The fat reunion

chapter 3

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Around one PM I awoke to Katie rubbing lotion on my still bloated belly. I opened my eyes, and said, “thanks honey, that feels so good.” I glanced down at her waist she was sitting in the chair next to mine, to my delight her tummy was bulging out pushing her legs apart. Her new swimsuit panty was straining to contain the beautiful, round orb her tummy was becoming. I of course got hard looking at my wife’s beautiful round tummy, she saw my reaction and rubbed my groin, giggling, “Matt you are just awful”. I reached over and put my hand on her tummy, she took in a sharp breath, “Oh honey, I think we go in for a little before noon “delight”.

We waddled up stairs and helped each other out of tight suits. We stood in front of the floor length mirrors bumping tummies, it was so erotic, I could hardly contain myself. Then on to the bed, it was bellies, bottoms and boobs bouncing everywhere.
I could not believe how much bigger we were and we had only been at the “cabin” for two days!

We had to shower after our exercise session. We went downstairs to see what Aunt Mary had prepared for lunch. The table was now covered with several six foot long sandwiches, nearly eight inches high with meat and cheeses. Katie and I were ravenous with hunger. All I wanted to do was eat as much as I could hold. We each cut off a two foot section of a massive sandwich. I got a big glass of Uncle Dave’s rich lager, Katie grabbed a liter bottle of Coke. We decided to go right out to the deck, so we would not have to move later after eating. We lowered ourselves into the lounge chairs gorged away on the massive sandwiches. Uncle Dave kept refilling my beer glass. After nearly two hours of gorging and drinking, I was in a stupor.
My belly was a packed mound now rising up from my legs and chest like a globe.
Katie was next to me, her belly had pushed down the waist band of her bathing suit panty, making it look like a bikini. She had fallen asleep she was so full. I fell asleep too.

I woke up around five thirty. Katie was still asleep. I struggled to sit up. Turned my legs around to get my feet under me. I had to rock back and forth to get enough momentum to stand up. I could feel the warmth of my belly resting on my thighs as I got ready to stand, it felt so good to feel my belly resting there I almost woke poor Katie up right then. I waddled to the bathroom for much needed relief. I marveled that I could no longer see my feet unless I bent forward to look at them.

On the way back out to the deck, Aunt Mary cornered me with her scooter. She reached up and put her fingers down between the waist band of my “Speedo” and my rapidly expanding belly. She exclaimed, “Well Matt it looks like you are becoming a true member of the family.” I answered, patting by belly, “Yes ma’am, I am trying my hardest!” She looked me over and said, “I think Dave has a suit that might fit you a little better, yours appears to be getting a bit tight. Fix yourself another plate dear, dinner will be in another hour.” I obeyed and waddled back to my chair and my still slumbering wife.

Dinner of course was another fantastic gorge of wonderful and fattening food. Katie and I gleefully stuffed ourselves with all the rich food we could stuff into each other.
We decided to feed each other for the fun of it. I enjoyed stuffing Katie almost more than stuffing myself and being fed was almost heaven.

This routine kept on for the remainder of the week and into the second week at Aunt Mary and Uncle Dave’s.

That Wednesday I struggled out of bed early, waddled into the bathroom. All I had on was a pair of briefs, my waist had expanded from an overweight 38” to a rapidly becoming obese, 48”. I was so full all the time and gained the weight so fast, that my belly was round and tight, having no time to start to sag. My butt had grown from a modest 41” to a now embarrassing 51”! Of course Katie loved my new figure. I had to admit that I was starting to like what I saw too. I had fantasies of eating all I wanted and getting a big belly and being complemented about my weight!

Katie was ballooning as much as I was. She tried to keep up with me and her sister eating but just could not. Her tummy was getting rounder and rounder, reminding me of when she was pregnant. Her bottom was huge, much to my delight, I loved watching her waddle around with her cheeks bouncing up and down. Aunt Mary and her Mom were constantly complimenting her on her new appearance and how wonderful she looked. I certainly reinforced her self image too. Katie was glowing she was so happy, eating all she wanted and all the support she was receiving, I could tell that she was in heaven.

Her sister Maureen was rapidly becoming immobile. Aunt Mary had another scooter, which she let her use. Maureen, though only an inch taller than Katie, still out weighed Katie by nearly one hundred pounds. This even after Katie’s near constant eating since arriving at the “cabin”.

Paul’s belly now sagged down on to his thighs, he could barely waddle to and from their room.

By the end of our reunion, I added another six inches to my magnificent belly. I could not believe how fat I had become in only three weeks. My weight was nearly 275 lbs. I jiggled as I waddled around the house. Katie loved every ounce of me too.

She had ballooned even more under Aunt Mary’s tutoring. She was even bigger than her Mom, but still smaller than Aunt Mary. She had quite a waddle too, though she still could get around on her own.

Maureen reached immobility. Aunt Mary gave her the scooter she was using as a present. She had to borrow clothes from her also, she had become so fat, that none of her things came even close to fitting her.

Paul too, had eaten his way out of his clothes, Uncle Dave had some sweats and t-shirts that fit him.

I had to admit that I had to borrow clothes from Uncle Dave also, I had gained so much.

After I had helped my beautiful Katie into our car and was just about to lower myself into the drivers seat, Aunt Mary called out, “Next Year?” I grabbed my belly and shook it, answering, “You bet!”
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Fafeedergainer 2 years
Love your work! 🙂
Fanedfox 2 years
Thank you for your kind comment!