Jeremy’s fitness program

chapter 11: the process

The meeting had begun. Both Jeremy and Ted went to Sarah’s. Sarah did know at this point what was up. Jeremy had texted her that Ted knew everything going on, just maybe not the part about Tanya. But either was there was Ted, sitting on the couch looking at Jeremy periodically seeing the mass he was now. Thinking to himself “how is this a thing”.

Sarah was already cooking in the kitchen when they both showed up. She kept her outfit casual, and made sure the guys had a couple beers while they waited. Then a knock came at the door.

Come in, I’m cooking now.

In walked Amanda, tall, brunette, pretty. She gave a quick wave and walked into the kitchen to help Sarah.

Both Ted and Jeremy looked at eachother. Sarah had turned around for a split second catching them both and had a little smirk on her face as she turned toward Amanda, then at that moment Amanda looked at Sarah, and they both started to giggle.

I didn’t know we’d have another guest.

Well yeah, I’m going to need help with all the food so I figured I’d bring a friend.

Sorry didn’t have a chance to introduce myself I was a little late.

Well nice to meet you.

Ted turns to Jeremy

What’s going on?

Player 2 has entered.

Dude I don’t know if I’m up for this.

You’ll enjoy this, even if it’s this one time.

I’m trusting you.

Trust me.

Sarah and Amanda finish cooking and set the table, both the guys get up and walk over sitting down with two massive plates of food in front of them. Ted is anxious with the amount he has infront of him.

Eat up guys, there’s plenty more.

Jeremy immediately dives in and Sarah takes her place next to him as Amanda sits next to Ted. Who is 130 pounds soaking wet, and may even be a bit shorter than Amanda.

Ted is in awe at Jeremy’s gluttony. He watches as Jeremy devours and expands with Sarah rubbing his belly with every bite.

Amanda clears her throat a bit, waiting in anticipation for Ted to follow suit.

Why don’t I just help you a bit.

At first Ted was a Little resistant but he thought to himself. It’s just a one and done anyway. For the next thirty or so minutes it was a nonstop feeding as Amanda put, sausage, eggs, waffles, plenty of butter and syrup on every bite. After some time Ted began to feel incredibly full till he felt Amanda place her hand on his pants and unbutton them, and then rubbing his belly.

“Holy shit” he thought. A slight burp comes out and she continues the feeding till he’s on edge completely slowly becoming comatose.

See, that was kind of fun wasn’t it.

She helps him to his feet. Belly extended as it would on someone as skinny as him. He peaks out the corner of his eye and sees as Jeremy is whisked away into Sarah’s room.

Amanda pulls Ted to the couch. Kissing him all over, kissing his belly. He was in a certain bliss. Was he liking it? Unsure, but he was liking Amanda for sure.

This gorgeous person feeding and tending to him. He couldn’t help himself, and neither could she.

I think you like all this.

You could tell.

Grabbing his crotch.

That’s not hard to miss.


He leans back, and she takes him in her mouth.
12 chapters, created StoryListingCard.php 2 years , updated 1 year
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Jens01 2 years
very hot more please