. Aunt Mary came over and wiped my mouth and the top of my belly with a warm wash cloth, it felt so good.

She watched with glee as I struggled to my feet, swaying back and forth trying to get my balance with my new center of gravity. Maureen had already waddled back to her room, Paul had to come and help her up the stairs, she was so stuffed. She patted my belly and said, “You go back up to Katie and sleep dear, it will be time for breakfast in a few hours.” All I could do was stammer, “yes ma’am” as I waddled/staggered out of the kitchen and back to bed.

Three hours later around nine-thirty, Katie woke me up rubbing my belly. She helped to the bathroom which I desperately needed to visit. She started a shower for me and help pull off my bikini brief, I couldn’t bend down to take it off.
I lathered my belly, running my hands over, marveling at how big it was in just one day! I put some lotion on my belly and struggled into another “Speedo” brief and a now tight t-shirt. I then waddled downstairs to the dining room.

I was amazed the table was again covered in rich foods. There were platters of bacon, sausage, ham and eggs. Stacks of pancakes, French Toast, waffles, muffins and Danishes. The table seemed to be groaning under the weight of the feast prepared.

Katie was already laying into a large plate covered with eggs, bacon, sausage and donuts. She looked up at me and smiled with her mouth full of rich food. My stomach was now so stretched out from all the eating, I was ravenous, I grabbed the largest plate and filled it with rich food. I sat next to Katie and started stuffing the food into my mouth as fast as I could. By eleven, I thought that I could not move I was so engorged with rich food. My belly was pressing against the table, my t-shirt now rode up over my belly as it bulged out in front of me. My lap seemed to have disappeared under my bloated belly. Katie tapped it and it sounded rock hard, I was so stuffed. She and Paul helped me out to the lounge chairs on the deck.
Maureen was already there, asleep from her own second gorge of the day. Soon I joined her.
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Fafeedergainer 2 years
Love your work! 🙂
Fanedfox 2 years
Thank you for your kind comment!