Jeremy’s fitness program

chapter 12: teds fatness program.

Jeremy had been at the mercy of Sarah’s relentless feedings for the past couple weeks. Last time they did a weigh in he had rocketed to 245 pounds, but now.

What does it say?

Whoa, you’ve grown.

He pats his stomach as he hears the number rattled off, two hundred and ninety five pounds. Nearly double where he started on his fitness journey. The damage was noticeable. Not only was his arms and legs jiggling with weight but his now 44 inch waist sat below his bulbous round gut that rocketed out. And of course the larger he got, the harder it was to do things, and harder for Sarah to keep her hands off him.

Sarah had created a ritual where she would plop him down on the couch, in one of his older shirts, and feed him till it got tight. Sometimes even able to get it to ride up a bit. Rarely stopping to the point where if he wanted off he could actually get up. This type of feeding is what packed on those extra 50 pounds in a couple months.

People had noticed, it was hard not to. Someone who less than a year ago was almost rail thin had hit a massive weight gain, bigger than a freshman 15.

During those past two months the once resistant and hesitant Ted had also caught a groove with Amanda, the first couple feedings still took place at Sarah’s, but with Jeremy’s absence Amanda started hanging out more at their apartment.

Ted was always someone to go hard on something he was into. Who’d of thought Amanda was the same way. Passing snacks between classes, meetings at Buffets, and late night ice cream, or nacho munch downs after a bar crawl was almost habitual.

They’d have the occasional feasting meet up too with Jeremy and Sarah. It’s like they had a club set up just for fattening them up further. And it was like Amanda and Ted wanted to see how much further and faster they could go to catch up to them.

In the beginning he was a super slim, five foot ten, and a hundred and thirty pounds. By that second month his 26 inch waist has grown to 34, the flat stomach now pushed out on a large t Shirt. Had to buy bigger towels for when he got out of the shower. They even liked playing with the fact his belly got so big they got him pants that expanded with him. And having his pants unbuttoned after lunch was the norm.

It was an insane amount of food and time put into his gaining. So much so, he had trouble sitting in his classroom chairs. The desks pressing into his newly formed gut.

This grove Amanda wild of course. She didn’t hide how much she was into it. Making sure to pull him aside occasionally to rub his belly, or loosen his belt for him whenever, remind him how he’s not recognizable anymore and this drove him crazy. It made him want to eat more. The gaining didn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon.
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Jens01 2 years
very hot more please